Betchworth Towns, Post Codes and Cities near to Betchworth, Surrey England Great Britain Between 0 and 35 miles (56.315 km) - Data For Research and Marketing
Find Town, Post Codes and City Data Within A Specified Radius Of Betchworth, Surrey Great Britain.

Betchworth Great Britain

This post was last updated by Rob on 2024-05-24 19:56:21 Great Britain Flag

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Great Britain  Map Icon Getting the data you need, isn't always easy. In this piece we are looking at Betchworth a place in England Great Britain, which as of 2011, had an estimated population of 964.

Getting the nearest towns to Betchworth, Surrey along with useful data and insights.

We've drawn up relevant population data tables below detailing the nearest towns and cities, and you can download these Betchworth locations to a (comma separated values) CSV file to use in excel , and save the textual outputs to a PDF file. The data typically details how many places are generally within 30 minutes to one hour's commute or drive of Betchworth within a 35 mi (56.315 km) radius.

You'll be pleased to know however, that these numbers aren't fixed, and that you can flex these up, or down to suit your needs by using the form tools below.

We've created a custom map for Betchworth to accompany the data table, showing you where each place is, and by clicking on a location marker , you'll reveal that location's name, compass bearing and state (where available) in relation to Betchworth, so no getting lost now ;)

Learn about data referenced and sources we use.

* Drive time estimates may be more where aspects like lakes, seas, rivers and mountains are between two locations. Check the map for topography around Betchworth

Additional Location Data For Betchworth

You'll see that where available, we have included local wards and parishes near a place to give you a snapshot of how many people live within a defined vicinity of an electoral ward or parish.

You also have an option to include a list of the nearest hospitals to Betchworth for this location too.
*** Last updated October 2022 - Not all hospitals are public, some are privately ran, the A and E status of hospitals is subject to change, please check before travelling.

Can we show the nearest Post Codes to Betchworth?

Yes we can, to see a list of UK Postcodes near to Betchworth and get a snapshot of all of the postal codes within a radius, simply update the results and we'll pull them in for you. A postcode very near to Betchworth for example is, RH3 7AD.

What is the precise geo location used for these calculations?

Great question! We use latitudes and longitudes (distinct points on the earth) to determine this. The distances for this Betchworth location are based upon the geo coordinates of Latitude: 51.2333 and Longitude: -0.25. The map below is centered on this location, do check it out below.

Populations are a moving target in that they never stand still. However, we do know that in 2011, the estimated population was reported to be 964 people. Allowing for a population change of 0.48 % since 2011 this is estimated to be around 1,024 today. **

If you believe this is incorrect, and have an up to date figure from an official source, then please let us know using the contact link above and we'll update this article.

Would you like to know what the population of Betchworth Surrey is as a percentage of Great Britain's population?

The administrative capital of Surrey is Guildford

Flag of EnglandYou may already know that Betchworth is in Surrey, but did you know that the county's administrative town is Guildford? It's situated at Latitude: 51.2167 Longitude: -0.5667 and had an estimated population of 71874 (as of 2011). The county of Surrey's total area covers approx 644.82 sq mi. Find the nearest towns to Guildford, Surrey

Change the Result Set For Betchworth

If you'd like to get a different set of results, then you can change the settings here. Alter the minimum population or distance numbers and the results in the table will change.

Show Kilometer Option

and Pop >

Include Hospitals near Betchworth in results?
Include Post Codes near Betchworth in results?
Bordering Countries include: Ireland - Expand search parameters to include bordering countries.


Location: Betchworth Great Britain - Date Created: Fri, 24th May 2024

The default population setting is to show towns with populations of at least 100 people. If your results are sparse, then please lower the population number to zero using the population box above, and you'll generate more results.

You can also display age and other demographics for the area around Betchworth Surrey and by updating these results, we'll show you, counties and their resident populations, and the number of people who live within the parameters that you specify.

Click To Export or Update These Results

Betchworth Nearest Towns, Boroughs or Cities within 30 minutes to a 1 hour drive allowing for traffic within 35 mi (56.315 km) * 1
PlaceDistance MiPopulationDir
Reigate Surrey1.4452124E
Lower Kingswood Surrey2.721761NNE
Mickleham Surrey3.11514WNW
Tadworth Surrey3.537000N
Earlswood Surrey3.785050ESE
Dorking Surrey3.7817748WSW
Salfords Surrey4.284535ESE
Westcott Surrey4.482529WSW
Merstham Surrey4.488124ENE
Leatherhead Surrey4.5043545NW

Betchworth Map

Great Britain  Map Icon Activate A Map Showing These Locations

Click To View Great Britain Data Sources:

Need a great data API?

Go premium and export all available results up to 300 mi radius, with a pay as you go plan. Learn More

Large Cities, Boroughs or Towns Across Surrey England
Guildford Surrey71874
Esher Surrey52393
Reigate Surrey52124
Staines Surrey51041
Banstead Surrey46281
Leatherhead Surrey43545
Farnham Surrey36972
Epsom Surrey31490
Camberley Surrey30156
Egham Surrey29664

Great Britain Complete Country Download

If you want a full list of all 4665 populated cities, villages, places and towns, with geo coordinates (longitude and latitudes) that we have for Great Britain, simply Go premium at the Great Britain Cities Database page

There are a total of 9686 places in the system which you can use to plot on a map, or research further. These do not form part of the Great Britain country download, but can be used and included in other queries using the form below. Simply set the population number to 0 to access them all.

A summary of how you can you use this Betchworth data page...
  • If you are building a local town report for your business or client with interests in Surrey, then this is perfect.
  • Maybe you want to download a file showing population estimates for Betchworth Surrey, Great Britain?
  • The page will report the number of towns and cities between 0 and 35 mi (or a distance you choose) of Betchworth or a place you specify. Premium options exist for those needing larger (comma separated values) CSV files.
  • For some locations, you can also interrogate the data by age group demographics. How many people of a defined age group, and sex, live within this radius.
  • We'll show you the local wards near a place and give you a snapshot of how many people live within a defined vicinity of an electoral ward of parish.
  • We'll also display a list of UK Postcodes near to Betchworth giving you a snapshot of all of the postal codes within a 35 mi radius.