Avala Tower - 2 women standing in front of gray concrete building during daytime

How to Visit the Avala Tower in Belgrade?

Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is a vibrant and beautiful city with a rich history and culture. One of the city’s must-see attractions is the Avala Tower, a towering structure that offers breathtaking views of the city and its surroundings. If you’re planning a visit to Belgrade and want to make the most of your trip to the Avala Tower, here’s a handy guide to help you out.

Getting to the Avala Tower

The Avala Tower is located on Mount Avala, about 16 kilometers south of Belgrade city center. There are several ways to get to the tower, depending on your preference and budget.

By Car: If you have access to a car, driving to the Avala Tower is a convenient option. The journey takes around 30 minutes from the city center, and there is ample parking available near the tower.

By Public Transportation: If you prefer to use public transportation, you can take a bus from the city center to the Avala Tower. Bus number 400 operates regularly and takes you directly to the tower. The journey takes about 45 minutes, but it’s a scenic route that allows you to enjoy the beautiful countryside.

Entrance Fees and Opening Hours

Before visiting the Avala Tower, it’s essential to know the entrance fees and opening hours to plan your visit accordingly.

The tower is open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. The entrance fee is reasonable, and there are discounts available for students, children, and seniors. It’s advisable to check the official website or call ahead to confirm the opening hours and any special events or closures.

Exploring the Tower

Once you arrive at the Avala Tower, you’ll be amazed by its impressive architecture and panoramic views. The tower stands at a height of 204.5 meters and offers a 360-degree view of Belgrade and its surroundings.

Observation Deck: The highlight of the Avala Tower is the observation deck, which is located at a height of 122 meters. From here, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the city, the Danube and Sava rivers, and the surrounding mountains. On a clear day, you can even see as far as the neighboring countries.

Exhibition Area: The tower also houses an exhibition area that showcases the history and culture of Belgrade and Serbia. Here, you can learn about the tower’s construction, the significance of Mount Avala, and the city’s rich heritage. The exhibition area is informative and engaging, making it a great place to spend some time before or after enjoying the views from the observation deck.

Refreshments and Souvenirs: If you need a break or want to take home a memento from your visit, the Avala Tower has a restaurant and a gift shop. The restaurant offers a selection of local and international dishes, allowing you to enjoy a meal with a view. The gift shop sells a variety of souvenirs, including postcards, keychains, and traditional Serbian handicrafts.

Safety Tips

While visiting the Avala Tower, it’s important to prioritize your safety. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

– Follow the instructions of the staff and adhere to any safety guidelines provided.
– Be mindful of your belongings and keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times.
– Take care when walking on the observation deck, especially if you’re afraid of heights.
– If you have any health conditions or mobility issues, consult with the staff before visiting to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

In conclusion,

Visiting the Avala Tower in Belgrade is an unforgettable experience that offers stunning views and insights into the city’s history. With this guide, you’re now equipped with all the information you need to plan your visit. So, pack your camera, bring your sense of adventure, and get ready for an awe-inspiring journey to the Avala Tower.

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