Revenge of the Dead - Horror DNA

Revenge of the Dead DVD Review

Written by Daniel Benson

DVD released by J.I. Productions

Written and Directed by Jason Impey
2007, Region Free, 10 minutes, Unrated

Nick Stoppani as the Zombie
Julie Gilmour and Helena Martin as The Girls
Darryl Lane as The Man with the Dog


Zombies can be a real pain in the arse. These days, it’s not even possible for a couple of girls to go for a picnic and slag off their ex-boyfriends without the living dead popping out of their graves for a quick chow-down.

Exactly what the dead are taking revenge for in this 10 minute short isn’t particularly clear, but Revenge of the Dead is notable for its use of the seldom seen, since The Necro Files anyway, set-piece of Zombie Rape. Not content with ripping his victim’s innards out, the lead zombie is also fond of a spot of ‘surprise sex’. It has to be said though, the main antagonist from The Necro Files is much better endowed in the rotting knob department.

Jason Impey is a budding filmmaker from the UK with a string of short features under his belt. His influences are “trash movies of the '70s and '80s”, and his love of this genre certainly shows through in Revenge of the Dead, his micro-budget mini-homage to horror staple, the zombie movie.

There’s a passionate attention to small details in Revenge of the Dead. Everything from the grainy look of the 8mm film to the, frankly impressive, musical score is rendered with a true enthusiasm for the movies influencing Impey.

Not to rest on their laurels, the team responsible for ROTD has also put together a ‘Making Of’ featurette which runs twice the length of the movie. It makes genuinely interesting viewing and gives a lot of the supporting team members some well-earned screen time. I had good fun with the documentary, especially counting the number of times the cast and crew use the words “great” or “talented” about their colleagues, or “challenging” about the shoot. Not that I'm arguing they're not talented, or great at what they do, but maybe they could have brushed up on their adjectives for the interviews.

There’s also an excellent section on scoring the movie. Despite the “recording studio” being someone’s living room, the scoring process has produced impressive results.

One of the most bizarre things discussed is that Julian Impey feels that he’s made a feminist movie. Yeah, right. A girl fails to outrun a shuffling corpse, trips over some stiff grass, succumbs almost willingly to zombie rape and is enslaved into the realms of the walking dead

Right on, Sister.


Video: n/a
Audio: n/a
Features: n/a

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Daniel Benson
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Fuelled mostly by coffee and a pathological desire to rid the world of bad grammar, Daniel has found his calling by picking holes in other people's work. In the rare instances he's not editing, he's usually breaking things in the site's back end.
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