
  • Howard Stern admits to being a "sellout" after encountering personal hero Woody Allen in a restaurant, ditching his previous criticisms.
  • Stern's interaction with Allen conflicted with his public stance in support of Mia Farrow.
  • Stern's bizarre run-in with Allen led him to question his own morals and public stance.

Howard Stern made an absolute fortune in radio as a shock jock who constantly pushed the limits of what was acceptable on air. This is in contrast to today where he is best known for his interviewing skills, including his conversation with Barbra Streisand, or his emotional deep-dive with President Joe Biden. Because of this, he has been criticized for "selling out". Old-school Stern Show fans have accused Stern of kissing the butts of the celebrities he used to make fun of. In May 2024, Stern inadvertently agreed with the criticism, while slamming himself after an interaction with Woody Allen.

While the writer/director's notorious scandal impacted his earning power, there's no doubt that many are still star-struck when they see him. Stern admitted that he too was blown away by Woody Allen, even though he constantly bashed him on air. In this article, we will reveal why Stern called himself "a sellout" after detailing his interaction with Woody Allen. Following that,t we will briefly explain his relationship with one of Allen's accusers, ex-girlfriend Mia Farrow.

Howard Stern Revealed He "Sold Out" During An Encounter With Woody Allen

Howard Stern's interaction with Woody Allen came to light on his SiriusXM radio show in May 2024 after his staffer claimed he had an encounter with the film director on the streets of New York. The Stern Show staff and superfans, such as actor Michael Rappaport, overwhelmingly disputed writer Benji Bronk's claim that Woody Allen knew who he was and approached him. The topic enflamed a hilarious debate that eventually caused Howard Stern himself to reveal his bizarre encounter with Woody Allen after he publicly sided with Mia Farrow following their scandal. While reflecting on the interaction, Stern claimed that he was "a sellout".

Howard Stern richest radio personality
via: Instar images

Allegations against Woody Allen were sparked in 1992, when his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, alleged that he had sexually assaulted her in her youth. The allegations were backed up by his ex, Mia Farrow. The allegations sparked two trials, in which Allen was not found guilty. It also was the beginning of a lengthy feud between Allen and Mia Farrow that included an onslaught of allegations, documentaries, and investigations. Many in Hollywood took sides, with the majority demonizing the acclaimed writer/director for his inappropriate relationships. Most famously with Soon-Yi Previn, the adopted daughter of his then-girlfriend, Mia Farrow. Allen has been romantically involved with Soon-Yi for at least 31 years. They have been married since 1997.

After Stern Show staffer Benji Bronk revealed his alleged encounter with Woody Allen on the streets of New York City, Howard Stern claimed that he too had a strange run-in with the writer/director. Co-host Robin Quivers claimed that she was unaware of Stern's interaction with Allen, making it hot news on the radio show.

"I've never told that story?" Stern asked. "Oh, wow, I've got a good story for you."

Scarlett Johansson "Believed" Woody Allen Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations
via: Instar

Previous to Stern's run-in with Woody Allen, he had taken a very public stance against him. This includes hosting Mia Farrow on his show, whom he considered 'a friend', as well as his parody character, Wood Yi.

"The whole things with Mia Farrow, and the allegations and all that stuff, I was, like, very vocal on the air."

Stern then claimed that the run-in took place at the Polo Lounge in New York City during an undisclosed time years back. He and his wife, Beth, walked in and were seated next to Woody Allen and his wife, Soon-Yi Previn, and another couple.

"At this restaurant, everyone is packed in, like sardines. I mean, it's close quarters. I said to my wife, 'Oh, no, Woody Allen. I've said some bad s***.' Like, you know, And it's a conflict with me. Because he's my comedy hero. I mean, I've read all of his books and his movies are just f***ing ridiculously funny."

Stern continued by saying, he was worried that Woody Allen would start yelling at him. In Stern's mind, the dinner was ruined. He couldn't slink out unnoticed and he couldn't acknowledge him. He was trapped.

Howard Stern looking surprised
Via: Instar

"It's just weird when you run into somebody that you've relentlessly goofed on but also is a comedy God. Which way do you go? What do you do?" Stern said before revealing that he told Beth to eat fast so that they could get up before Allen's table in order to avoid a stop-and-chat. Having said that, Stern was consumed with every action Allen was making during dinner. He wanted to see who was going to pay. He wanted to see what his relationship with his wife was like. Everything.

"I gotta know what the f*** is going on over there. I'm trying not to be obvious about it but my eyes were fixed on the table. And literally, I can hear their conversation."

Woody Allen's table ended up finishing first. Instead of avoiding Stern, he walks right over to him...

"[Allen] goes, 'Hey, Howard'. And I was like, 'Me?' And I go, 'Oh, hello Mr. Allen. A pleasure to meet you.' -- I fell apart. Any moral stance I might have thought before [was gone]."

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According to Stern Woody Allen made small talk about The New York Knicks.

"All my judgments, all the things I've said before, went right out the window. My morality... right out the window."

Howard Stern, radio host
Via: Howard Stern Show

Howard Stern admitted that he was starved for love and couldn't even believe that someone like Woody Allen would be interested in talking to him, therefore he abandoned all of the statements he's made about him in the past. At the end of their brief conversation, Allen shook Stern's hand and went on his way. The radio legend was even more blown away that Allen approached him given that the restaurant was star-studded, including with the presence of acclaimed author Salman Rushdie.

After hearing the story, Robin Quivers asked him what he would say to his friend Mia Farrow if she ever confronted him about his interaction with Allen.

"I'd say the same thing... I'm two-faced. I'm like a completely f***ing lunatic. I was mesmerized."

Finally Stern admitted:

"I'm a sell-out, ok?"

Howard Stern's radio show
Via: Deposit Photos/Sirius XM

While Howard Stern made public statements against Woody Allen and the allegations that surrounded him, he also has stated that he is a personal "hero" of his. At least, in terms of his films.

"[Woody Allen] is a comedy legend. A god, if you will. One of the funniest guys who has ever lived. Every movie, and all that stuff."

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But having said that, Stern stood by the criticisms he's made about Woody Allen's character and the allegations against him.

Inside Howard Stern's Relationship With Mia Farrow

During his revelation about meeting Woody Allen, Howard Stern claimed that Mia Farrow always "appreciated" his stance on the controversial writer/director. This is because Stern publicly bashed Allen on multiple occasions, taking Farrow's side in their controversy.

Mia Farrow was also a frequent guest on The Howard Stern Show, revealing intimate details about her relationships on-air. Farrow was such a supporter of Stenr, despite his scandalous shock-jock reputation, that she even cameoed in his 1997 blockbuster, Private Parts. Her support is something he recalled during a show in May 2024:

"I love Mia."

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During one of their interviews, Stern claimed that he was "disgusted" by what he read about Woody Allen in Farrow's 1997 memoir. He also stated that he wanted to "beat up" the Annie Hall director.

Howard Stern's stance on Woody Allen helped build a positive relationship with Mia Farrow that has lasted for years. While it is unlikely that the two have seen much of each other inrecent years, Stern has credited Farrow with settling the feud between he and Rosie O'Donnell.