Spiritual Meaning of Chills (shivering) - Awakening State

Spiritual Meaning of Chills (shivering)

What is the spiritual meaning of fever and chills?


A fever (also referred to as pyrexia) is a higher-than-normal body temperature.

Note – although a fever could be considered any body temperature above the normal 37 C (98.6 F), medically, an individual is not considered to have a fever until the temperature is above 38.0 C (100.4 F).

Furthermore, developing a high temperature is part of the human body’s natural way of supporting the immune system (part of the brain called the hypothalamus may decide to regulate the body’s temperature to a higher level) in fighting off infection and illness; nevertheless, it can become dangerous if the body’s temperature becomes too high, particularly in children.


Common causes may include:

  • cancer;
  • the common cold and the flu;
  • routine vaccinations;
  • infections abroad, like malaria;
  • gastroenteritis (irritation of your intestines);
  • side effects of some medications;
  • illegal drugs which increase heat production, like – cocaine and amphetamines;
  • hormone disorders like hyperthyroidism;
  • autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease;
  • pulmonary embolism or blood clot;
  • inflammatory conditions;
  • infections of the lung, ear, skin, throat, or kidney.

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SymptomsFever & Chills (Shivering) – Spiritual Meaning and Causes

When somebody has a fever, symptoms are linked to what is known as sickness behavior, and may include:

  • lethargy;
  • feeling cold when nobody else does;
  • problems concentrating;
  • shivering;
  • sweating;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleepiness;
  • hyperalgesia, or increased sensitivity to pain;
  • depression;
  • dehydration.

Chills (Shivering)

Chills (also called shivering) are caused by rapid alternation between muscle relaxation and contractions.

These muscle contractions are actually the way the human body tries to warm itself up when it’s cold.

Chills may arise without or with a fever.

Without fever, they usually arise after exposure to a cold environment.

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Common causes may include:

  • colds and flu;
  • cold environments or weather;
  • pneumonia;
  • hypothermia (it is defined as a body core temperature below 35.0 °C);
  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • bacterial infections;
  • some types of cancer;
  • some types of autoimmune disorders;
  • urinary tract infections (UTIs);
  • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • glandular fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • meningitis.


Common signs and symptoms may include:

  • fever (high temperature);
  • feeling cold (even under blankets);
  • pale or clammy skin;
  • tremors;
  • shivering.

ALSO READ: Iron Deficiency Anemia – Spiritual Causes

Spiritual Meaning of Fever

When the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, I have a fever. Fever is a symptom of emotions that burn me.

These emotions turn into anger against me and others or against a situation. It invades my entire body.

Why do I need to get to this extreme?

Is it my way to compensate, rest, and receive more love and attention?

Do I need this break to adapt to a rapidly changing reality?

What is it that irritates me about life?

It is usually a “burning” emotion that occurs, or this emotion takes the form of intense fury, indignation, despair, and anxiety.

I worry about everything that exists around me, except the most important thing: my inner well-being.

I want others to be proud of me, but how do I perceive myself? If I am a child, sudden fever can be related to inner conflicts, anger, or a wound.

As a child, I express my emotions through the body because I don’t know how to express them verbally yet.

Whatever it is, I accept and try to identify the cause of that fever, and I shall find an accumulation of irritation and anger, which often occurs when I think about past misfortunes.

Instead of generating violence, I become aware of my needs and accept learning to communicate in order to express what I feel.

From now on, I am no longer accumulating anything: I know that the solution is dialogue and communication.

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Spiritual Meaning of Chills (Shivering)

Chills occur when my mind is cold and stiff.

I feel accused and threatened.

Chills give me an excuse to be alone.

I realize that I am stuck with the events of my life.

What is the reason I feel threatened?

I must check what caused this tension (person or event), and I realize that it’s my fears and my need to please others.

I need to be loved and appreciated.

The lack of love is what gives me a cold feeling.

Cold symbolizes loneliness, suffering, terror, and the dark side of things.

There is something that froze me, my heart has frozen.

I accept letting things run smoothly and do not judge myself.

I choose a more flexible and gentle way to manage my emotions.

The others are nothing but a reflection of myself.

Everything that happens to me in life has the purpose of helping me to overcome my limits and to evolve.

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