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Tim Mahoney

Speaking Truth to Power

A photo of Tim Mahoney

Tim Mahoney
Supports These Issues And More

A photo of Tim Mahoney in the library

About Tim Mahoney

I was trained as a journalist in the 1970’s (won some awards writing for the Texas Observer), went to the LBJ School of Public Affairs (UT-Austin) in the 1980’s, then to Law School. I have been a practicing attorney since 1992. I have become increasingly appalled at what passes for public policy every two years at the Texas Legislature and in between by our Statewide elected officials.

Mission Statement

I have been exploring options for affordable life planning documents (financial and medical powers of attorney, wills, Revocable Transfers Upon Death Deeds, Designations of Guardians, and other related documents) intentionally for the last 5 years

How the "Rougher Riders" Found Their Way in Texas

On May 1, 2021, Tim Mahoney saw that the majority party that controlled The Texas Legislature was going to produce another redistricting monstrosity of “zig-zag” convolut4ed congressional, senate,, house and educational re-districts. Many friends were so angry that they were almost unable to speak. And that is the rub. We need to understand that the ugliness of the current redistricting effort did not happen at the last session of the Texas Legislature; it happened before the 2021 Legislative session when that current batch of legislators was elected. And that election resulted in the worst session in Texas history.

Value Statement

As Tim Mahoney “Rougher Riders” we believe that: There is more power in collaboration than in division; Texas government belongs to all Texans; Like Texas counties, which are constitutionally compact, we should have a Redistricting Commission process that ensures compact congressional, house, senate and educational districts; Texas should have an educational system that is affordable, accessible, and transparent to all Texas children and adults; Texas should have an economy that is open to all citizens, and for the benefit of all Texans; Texas should have an open budget process that is public, open and transparent, with budget studies that demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of Texas programs; Texans should be respected in their workplaces with the understanding that a business that takes into account the talents of its employees is a better workplace; and The successes of one Texas region should be available to another region so that we can all learn and prosper.

Tim Mahoney Democrat for Texas Comptroller

The Hearing Recording Message: Texas Redistricts Should be Compact and Redrawn in 2023 with the New Texas Legislature


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