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Cholesterol Protection For Life Tapa blanda – 15 Septiembre 2004

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Cholesterol Protection for Life
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Dr. Fuhrman’s methods for treating high cholesterol and heart disease are carefully described in this small, but information-packed book. He designed it to contain all the information and answers that his patients need to take back control of their health and heart-attack proof their body. Rather than rely on drugs, surgery and invasive procedures, Dr. Fuhrman explains that nutritional excellence can be the most powerful medicine to treat and reverse heart disease and he has presented the medical research to back up his claims. He is on a crusade to wipe out heart disease.

Combining his cutting-edge, cholesterol-lowering nutritional program with natural substances that effectively lower cholesterol, he gives your cholesterol the one-two punch, which can be more effective than cholesterol-lowering drugs. This book is for anyone who is looking for a drug-free way to dramatically lower their cholesterol and for those who want to reverse or protect themselves from heart disease.

This book is a great accompaniment to his larger work, Eat To Live

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Biografía del autor

Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a board-certified family physician who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is the author of Eat To Live, The Revolutionary Formula For Fast and Sustained Weight Loss," published by Little Brown & Co. and "Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease," published by St. Martin's. He lives in Flemington, New Jersey.

Detalles del producto

  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Gift of Health Press (15 Septiembre 2004)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tapa blanda ‏ : ‎ 119 páginas
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0974463310
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0974463315
  • Opiniones de clientes:

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Joel Fuhrman
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Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, six-time New York Times best-selling author and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. Dr. Fuhrman is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows. Through his own hugely successful PBS specials, which have raised more than $30 million for public broadcasting stations, he brings nutritional science to homes across America and around the world.

Dr. Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation, and is a member of the Dr. Oz Show Advisory Board. He work and discoveries are published in medical journals and he is involved with multiple nutritional studies with major research institutions across America.

Dr. Fuhrman is the author of six New York Times bestsellers: Eat to Live (Little Brown, 2003); Super Immunity (HarperOne, 2012); The End of Diabetes (HarperOne, 2013); The Eat to Live Cookbook (HarperOne, 2013); The End of Dieting (HarperOne, 2014) and The End of Heart Disease (HarperOne, 2016). To date, he has sold more than three million books.

In addition to his New York Times best sellers, Dr. Fuhrman has written several other popular books on nutritional science which include: Dr. Fuhrman’s Transformation 20 Diabetes (Gift of Health Press); 10 in 20: Dr. Fuhrman’s Lose 10 Pounds in 20 Days Detox Program (Gift of Health Press); Eat for Health (Gift of Health Press), Disease Proof Your Child (St. Martin’s Griffin), Fasting and Eating for Health (St. Martin’s Griffin) and the Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI Food Scoring Guide (Gift of Health Press).

Two more books by Dr. Fuhrman are slated for release in 2017: Fast Food Genocide and Eat to Live Quick & Easy Cookbook.

Opiniones de clientes

5 de 5 estrellas
5 de 5
6 calificaciones globales

Opiniones destacadas de los Estados Unidos

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 16 de diciembre de 2017
excellent dietary guidelines - I lost 20 pounds in 6 months and lipid profile improved substantially. . .
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 16 de octubre de 2005
EXcellent book written to given alternatives to taking the normal cholesteral lowering drugs. He is very motivational, informative yet balanced in his view. I just got my blood test back and my cholesterol has lowered by 99 points. He also gives lots of ideas on things to eat that are helpfu.
A 37 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 24 de enero de 2005
Don't believe anybody who says aggressive nutritional therapy can't work miracles - it can! If you've been told that you need to take cholesterol lowering medications for the rest of your life, even if you have already tried "dietary intervention", read Cholesterol Protection for Life (CPFL). You have the right to know that there is an effective option besides statin drugs; your doctor probably has not mentioned it. The patients of the author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, routinely see their cholesterol plummet within weeks of adopting the eating style outlined in CPFL and expanded upon in the "mother" volume, Eat to Live (ETL).

The advice on the web site of the National Cholesterol Education Panel (NCEP) is a disgrace. According to NCEP's "Be Heart Smart!" page, we should eat meat with some fat cut off, skim fat off our gravy, make biscuits by glopping vegetable oil into them instead of lard, and use low-fat cheese to make macaroni and cheese. - i.e., tweak the fat but continue eating the junk that contributed to our heart disease to begin with!

CPFL, instead, talks about the foods we should eat to reverse CVD: vegetables, raw nuts, beans, oats, and pomegranates and their wondrous heart-healing micronutrients. CPFL provides the dietary framework and some recipes that exemplify how to make vegetables, fruits, and beans taste so great that you won't miss NCEP's biscuits and gravy much. CPFL also discusses the dangers of statin drugs; salt and stroke risk; homocysteine and folate absorption; the persistence of high cholesterol levels in some people (like me), despite nutritional excellence.

Seven months after starting CPFL's recommendations, my LDL was 136, HDL was 46, and I was still 15 pounds from my ideal weight. I then started adding 100% safe cholesterol lowering supplements to my nutritional regime. Two months after that baseline I reached my ideal weight. Ten months after the baseline my LDL fell below 100 and my HDL rose to 77 - using only food and nutritional supplements!
A 144 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 30 de julio de 2005
I found this book so easy to read and understand. It is a lifesaver if you are suffering from high cholesterol levels or heart disease or if you want to ensure you never do! Dr. Fuhrman gives you delicious recipes and easy to follow nutritional advice. He also tells you exactly what supplements to take if needed. There really are other options besides statin drugs and their unwanted side effects. It is sad that more doctors don't give advice and information like this to their patients.. I admire Dr. Fuhrman so much for the tireless effort he puts into helping us learn ways to cure illness and live longer, healthier lives. This book gives you the knowledge you need to find your own way back to a healthy life free from drugs and heart disease.
A 27 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 11 de junio de 2006
This book is available at Fuhrman's website for 14.95. I have no idea why anyone is trying to rip people off by asking 90+ dollars for a copy! Good grief. YOu can buy a hardcover, signed by the dr, for 25 bucks. I only hope this absurd price is a typo...

Furhman's eating plans are superb, backed by scientific study, and long term proof that eating a healthy, whole foods vegetarian diet can reverse disease. It will save your life.
A 15 personas les resultó útil