Gangsta Granny by David Walliams | Goodreads
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Gangsta Granny #1

Gangsta Granny

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Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David’s previous bestsellers.

Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma's house. She's the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn't know about his grandma:

1) She was once an international jewel thief.

2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben's help...

299 pages, Hardcover

First published October 1, 2011

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About the author

David Walliams

196 books3,117 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.

David Walliams is an actor and writer best known for his work with Matt Lucas in the multi-award-winning sketch show Little Britain. His debut children's novel, The Boy in the Dress, was published in 2008 to unanimous critical acclaim and he has since developed a reputation as a natural successor to Roald Dahl.

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343 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,107 reviews
February 9, 2017
Walliams is a clever writer. He hides all sorts of moral lessons (which I usually hate) in his books and always with a light touch. In this book Ben loves his Granny but he thinks she's boring. She cooks disgusting-smelling cabbage soup and plays endless games of Scrabble. But... she has a biscuit tin of shiny jewels, or perhaps they are just glittery glass, only at the end do you find out. And so their joint career as jewel thieves on a mobility scooter attempting to steal the Crown Jewels begins. They are caught! But the Queen intervenes. She turns out to be quite an interesting lady who gets them off the hook!

It's a great story, and actually a better film as Joanna Lumley is a brilliant Queen. She, being above the law, can apply it in the spirit of fairness, rather than with the lack of humanity the police will do when it is an easy job and will bring them kudos. (Walliams is a bit subversive that way).

And what we learn is that jewels, or glittery glass have the same ability to bring wonder and happiness. It just depends on your attitude. Life is like that really. A new pair of trainers don't have to be Nike. A third hand car can give you as much pride as a new BMW. And that love, - romantic, of parents, of dancing, just love, makes everything sparkly and interesting whereas without it, it can be kind of grey.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews165 followers
May 17, 2022
Gangsta Granny, David Walliams

Gangsta Granny is a British children's comedy fiction book, written by David Walliams, illustrated by Tony Ross and published by HarperCollins. Publication date: 27 October 2011.

Ben, a boy, hates having to stay with his Granny every Friday because his parents go to see a dancing show named "Strictly Stars Dancing". He finds it boring and repetitive as his Granny always feeds him cabbage-related dishes, most commonly cabbage soup and cabbage chocolate, and they are constantly playing Scrabble, plus her television hasn't been working since the 1990's. Ben loves plumbing and is a long-term subscriber to the magazine Plumbing Weekly, which he buys every week from Raj's news-agency. Ben's parents disapprove of him being a plumber, as their ambition for their only child was to be a professional ballet dancer like the one they used to watch every Friday. ...

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «مادر بزرگ گانگستر»؛ «ننه ی خلافکار»؛ «مامان بزرگ گانگستر»؛ نویسنده دیوید ویلیامز؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و یکم ماه آوریل سال2014میلادی

عنوان: مادر بزرگ گانگستر؛ نویسنده: دیوید ویلیامز؛ مترجم آنیتا یارمحمدی؛ تهران، ویدا، سال1391؛ در130ص؛ شابک9786002910431؛
موضوع: داستانهای کودکان از نویسندگان بریتانیا -سده21م

عنوان: ننه ی خلافکار؛ نویسنده دیوید ویلیامز؛ مترجم فرمهر امردوست؛ تهران، حوض نقره، سال1392؛ در120ص؛ شابک9786001942228؛

عنوان: مامان بزرگ گانگستر؛ نویسنده: دیوید ویلیامز؛ مترجم: مریم رفیعی؛ تهران، قطره، سال1393؛ در233ص؛ مصور، شابک9786001197154؛

بن، پسری است که از اینکه باید هر جمعه در نزد مادربزرگ خود بماند، دلخور است، زیرا پدر و مادرش برای دیدن یک نمایش رقص میروند؛ او این موضوع را خسته کننده و تکراری میداند زیرا مادربزرگش همیشه غذاهای مرتبط با کلم، معمولاً سوپ کلم و شکلات کلم را به او میخوراند، و ...؛

نقل نمونه متن: («بن» که روی صندلی پشتی ماشین مچاله شده بود گفت: اما مادربزرگ حوصله آدم رو سر میبره، عصر جمعه یک روز سرد نوامبر بود و می‌رفتند طرف خانه مادربزرگش؛ قرار بود «بن» باز هم آخر هفته‌ اش را آنجا بگذراند؛ دوباره نق زد اصلا همه پیرها حوصله سر برن؛ پدر که ماشین کوچک و قهوه‌ ای را می‌راند، و شکم‌ گنده ‌اش به فرمان چسبیده بود، گفت: در مورد مادربزرگت اینطوری حرف نزن؛ - تنهایی اونجا حوصله ‌ام سر میره! تلویزیونش خرابه و همیشه هم میخواد «اسکربل -بازی با حروف انگلیسی» بازی کنه؛ خونه اش هم همیشه بوی گند کلم میده! مادر گفت: خب بچه این یکیو راست میگه! لباسش همیشه بوی گند کلم میده؛...)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 30/03/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 26/02/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Paul.
2,113 reviews20 followers
May 2, 2016
I downloaded this audiobook this weekend purely to have something to listen to on our journey home from our holiday. Having previously enjoyed Walliams’ Billionaire Boy, I figured this book would probably be just as good and an amusing way to pass a few hours on the road. I wasn’t expecting Gangsta Granny to be as good as it turned out to be.

This book starts out in the author’s usual style; an updated, slightly ruder, version of Roald Dahl’s much beloved type of tall tale telling. Walliams has been touted as Dahl’s natural successor so often now that I’m getting slightly sick of hearing it but his love of Dahl’s work is undeniable; it oozes from every page.

We have a quirky eleven-year-old protagonist in Ben, a boy who dreams of becoming a plumber despite his pushy parents’ star-addled desire for him to become a professional dancer. Ben hides his plumbing magazines under his mattress in much the same way as some young lads used to hide porno mags before the Internet made them almost completely redundant (or so I've heard).

Due to his obnoxious parents’ desire to have the night to themselves once per week (so they can watch their celebrity dance shows on the telly) Ben is shipped off to his grandmother’s bungalow every Friday evening. Ben hates spending time with his granny; she’s boring and smells of cabbage. Things change, though, when Ben discovers his boring granny used to be an international jewel thief.

His shenanigans with his ‘gangsta granny’ take up the first two acts of the book and they are hilarious. Just when this story had played itself out and I thought the book had come to an end, though, I glanced over at my Audible app and noticed there was almost another hour to go. What on Earth is going to take up the last third of the book? I mused. Well, if you want to know, click on the spoiler below.

My respect for Walliams’ writing skills has tripled since reading this book and I look forward to reading more of his work. Like Roald Dahl, Walliams writes so well adults will enjoy his books just as much as children will. Possibly more, actually.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,858 followers
December 11, 2016
This was a fantastic (as always) David Williams book where we discover that Ben's Granny has a fascinating double life and together they save the UK from certain disaster! High comedy and fun and even the Queen herself makes an appearance! Wonderful book for kids over 6!
Profile Image for Stefan Garland.
Author 1 book81 followers
January 26, 2021
Da mi je neko rekao da će ova knjiga da me rasplače, ne bih mu verovao.

Ova priča nije samo zabavna i duhovita, već i vrlo poučna i podseća nas da, ma koliko godina imali mi, i ma koliko godina imale naše bake, uvek imamo strpljenja za njih i ne zaboravimo da su i one nekad bile mlade, i da se nisu rodile stare i ''dosadne''.

Ljubav za sve bake ovog sveta! <3
Profile Image for Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore.
868 reviews210 followers
December 10, 2018
This was my introduction to Walliams, whose books I’d been noticing for quite a while, and I picked this one since the plot sounded great fun (so do many of the others, actually). This is all about eleven-year-old Ben, whose parents are obsessed with a dancing show “Strictly Stars Dancing”, and who want him to take an interest in it as well. No, not just an interest, but they wish he’d turn a contestant and conquer the dancing world on both sides of the pond. But Ben is really interested only in plumbing, and even goes to great lengths to buy plumbing magazines and hide them where his parents can’t find them, not expecting them to encourage him in this pursuit. Anyway, when Ben's parents are watching the show or going to any live event associated with it, Ben is left at his grandma’s (usually every Friday). But he finds poor Granny rather boring because she is your typical old lady with white hair, and false teeth, who unfortunately smells of cabbage (and cooks everything, including cake, with cabbage—there’s even a “recipe”), and only likes to play scrabble with Ben, and read endless gangsta novels. All Ben tries to do when he is at Granny’s is to try and escape, even trying to agree to watching Strictly Stars Dancing with his parents. But all that changes one day to just the reverse when he discovers that his grandma is an international jewel thief—a gangsta granny!!! Now Ben can’t wait to be at Granny to hear all about her adventures when she was young (as he realises to his surprise that all grannies are), and even to try and join her one, perhaps?

This book was so cute and so much fun. I loved the plot when I read about it and as much when I read it in execution. The story goes along for a bit as you expect it to, but then also takes a few unexpected turns as well. It has adventure, humour, lots of fun illustrations as well (by Tony Ross) which I really loved as well. It is lighthearted pretty much all through but takes on a slightly more serious note towards the end which is a little bittersweet. Ben is pretty likeable, and his parents are a little crazy but fun too. In poking fun at their obsession with the dancing show, Walliams is also I guess poking fun at his own world (I only discovered that he is a judge on Britain’s Got Talent when I wrote a post about this book some time ago). Granny who might look like your typical grandma turns out surprising in her own way, though what she really wants in life is no different from others in her place. I enjoyed her tales about all her jewel heists in various parts of the world. Another thing I liked about the book is that without being preachy, it is able to deliver an important message as well about age and about the relationship between generations—not just grandparents and grandchildren but parents and children as well. I really enjoyed this a lot. The one complaint I had though was that the humour in some places is somewhat on the crass side which I found off-putting, but not all of it, so it didn’t interfere with my reading too much.

This review also appears on my blog at:
Profile Image for James.
443 reviews
January 31, 2018
‘Mr Stink’ (2009) and ‘Gangsta Granny’ (2011) – both entertaining and amusing novels from the now very commercially successful pen of David Walliams.

Both stories very much influenced by and written in the tradition of Roald Dahl and whilst both stories are good ones, Walliams ultimately lacks the flair, finesse and magic of Dahl at his best. ‘Gangsta Granny’ and ‘Mr Stink’ both have a very contemporary setting (which may swiftly date them and affect their longevity and shelf-life) and both have very domestic settings with stories leading to extraordinary turns of event. In Mr Stink, Walliams has created a wonderful character – perfect for the target age range of the majority of his readers and the denouement here is almost Dickensian in nature, however it is ‘Gangsta Granny’ which is the funniest, most effective and surprisingly, the most moving of the two novels.

The illustrations in ‘Gangsta Granny’ by Tony Ross are lovely, however they don’t quite compare with those from the wonderful pen of Quentin Blake in ‘Mr Stink’.

Both books provide plenty of good solid enjoyable fun, both have been hugely popular and both have spawned TV adaptations – but neither is quite in the same league as those by the great Roald Dahl. Whilst Walliams’ novels are clearly entertaining and accomplished, because they have a style and narratives reminiscent of and in the tradition of Dahl, they were always going to be compared to and suffer by that comparison to Dahls’ classic works.
12 reviews
June 26, 2012
This book is about a boy called Ben who thinks his granny is really boring! Little did he know…she was a jewel thief!!! Ben’s Granny is addicted to cabbage soup and she eats it everywhere she goes. Ben and granny go on a jewel quest, to steal the crown jewels…they had to find a mode of transport to get there, and the only options were to go on granny’s mobility scooter down the motorway, and swim down the river Thames to a secret opening to the Tower of London…this book is full of funny moments as well as sad. Children are familiar with the setting (London) and really respond well to having a boring Granny turned jewel thief!!!
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,371 reviews104 followers
June 14, 2020
If the other David Walliams novels on my Goodreads to-read list are as stereotypical, as ridiculously (artificially) silly and as lacking in depth and even rudimentary character development as his very much personally annoying and frustrating to and for me Gangasta Granny has in my humble opinion been (and yes, which I did try to at least mildly appreciate for its featured contemporary United Kingdom cultural content but which truly ended up being just so annoyingly on the surface and so tediously boring and eye-rollingly frustrating that I had to abandon it, that I chose not to continue reading Gangsta Granny), I will probably have to consider that David Walliams as an author is more than likely absolutely not for me. And while I do realise that I am of course also not the intended audience with regard to Gangsta Granny and likely with David Walliams' oeuvre in general, truth be told, even as a child reader, the on the surface stereotypical silliness and lack of textual depth and nuances that I have found in Gangsta Granny would also and equally have majorly bothered if not actively infuriated me.

So of course and naturally, this is also why both my adult reading self and equally my inner child have just not at all enjoyed either David Walliams' writing style or the themes and contents of Gangsta Granny enough to consider spending any more of my precious reading time on and with a novel that I obviously just cannot really stand, that I simply cannot find even remotely readable and with personally relatable and likeable characters. And indeed, the ONLY reason why I am still rating Gangsta Granny with two stars and not with the one star rating I usually tend to reserve for my could not be bothered to finish books is that I do find the contemporary United Kingdom setting of Gangsta Granny interesting but also not really enough so to keep on reading (I mean, I only have a limited amount of reading time and lots of books to read for academic purposes, and thus, if a novel I am trying to read for pleasure just does not work, I now generally do try to cut my reading losses and move on to something else).
Profile Image for Ceri.
284 reviews97 followers
April 6, 2015
I read this as a bedtime story over a few nights with my children, aged 5 and 8. Ben thinks his granny is a boring old lady, who only likes playing scrabble and eating cabbage but he's about to find out that he has under appreciated Granny. Could she possibly be a gangster? Or even a gangsta?!

This was a read which both my children enjoyed. There were a few gross references, to breaking wind mostly, which are always a winner with children. It's a good book to read aloud, but be prepared to do some voices, because it works much better if you're willing to put some effort into it!

I thought that the writing was along the lines of Roald Dahl, however unlike Dahl's writing there was a moral to this story, which surprised me a little bearing in mind David Walliams' comedy! I would give a word of warning that there is quite a sad event in this book, which may be a little upsetting for more sensitive children.

One aspect of the book I enjoyed was the references to the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels which really interested my children (educational opportunity!). We'd certainly try another David Walliams book.
Profile Image for Laura Corna.
184 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2016
Lovely book for young readers: I read it with my daughters. It made me laugh and cry... but it also teaches that every person has got something special if you want to know him/her.
Profile Image for Tom Loock.
688 reviews10 followers
November 9, 2013
I do not want to be unfair. This is a book for children. I am not a child, but a grumpy old man. Still, I occasionally read (and very much enjoy) YA novels, I just love funny novels and this is among the bestselling comedy books in the UK these are three valid reasons for curiosity - and there may be other adults like me tempted to try David Walliams.


Maybe I would have fared better, if I liked his TV writing (Little Britain), but I am not a fan of that show at all, finding it either mean spirited, exploiting the worst stereotypes or just plain stupid. Sorry.

Gangsta Granny suffers from the same problems: It uses the lowest common denominators to gain as wide an audience as possible that it overshoots at those who actually prefer to think for themselves and ask questions. Case in point: Ben's parents are such unlikely caricatures of adults in their obsession with (and reduction to) ballroom dancing, it is painful. And though his grandmother's secret past as a thief might be a funny idea in itself (just not very original), her other persona of 'granny' is such a stereotype it should not have made it past the first editor.

To call David Walliams a modern Roald Dahl is very inappropriate.
Profile Image for Hamad.
1,139 reviews1,512 followers
December 30, 2023
“All you can do in this life is follow your dreams. Otherwise you're just wasting your time.”

I know Mr.David Walliams from BGT but I did not know that he was a known author until recently, and as I always loved him as a judge: , I wanted to be the judge here and to check his talents, David... you've got 4 "yeses" or stars for now...

If you like your Grandma -and mine is one of my fav people ever- you are sure to like this book,
it was funny, educative (pigs almost do NOT have sweat glands) and emotional and it was a little bit deep too.

The cover reminds me of Roald Dahl books and the content was as good too, I also read that some call David the next Roald Dahl and he deserves it, I think I am checking his other works soon.

Profile Image for Effie Saxioni.
651 reviews113 followers
May 1, 2020
Πολύ ανθρώπινο και συγκινητικό,αν το διαβάσετε μαζί με τα παιδιά σας,πάρτε χαρτομάντιλα,θα κλάψετε πάρα πολύ.Εμείς ακόμα κλαίμε😥😥
107 reviews10 followers
April 6, 2016
This book is just so brilliant and heart breaking. It was such a short read and anyone can read it in two hours. I loved everything in this book and yes I know, it is a childrens book, but still, it was so awesome. I couldn't put it down. So far, it is one of my favorite reads of 2016 and I am definitely looking forward to reading more of David Williams books.
Profile Image for Minh Trang.
555 reviews163 followers
February 10, 2020
Một cuốn sách đáng yêu cực kì và cũng cảm động hết sức 😁

Khoảng cách thế hệ luôn là một điều rất khó vượt qua. Vậy nên bà của Ben đã phải lao tâm khổ tứ để trở nên thú vị hơn trong mắt đứa cháu, để nó không cảm thấy việc gặp bà là sự khó chịu.

Btw, bạn nào muốn mua sách đẹp với giá hợp lí thì ghé page mình xem nha :"> (
Profile Image for Kitty.
Author 5 books5 followers
January 3, 2015
What a lovely book by David Walliams. 'Gangster Granny' has it all...funny bits...exciting bits..and sad bits. I have just finished reading it with my daughter who is in year 4 and she absolutely loved and couldn't put it down.

Its a heart warming story about a boy who discovers that his granny is not just about cabbage and scrabble and is an international jewel thief. Together they plan the world's biggest heist - the Crown Jewels!
Their journey in crime is extremely entertaining, especially when they met the Queen.The language is conversational so it is easy to get swept along in the narrative but sufficiently peppered with vocabulary that could challenge years 3 or 4 in some places.

It is a lovely book for not only individual but whole class reading. Walliams handles the issue of granny's death very sensitively. It serves to simplify a child's acceptance of the death of a loved one and can certainly expand any PHSE or RE session if a teacher is sensitive enough to structure a lesson using this story as an opening.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ali.
1,508 reviews128 followers
July 19, 2015
I really should have said no to reading this book, lent to me by an eight year old. It contains some of the lazy kids writing tropes I really dislike - adults whose clear stupidity is marked by their no-hoper working class jobs (because no nail technician ever had capacity for independent thought and critical analysis), overly signalled plot developments, jokes which are just cliches ranked up to 10, and total disdain for believability or coherent world building. it was thankfully, a quick read, and the , which attempted to deal somewhat in colours in grey, was a significant improvement on the rest.

But anything that gets kids reading, and isn't kinda evil, gets some points. 'Cause after all, who cares about what I think? Eight year old loved it.
Profile Image for Duyên  Đỗ.
130 reviews
March 1, 2018
Ngoài sự thật đáng sợ là: "Chẳng ai có thể là trẻ con mãi được", thì còn một sự thật nữa đáng sợ hơn: "Tất cả chúng ta, ai rồi cũng sẽ phải già đi."
Già đi chắc sẽ đáng sợ lắm, nhất là đối với phụ nữ. Chắc hẳn sẽ trở thành một bà lão giống như bà của Ben: tóc bạc, răng giả, thích ăn súp bắp cải và chơi trò xếp chữ. Và một điểm nữa mà ít người biết là bà rất cô đơn. Thế nhưng, bà nội Ben không chỉ có vậy, bà còn có một bí mật lớn mà chẳng ai ngờ tới, bà là một găngxtơ (mà găngxtơ là gì thì lát mình sẽ google search). Thế đó, hoàn toàn ngạc nhiên và vô cùng hấp dẫn, cứ thế mình theo chân Ben và bà nội đến cuối truyện và dừng lại ở một cái kết bất ngờ và xúc động.
Một thông điệp ý nghĩa, một chút nỗi buồn và thật nhiều niềm vui, tất cả đủ cho một bestseller hài hước của Anh.
Profile Image for Payam Ebrahimi.
Author 64 books152 followers
September 7, 2021
تركيبى از يك نويسنده‌ی متوسط و مترجم افتضاح.
این کتاب من رو عصبانی کرد.
تنها نکته‌ی درخشان کتاب اسمش بود که باعث میشد آدم جذب کتاب بشه و بره سراغش و کلاه گشادی بره
- شروع خسته‌کننده. ریتم کند و وقایعی که راحت میشد از روی نصفش گذشت
-پرداخت افتضاح و زبان فاجعه! نویسنده قانون ابتدایی و اولیه‌ی «نگو، نشان بده!» رو بصورت کاملا برعکس پیاده کرده‌بود. درست قسمتهایی که نیاز به توضیح و توصیف و فضاسازی داشتن به‌صورت سرسری، دم دستی و گزارشی نوشته شده بودن.
-«منطق جهان داستانی» اصلا وجود نداشت. از بیخ و بن جهان داستانی روی هوا بود. ��ر نتیجه هیچکدوم از اتفاقات باورپذیر نبودن و وقایع داستان شلخته و پلشت و بی حساب کتاب بنظر می‌اومدن. واقعا کدوم خواننده‌ای این وقایع رو باور میکنه و با داستان همراه میشه؟
-اگر میخواید بدونید یه رمان رو چطور باید تموم کرد، چند فصل آخر این کتاب رو بخونید و هرکاری نویسنده کرده، همون کارها رو هررررگز نکنید. یک اتفاق بی‌دلیل و بی‌کارکرد که در طول داستان هیچ کمکی به پیشبرد داستان نکرده، ناگهان در پایان کتاب قراره ما رو تکون بده! چرا؟ چون نویسنده در کل کار هیچی برای روکردن نداشته و با دست خالی رمان رو نوشته. پس مجبوره اون آخرا یه چیزی رو زورکی بچپونه.
-پایان فصل ده: وقتی از تعلیق یه‌چیزی شنیدی ولی در حد سریال‌های ایرانی هم بلد نیستی ازش استفاده کنی.
-کلیشه‌ی زشت رابطه‌ی زن و مادر شوهر که به طرز عجیب، کلیشه‌ای و مسخره‌ای در کتاب بود و البته کارکردی هم نداشت.
-تحول ناگهانی و اغراق‌آمیز و احمقانه‌ی پدر و مادر در پایان داستان دقیقا نقطه‌ای بود که مطمئن شدم نویسنده ما رو دست انداخته و رسما داره بهمون توهین میکنه.
-ترجمه ‌ی خانم مریم رفیعی هم مرزهای بد بودن و عدم تسلط اولیه به زبان فارسی رو درنوردیده‌بود.
-در نهایت اینکه یک جاهایی حس میکردم نویسنده زور زده تا ادای رولد دال رو دربیاره. که خب ... خیلی کوچیک‌تر از این حرفاست.

-عیب مِی جمله بگفتم، پس اینم بگم که به‌نظرم فصل مواجهه با ملکه تنها قسمت جذاب و چشمگیر کار بود. تنها جایی که میشد دید نویسنده طنز رو بلده و می‌فهمه. البته احتمالاً اين فصل از دستش در رفته. وگرنه از چنین نویسنده‌ای بعیده يك فصل رو با چنين طنز خوب و تميزى پيش ببره.
Profile Image for Isabel.
1 review10 followers
July 28, 2014
This is my all time favourite book. The humour is great. I like it because it has cliffhangers that make you want to read on. The book just hooks you in from the very start. I would recommend this book to people between the ages of 9 and 12.
Profile Image for Chrysanthi.
26 reviews4 followers
May 19, 2021
Κράτησε, όσο λίγα βιβλία, αμείωτο το ενδιαφέρον της κόρης μου 8 χρονών, τόσο με την πλοκή όσο κ με λέξεις όπως "πορδές", "σκατούλες" που την έκαναν να κατουριέται στο γέλιο.
4 αστεράκια κ όχι 5, γιατί το τέλος ήταν πολυ σπαραξικάρδιο.
Profile Image for Ana.
550 reviews112 followers
June 25, 2018

Categoria: Livro escrito por uma celebridade

Um livro muito original e divertido. Não me custa nada a perceber porque tem tanto sucesso junto das camadas mais jovens.
Profile Image for Iryna Khomchuk.
454 reviews74 followers
April 21, 2020
Уперше я настільки розійшлася в оцінці книги з іншою людиною, що... забанила її в ФБ))) Коментаторка мого короткого допису про книгу, яку #зараз_я_читаю, заявила, що "Бабця-бандитка" вчить дітей "бухати під ларьком", і коли ми дочитаємо книгу (бо вона особисто подолала лише кілька сторінок "цієї маячні"), то мій син стане алкоголіком...

Так от: ми прочитали книгу цілком, наприкінці читання розчулилися обоє ледь не до сліз, син наразі п’є какао, а ще знає, що знайти своє покликання й слідувати за ним — це й означає бути щасливим. Навіть якщо ти хочеш стати... сантехніком.

Якщо ж відкинути намагання завершити непродуктивну суперечку (маю такий недолік, на жаль))), то про книгу скажу: вона класна! Й 11-річний герой, і його батьки, занурені у своє життя, які мають свої плани на майбутнє сина, і самотня бабуся — дуже реалістичні та актуальні й для нас (хоча автор — британець). Хлопчина захоплюється сантехнікою, однак приховує це, ховає журнали, бо ж це ганебно — мріяти про сантехніку. Потрібно мріяти про танці, й намагатися виконати бажання батьків, котрі хочуть бачити сина відомим танцівником. Хлопець спробував догодити батькам, однак те, що з цього вийшло, змусило нас реготати до сліз.

До сліз, однак не веселих, довело нас і ставлення родини до бабусі. Самотня жінка живе лише очікуваннями щоп’ятничних зустрічей із онуком, котрий вважає бабусю дуже нудною. Її життя й справді минуло банально, однак коли вона розуміє, що наближається до фіналу (жінці діагностували рак), вирішує змінити хоча б щось. І їй вдається...

Книга дуже емоційна. Ми то см��ялися, то сумували — дуже ціную майстерність авторів, котрі вміють майструвати такі "гойдалки". Книга #про_важливе: мрії, родинні стосунки й життя, котре варто прожити так, щоб не жалкувати про втрачений даремне час. І книга про справжніх людей, а не пластикових героїв: підлітки часом думають про речі, які для батьків "фу-фу-фу", скажімо, про той же алкоголь. І це — ще одна причина для того, аби читати далі чудового Вольямса!
Profile Image for Jemima Pett.
Author 29 books335 followers
April 29, 2017
I adored this book. So laugh-out-loud funny, especially for readers with a passing knowledge of Strictly Come Dancing - the UK version of Dancing with the Stars.

Gangsta Granny opens slowly, with eleven-year-old Ben going off for his usual Friday night sleepover at his granny’s house. The wonderful illustrations by Tony Ross in this book picture the typical boring granny; grey hair, thick glasses, mauve cardigan, burgundy slippers. I am not a grandmother and I do not wear mauve. Not often, anyway. Other than that…

Ben’s parents ship him off each week to allow them to pander to their ballroom dancing passion – mainly obsession with a celebrity tv dance show. If readers realise that Strictly Stars Dancing is a fictional Strictly Come Dancing, the UK version of Dancing with the Stars, they should get the rest. The take-offs are brilliant, and I imagine Craig Revel-Horwood (snarky judge) is delighted to be renamed Craig Maltezer-Woodward. Anne Widdecombe (former MP and Cabinet Minister) is probably flattered by her portrayal as Dame Rachel Prejudice MP. Was her turn really pre-2011, this book’s published date? Today’s kids will probably get it, but they won’t recognise the stars for much longer, since these people come and go so quickly.

Even for non-Strictly fans, the laughter works on every level. Maybe the portrayal of the Queen stalking the corridors of the Tower of London at midnight gave her the courage to join in the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremonies accompanying James Bond to sky-dive into the stadium… Yes, ma’am, you were perfectly (and respectfully) portrayed.

With a suitably and agreeably silly plot, vivid descriptions, and cringeworthy characters, it was completely un-put-downable. But it’s also a fast read because there are great illustrations especially to illustrate lists, and also because the font is large and double spaced. It does make it easy to read, although the sentence structure is not geared to an easy reader. I think it will encourage boys to read it regardless.
Profile Image for Skip.
3,367 reviews529 followers
June 1, 2019
2.5 stars, rounded up. The development of the relationship between Gangsta Granny and grandson Ben is well done as Granny becomes a hero in Ben's eyes, and their caper is awfully fun, especially the surprise at the end. Ben's parents as a major disappointment in the novel: stereotypes, and who really watches ballroom dancing on TV? :-) I did not find this as good or funny as Walliams' other books which I have read, especially The Midnight Gang.
Profile Image for Ana.
631 reviews144 followers
September 2, 2018
Voltei a ir das gargalhadas às lágrimas com David Walliams.
Adorei voltar ao seu mundo com personagens muito peculiares e simultaneamente tão reais, com passagens e apartes hilariantes e com o facto de estas serem um veículo muito eficaz para chamadas de atenção que fazem falta nos dias de hoje.

Opinião mais completa em breve.
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