ADAPT Definition & Meaning |


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[ uh-dapt ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly:

    They adapted themselves to the change quickly.

    He adapted the novel for movies.

    Synonyms: convert, rework, modify, conform, reconcile, suit, accommodate, fit

verb (used without object)

  1. to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc.:

    to adapt easily to all circumstances.


/ əˈdæpt /


  1. often foll by to to adjust (someone or something, esp oneself) to different conditions, a new environment, etc
  2. tr to fit, change, or modify to suit a new or different purpose

    to adapt a play for use in schools

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Derived Forms

  • aˌdaptaˈbility, noun
  • aˈdaptable, adjective
  • aˈdaptive, adjective

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Other Words From

  • a·dapted·ness noun
  • misa·dapt verb
  • nona·dapting adjective
  • rea·dapt verb (used with object)
  • una·dapted adjective
  • well-a·dapted adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of adapt1

First recorded in 1605–15; from Latin adaptāre “to fit, adjust,” perhaps via French adapter; ad-, apt

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Word History and Origins

Origin of adapt1

C17: from Latin adaptāre, from ad- to + aptāre to fit, from aptus apt

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Synonym Study

See adjust.

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Example Sentences

But even if you did have the chance to adapt them into films, would you even want to, especially after making two trilogies?

In the best cases, they model and teach how to adjust and adapt appropriately.

“We are in London so I wanted to adapt some of the local culture,” Zhang told The Daily Beast.

In the end, it was the ability of the senior non-coms and junior officers to adapt and adjust that made the landings successful.

That our brains would adapt to the novel parenting arrangement makes sense.

We must have motif first, then technique to adapt and adjust expression and to develop facility in the active agents.

The plan to be followed must in each case adapt itself to the constantly varying needs of the country.

They adapt themselves to the Quarter and become a part of this big family of Bohemia easily and naturally.

However, he managed to hold them sufficiently high and to adapt himself to the despised saddle of a girl.

It was inelastic, incompetent to adapt itself to changing circumstances.




