Michael D Higgins: Irish president due to leave hospital in days - BBC News

'Positive' signs after President Higgins health check

Michael D HigginsImage source, PA
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Irish President Michael D Higgins was taken to hospital on Thursday evening after feeling unwell

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Irish President Michael D Higgins is expected to remain in hospital until Thursday and to make a full recovery, a spokesperson has said.

Mr Higgins has been in hospital since last Thursday.

He had experienced a "mild transient weakness", the spokesperson added.

They said medical tests on the president had now completed, "all of the results of which have been positive".

"They have indicated no serious or long-term concerns for the president’s health," they added.

"Following with his medical team, President Higgins has agreed with their recommendation that he remain in hospital for an extra few days in order that they can monitor his blood pressure.

"He will return to Áras an Uachtaráin [his official residence] on Thursday."

The president’s medical team have advised him to limit the number of public engagements he undertakes in the coming weeks.

However, he is expected to hold a scheduled meeting with Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) Leo Varadkar at Áras an Uachtaráin on Friday.

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The 82-year-old was admitted to St James' Hospital in Dublin after feeling unwell.

A statement from his office on Friday said Mr Higgins had thanked the public "for the outpouring of well wishes" he received.

It said he would "like to express his deep appreciation to all those who have sent messages to him, as well as to the medical staff for their continuing care."

Mr Varadkar said he had been in touch with the president.

"I just passed him on my best wishes. Obviously anything around his medical information is confidential," Mr Varadkar told the Press Association.

"But I expect he'll be out in the next couple of days, and obviously we all wish him a very speedy recovery."

'Excellent spirits'

Mr Higgins became president in 2011 and was re-elected in November 2018.

He felt unwell at Áras an Uachtaráin on Thursday afternoon and underwent an initial medical assessment.

His office said "no immediate concerns were identified", but a decision was taken to proceed to hospital for further tests.

The president was said to be in "excellent spirits" that evening.

On Wednesday night, Mr Higgins presented the 2024 Volta Lifetime Achievement Award to film director Steve McQueen at the Dublin International Film Festival.

He had been due to host an afternoon tea reception at his official residence today.

Mr Higgin's office said the reception proceeded as planned and was hosted by his wife, Sabina Higgins.