These 20 Facts About Earth Will Remind You Why It’s So Amazing
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20 Weird Facts About Earth to Remind You Why It’s Amazing

Our home planet holds some strange truths.

By Emy Rodriguez Flores
earth from space
Aaron Foster//Getty Images

Since 1970, Earth Day has existed to showcase our beautiful planet, third from the sun. More specifically, Earth Day has been used to highlight the various environmental problems, such as climate change, that our planet has faced due to industrial and technological advances.

But Earth Day should be everyday—we only get one big, beautiful blue planet, after all. So here are 20 amazing facts about Earth—and reasons why we love this rock that we call home—based on science from leading experts.

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Earth’s Core Is as Hot as the Sun’s Surface

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“Within uncertainty, the temperature at the center of the Earth is the same as the temperature at the surface of the sun (5800 K),” Caltech geochemist Paul Asimow tells Popular Mechanics. At about almost 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s hot.


Earth Is Radioactive

geothermal activity in northern iceland
© Marco Bottigelli//Getty Images

In total, Earth generates as much as 40 terawatts of heat, half of which comes from radioactive decay in its core, according to a 2011 study. Scientists measured particles called antineutrinos that streamed up from Earth’s core and found that half of Earth’s heat is generated through the radioactive decay of certain elements.

Tom Crafford, a Mineral Resources Program Coordinator at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) tells Popular Mechanics: “Most of the internal heat that keeps Earth a living, vibrant planet comes from the radioactive breakdown of elements like thorium, uranium, and potassium.”


Life Below the Seafloor

the bottom of the ocean, the seafloor
Nikos Stavrinidis//Getty Images

“The sediments underlying Earth’s oceans are home to approximately 2.9 x 10^29 microorganisms, existing at depths as great as 2.5 km below the seafloor. The majority of this deep subseafloor biosphere grows extremely slowly relative to life in the surface world, with estimates of cell division once every 10 to 1000+ years,” Caltech geobiologist Victoria Orphan tells Popular Mechanics.

Scientists are finding new sources of microbial life deeper and deeper below the seafloor than ever before. In March 2020, a team of scientists revealed that they had found traces of bacteria (try 10 billion bacterial cells) in rocks 400 feet below the seafloor—deeper than ever before.

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Mosses Are Everywhere

hoh rainforest
Stuart Westmorland//Getty Images

Mosses live on the surface soils in deserts all across the world. A cool thing about moss is that they have the ability to capture water straight out of the air using these specialized structures that look like little hairs coming out of their leaves—called awns,” USGS research ecologist Sasha Reed, tells Popular Mechanics. “In the dry places that these mosses live, this is a pretty cool trick!”


Earthquake Weather Is a Myth

path in the north york moors national park
David Madison//Getty Images

“Each culture has its own version of ‘earthquake weather’ to rationalize when and where an earthquake will hit,” seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics. “Earthquakes are below the surface and need a constant fault to happen and this has nothing to do with weather.”


Seas Could Rise 2.5 Feet By 2100

a sign on a wet sandy beach reads "danger sinking mud"
James D. Morgan//Getty Images

“We are headed toward a two-foot sea level rise by the end of this century,” climate scientist Tapio Schneider of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics. “Consequences from a one- to two-foot sea level rise could mean severe threats to low-lying island nations, loss of narrow, shallow beaches, and a demise of marine ecosystems.”

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Clouds Help Regulate Earth’s Temperature

dark clouds over an agricultural field
George Pachantouris//Getty Images

“If you bring all water droplets in clouds to the surface, you would cover Earth with a liquid film no thicker than a human hair,” Schneider of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics. “And yet, this tiny amount of water makes the difference between cool overcast summer days and warm clear days. And it is immensely important for climate. On average, clouds cool Earth by 13 degrees Fahrenheit relative to what global temperatures would be without clouds.”

“How much global warming we get crucially depends on whether we get more or fewer clouds as the climate warms,” Schneider says. “Climate models do not agree on the answer, because simulating clouds and the tiny amount of water in them is hard. At Caltech, we are working on using AI to make climate models and their cloud simulations better, to get more precise answers about how climate will change.”


The Planet Is 10,000 Times Older Than Humans

iron astronomy spheres

“Planet Earth has an estimated age of 4.5 billion years,” Jeremiah P. Ostricker, senior research scholar at Princeton University, tells Popular Mechanics. “Homo Sapiens has been around for at most 450,000 years, that is 1/10,000 the age of the planet. And then, more recently, we spread over the whole globe in 1/100,000 of the age of the planet.”


We Don’t Know Who “Named” the Earth

aerial view of sydney cityscape, sydney
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Unlike other planets, no real historical data can be found on the person (or group) that named our planet “Earth.” The term Earth comes from Old English and High Germanic, and it is the only planet not named after a Greek or Roman god.

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Earth Is a Heat Engine

desert at noon in utah
Hillary Kladke//Getty Images

“Earth is a giant heat engine. Heat from the Sun is absorbed where it is warm (the low latitudes and the surface) and heat is radiated as infrared where it is cold (the higher latitudes and the atmosphere),” Andy Ingersoll, a planetary scientist at Caltech, tells Popular Mechanics. “The work of the heat engine goes into the kinetic energy of winds and storms.”


...But Not an Efficient One

the spectacular geothermal area of rotorua in new zealand's north island pohutu geyser 7c
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“The Earth is not a very efficient heat engine,” says Ingersoll. “The temperature difference between the warm parts and the cold parts is a few tens of K, so the theoretical Carnot efficiency is about 10 percent. But most of that is wasted by the warm parts radiating their heat to the cold parts, creating entropy. The heat engine is about one percent efficient in generating kinetic energy, but that creates more entropy when the winds dissipate.”


Route 66 Is Longer Than the Distance to the Earth’s Core

infinite straight road at the california desert during road trip
Artur Debat//Getty Images

“The boundary between Earth’s mantle and core is roughly 3,000 kilometers below our feet—a little less than the total length of America’s ‘Mother Road,’ Route 66,” seismologist Jennifer Jackson of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics. “Thought to be a simple interface between solid rocks and liquid iron-rich metal, this remote region is almost as complex as Earth’s surface.”

“Impossible to reach in person, geophysical and experimental studies of this distant region reveal a fascinating landscape of chemical and structural complexity that influence what’s happening on Earth’s surface,” Jackson says. “For example, the complex dynamics of Earth’s core-mantle boundary affects Earth’s protective geomagnetic field and the motion of tectonic plates.”

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A Magnitude 12 Earthquake Would Split the Earth in Half

grey pattern or textured background with cracked concrete
Nadezhda Kharitonova//Getty Images

“We’ve never seen anything larger than 9.5 and it was longer than the state of California,” says Jones. “It would be theoretically impossible to have a magnitude 13 earthquake since it would require a fault bigger than the Earth.”


Earthquakes Can Be Felt on the Other Side of the Planet

view of cracked concrete road and gravel on road surface
Miriam Rodríguez Domingo / EyeEm//Getty Images

Earthquakes can happen over 400 miles below the Earth’s surface, and be felt literally on the other side of the Earth,” seismologist Zhongwen Zhan of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics. “In 2013, a magnitude 8 occurred near the Kuril Islands at about 400 miles depth. People in Australia felt the event!”


The First Ozone Hole Is Still Healing

clouds of air pollution rise out of an industrial smoke stack
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Scientists discovered the first hole in the ozone layer, located directly above Antarctica, in 1985. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 was the first plan approved by every country in the United Nations, and focused on the restriction of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs that emitted ozone-destroying chlorines).

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There Are a Billion Microbes in a Teaspoon of Soil

stone on a weeded field
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“The number of microbes in a teaspoon of soil is estimated to be roughly equivalent to the number of humans currently living in Africa (one billion),” biologist Dianne Newman of Caltech tells Popular Mechanics.


The Earth Isn’t Exactly Round

view of planet earth
AleksandarGeorgiev//Getty Images

Planet Earth is shaped more like an oblate spheroid which looks like a flatter circle. But it’s definitely not flat.


Days Are Getting Longer

top view of huge ocean waves at kelingking beach, nusa penida island, indonesia
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“The tides are the small differences between the gravitational pull of the moon and the Sun and the centrifugal forces in the opposite directions. The tides on Earth are strongest when the three bodies are in a line, which happens near full moon and new moon. Then the Earth is being stretched out along that line,” says Ingersoll.

“The ocean responds the most, but even the solid Earth responds to the tidal forces,” he says. “The response consists of water moving in the oceans and rocks moving underground, both of which dissipate kinetic energy. The net result is that the Earth is spinning down—the day is getting longer.”

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You Can See Earth Sinking From Space

scenic view of sea against blue sky
Abhijit Patil / EyeEm//Getty Images

“Groundwater pumping can cause significant land surface subsidence—enough so that it can be ‘seen’ from space,” Sheets says. Researchers use satellites and GPS stations to track how far the Earth has sunk.


There Are More Viruses Than Stars in the Universe

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Earth is teeming with viruses. There are an estimated 10 nonillion individual viruses on the planet. That’s “enough to assign one to every star in the universe 100 million times over,” Katherine J. Wu writes in National Geographic.

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