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Akbar Tandjung Institute


Penganugerahan Bintang
AT Penghargaan Jepang
AT Penghargaan Jepang
Graha AT (2)
Penganugerahan Bintang
AT Penghargaan Jepang
Akbar Tandjung Raih Tanda Jasa
"Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun"
dari Pemerintah Jepang
angkatan 13
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AT Institute present to contribute to society in order to improve the quality of political life and democracy. Founded in 2005 in Jakarta, AT Institute carries out various activities in the field of human resource development and democratic political institutions.

AT Institute Program

Penelitian & Konsultasi Politik

Periodically conducts various researches in the field of Politics & Democracy, and also conducts political consultations from and to the community and other parties who need data, information and knowledge support.

Seminar, Pelatihan & Sekolah Politik

We always carry out democratic political education for politically interested cadres in the form of National / International seminars, workshops, public discussions with actual themes, book reviews, training and regular education.

Penerbitan Buku Politik & Publikasi

Translation and publication of classic and contemporary political books by foreign and domestic writers whose thoughts are positive for the development of democratic political life, especially Indonesia

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