Bob Weinstein: why Harvey's brother is the real power behind the throne

Bob Weinstein: why Harvey's brother is the real power behind the throne

Silent Bob: the film producer (right) has called his disgraced brother Harvey "a world class liar"
Silent Bob: the film producer (right) has called his disgraced brother Harvey "a world class liar" Credit: AP

The downfall of film producer Harvey Weinstein, following a raft of sexual harassment allegations, has cast a spotlight on his publicity-shy younger brother – and lifelong business partner – Bob. 

Hollywood news site TMZ has claimed Harvey blames him for the leaks that led to last week's damning New York Times exposé – though this claim has been firmly denied by Harvey's representatives.

Bob, 62, yesterday labelled Harvey "a world class liar" and "a very sick man", telling TMZ that "his remorse and apologies to the victims of his abuse are hollow." He continued: "I pray he gets the help that he needs and I believe that it is him behind all of these stories to distract from his own failure to get help."

This is not the first time the Weinsteins have been pitted against one another. The extroverted Harvey may have been the face of The Weinstein Company, but silent Bob's more populist instincts have been credited with making the pair financially successful.

High art vs popcorn

The Weinsteins formed their first film company, Miramax, in 1979, naming it after their parents – Miriam and Max.

Max encouraged the brothers, as children, to model themselves on John and Bobby Kennedy. It was Max who had taken them to the cinema every Saturday while they they were growing up in Queens, New York.  "On one occasion Harvey started pressing to go to a foreign film," Bob recalled in 2003. There was only one conclusion: "My brother had lost his mind." 

Bob was 13 at the time. Even at that age, Harvey's tastes were edging towards the experimental, while Bob was taking an interest in filling seats. The film was I Am Curious (Yellow), and Harvey wasn't the only cinema-goer to have been lured in by the promise of Swedish nudity. In Bob's words, that "packed audience of 'art-lovers' [...] never would have set foot in a movie with subtitles but for the fact there was a little something extra added."

Bob (right) and Harvey Weinstein at a Miramax party in LOs Angeles, 1997
Bob (right) and Harvey Weinstein at a Miramax party in LOs Angeles, 1997 Credit: Reuters

For the first 18 years of Miramax, they decided together which films to produce and distribute, having intially carved out a niche in low-to-mid-budget arthouse films. But from around 1996 – three years after Disney had bought their company – the relationship changed. From then on, Harvey was responsible for the Oscar-baiting prestige pictures released under the Miramax label, and Bob looked after what he called the "popcorn-type movies" for a subsidiary, Dimension Films, which lined Miramax's coffers without tainting the main brand. 

While Harvey racked up Oscar wins with Shakespeare in Love and The English Patient, Bob produced the Scream and Scary Movie franchises, and edgier fare including Robert Rodriguez's From Dusk Till Dawn, as well as a conveyor-belt of less well received genre flicks, such as Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering.

'Feuding' brothers

Speaking to the Guardian in 2002, Harvey recalled a conversation with a business rival.  "[Dreamworks CEO] Jeffrey Katzenberg said it best: the two hottest guys in the business are my brother and Steven Spielberg," he said. "They almost invariably never miss. Jeffrey called me one day after another one of Bob's humungous hits, and he said 'How does it feel to be carried by your kid brother?'"

Bob Weinstein's hit Scream
Bob Weinstein's hit Scream

A similar question may well have occurred to Bob. New York Magazine, reporting on Harvey Weinstein's incresingly fractious relationship with Disney CEO Michael Eisner in 2004, wrote: "Disney executives [...] began telling reporters sotto voce that they heard that even Bob Weinstein was sick of Harvey, that Bob was pissed that he was the one who made all the money but got none of the credit, something Bob Weinstein vocally denies."

Eisner was reportedly unhappy with the spiralling cost of Harvey's hit-and-miss productions, and it seemed the rough-rough-edged producer's days at Miramax were numbered. For a while, it was mooted that Bob might remain at Disney, churning out profitable popcorn movies for the Dimension label, even after Harvey was shown the door.

As it turned out, the brothers left Miramax together, buying the rights to Dimension and folding it into their new venture, The Weinstein Company. It produced a number of critical and commercial successes, including The King's Speech and Django Unchained, but the company's first major box-office hits both came from Dimension: Scary Movie 4, and the Stephen King adaptation 1408.

But even free from Disney's shackles, it seems the Weinsteins' relationship has not been easy. According to Variety, sources close to The Weinstein Company claim the brothers have been "feuding" for at least the last year – and the unequal relationship between Weinstein Co and Dimension Films (with Harvey's pictures being given more promotion) was the main bone of contention.  Following the New York Times's revelations about Harvey, the trade magazine reports, Bob is said to have been "pushing" to get rid of him.

However, although Harvey was fired from the company, he remains a joint stakeholder in it: between them, he and Bob together own roughly 48% of the shares.

A bitter divorce

"I don't get any press," Bob once said, "So I don't have to read it." While he does not court publicity, Bob made headlines in 2012 when his wife Anne filed for divorce. She also applied for a protection order claiming she feared “bodily harm" from her husband, a claim that prompted a series of contradictory statements. 

Don Sloane, an "interventionist" working for Weinstein, attempted to dismiss her comments as a smokescreen, suggesting Anne was trying to prevent her husband and family from dealing with an alleged alcohol abuse problem. "Any claim of abuse is irresponsible and frivolous," Sloane said, adding that he had been involved in an "intervention" to encourage Anne "to seek help for her drinking addiction". This account was hotly denied by her lawyers as "wholly false". They said: "It is from Bob Weinstein’s paid agent who does not know our client at all."

A detente came in mid-April of that year, with the couple reaching "a temporary arrangement", in which their lawyers agreed there was no "finding of wrongdoing by either party". But arranging the details of the final settlement took years; a prenuptial agreement ensured Bob's finances were left mostly intact, but Anne was awarded $300,000 in legal fees in December 2014. News coverage of their separation was mainly limited to film industry websites and New York tabloids; compared to his brother, Bob has still mostly succeeded in avoiding the limelight.

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