LAMB - Traducción al español -
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

lamb noun

volume_up US /læm/volume_up UK /lam/
1. (countable) (young sheep) cordero (masculine)(over one year old) borrego (masculine)he just stood there like a lamb se quedó allí como atontadoshe took it like a lamb se lo tomó muy mansamente2. (uncountable) (Cooking) cordero (masculine)3. (countable) (as term of endearment) be a lamb and … sé bueno y …the poor lamb's exhausted el pobrecito está rendido


the Lamb of Godlike a lamb to the slaughter

lamb intransitive verb

volume_up US /læm/volume_up UK /lam/
[ewe] parirMonolingual examplesWith ewes lambing now, lambs for slaughter are in short supply.IrishThe RSPCA was the first agency to begin making a real difference to animal welfare problems when it became clear that thousands of ewes were lambing in appalling conditions, because of movement restrictions.BritishIf the first few ewes lamb with poor milk supply - seek help and take action.IrishOn Friday night last a sheep lambed and as he watched the little lambs struggle to find their footing under the careful supervision of their mother he thought how oblivious they were to the turbulent world they had just entered.IrishThe sheep are lambing at the moment and if you start moving them or stressing them out they abort and you have no lambs to show for it.BritishThey took five of the ewes, and the others that hadn't lambed yet slipped their lambs from fright.North American

lamb [lambed|lambed] {verbo intransitivo}

1. general
2. "ewe"
They are surviving in atrocious conditions to provide lamb for consumption in the European Union.
Están sobreviviendo en unas condiciones atroces para suministrar corderos para el consumo en la Unión Europea.
In my view there is no substitute for the quality of beef, lamb and pork produced by European farmers.
En mi opinión, no hay un substituto para la carne de bovino, cordero y cerdo de calidad producida por los ganaderos europeos.
It is also important for regions where, for reasons of historical tradition, the rearing and consumption of lamb is very important to the population.
También reviste importancia para las regiones donde, por razones de tradición histórica, la cría y el consumo de cordero son muy importantes para la población.

lamb shank {sustantivo}

1. gastronomía

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "lamb" en Español

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I hope that they will not be the sacrificial lamb of the conciliation procedure.
Espero que este aspecto no se convierta en víctima del procedimiento de conciliación.
Just recently, 20 year old lamb meat was found on the Bulgarian market.
Hace muy poco, se encontró carne de cordero de hace 20 años en el mercado búlgaro.
These are ways in which we can turn into a tiger rather than a toothless lamb.
Esas son las medidas que pueden convertirnos en un tigre en lugar de un cordero sin dientes.
All of these things have to be practical, because we need the sheep and lamb industry.
Todas estas cosas tienen que ser prácticas porque necesitamos al sector ovino y caprino.
Are Polish fishermen to become Commissioner Borg's sacrificial lamb?
¿Se convertirán los pescadores polacos en el cordero sacrificial del Comisario Borg?
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain to receive praise, glory, and honour.
Digno es el cordero que ha sido sacrificado, de recibir la alabanza, la gloria y el honor.
But there was a time when the lion and the lamb did live together.
Sin embargo, llegó el día en el que el león y el cordero vivieron juntos.
It is well known that European beef and lamb products comply with the highest standards.
Se sabe muy bien que los productos bovinos y el cordero europeo cumplen con los niveles más altos.
Curious things went round the world about sheep meat, about lamb.
Han corrido rumores curiosos por el mundo sobre la carne de cordero.
the mystery of the Church as “the Spotless Bride of the Spotless Lamb”,
más eficazmente el misterio de la Iglesia « Esposa Inmaculada
On looking up he saw a Lamb just beginning to drink lower down ...' Why have I quoted this Latin fable?
"Bebiendo en un arroyo arriba estaba el lobo y mucho más abajo el cordero".
of the Lamb ... coming down out of heaven, from God, shining with the
del cielo, de Dios, resplandeciente de la gloria de Dios » (Ap
The zookeeper said: 'Easy, you just need a new lamb every day!'.
El encargado respondió: "Pues es sencillo, solo necesitamos un cordero nuevo todos los días".
The Lamb of God shed his blood on behalf of all blood-shedders. He died for them.
El cordero de Dios derramó su sangre a favor de los seres humanos que derramaron sangre, él murió por ellos.
The British livestock farmer will be the sacrificial lamb in this deal and we are not happy about it.
El ganadero británico será el cordero sacrificado de este acuerdo y es algo que no nos gusta nada.
Subject: Marketing European beef and lamb products
Asunto: Comercialización de productos europeos de carne bovina y ovina
Sheep meat and lamb meat is a very healthy red meat.
La carne de ovino y de cordero es una carne roja muy saludable.
It is the case in my country that we have seen minced beef and lamb and other meats mixed up together.
En mi país hemos tenido casos de carne picada de vacuno y de cordero mezcladas con otros tipos de carne.
They are surviving in atrocious conditions to provide lamb for consumption in the European Union.
Están sobreviviendo en unas condiciones atroces para suministrar corderos para el consumo en la Unión Europea.
Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe (debate)
Futuro del sector ovino y caprino en Europa (debate)
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English Cómo usar "lamb" en una frase

Lamb wore the number for just the 1969 season.
Lambs consistently reach a market weight of 100 lbs.
Lamb's poems garnered little attention and are seldom read today.
There were fireworks, dancing and music with lavish feasts of roasted lamb, beef, chicken and other delicacies.
On the second step a golden wolf faced a golden lamb.

English Cómo usar "lambing" en una frase

It's a crucial time for sheep farmers in the peak of the lambing season.
You don't want them overfit at lambing time.
He advised farmers to make sure that there lambing pens are clean and dry and to use clean pasture for young lambs if possible.
Moving them to another site where there's other sheep could cause possible contamination of that site from "these animals lambing there," he notes.

English Cómo usar "lamb's lettuce" en una frase

Through the sales of tomatoes and peppers, among other vegetables, the sales decline in courgette and lamb's lettuce has been balanced out.
Place the lamb's lettuce in a bowl and toss with all but 2 tablespoons of the warm dressing.
Wash the lamb's lettuce and watercress and dry well.
Add the prepared grapefruit and orange, the watercress, cress and lamb's lettuce and toss gently to combine.
Corn salad, also known as lamb's lettuce, is equally tough.

English Cómo usar "spring lamb" en una frase

A humongous leg of lamb was in house (mutton requested specifically, as opposed to new spring lamb, the taste much superior in my opinion).
This increase brings the total supply of spring lamb for the week to just over 44,200 head.
Though spring lamb is heralded as some of the best, lambs that are actually born in the spring and enjoyed in autumn are often more flavoursome and tender.
Factories enforce a weight restriction whereby they will only pay for up to 20kg of a spring lamb.
He said sheep farmers producing spring lamb are increasingly frustrated by the confused market demand signals from retailers.

English Cómo usar "parición" en una frase

Cuando nacen las crías pesan entre 25 a 30 kilos, tienen una cría por parición, y a éstas se les llama potros.
En el año 4 se cortó la temporada a 6 meses y se obtuvo un 66 % de parición.
Este debilitamiento congénito explica la parición de prolapso en mujeres jóvenes y / o en aquellas que nunca ha tenido hijos.
Algunas veces la máxima reproducción puede no coincidir con la mejor época para la parición.
El público popular es el que permitió la parición de la historieta.

English Cómo usar "nacimiento de los corderos" en una frase

Este incidente ocurrió en el tiempo de la cosecha, el cual también coincidía con el nacimiento de los corderos.

"grilled lamb" en español

grilled lamb
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"braised lamb" en español

braised lamb
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"lamb burger" en español

lamb burger
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "lamb":

  • Charles Lamb
  • Elia
lamb's lettuce
  • common corn salad
  • Valerianella locusta
  • Valerianella olitoria