20 Extraordinary Facts About Mary Crosby - Facts.net
Gratiana Horton

Written by Gratiana Horton

Modified & Updated: 17 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Goldradiouk.com

Mary Crosby is a name that rings a bell for any die-hard fan of classic television and film. With her talent, beauty, and undeniable charisma, Mary has etched her name in Hollywood history. Born on September 14, 1959, in Los Angeles, California, Mary is the daughter of legendary actor and singer Bing Crosby and actress Kathryn Grant. While she may be known for her famous family lineage, Mary has carved out her own path in the entertainment industry, captivating audiences with her talent and leaving a lasting impact on the silver screen. In this article, we delve into the fascinating life and career of Mary Crosby, exploring 20 extraordinary facts that showcase her incredible journey in show business. From her breakthrough role in the iconic TV series “Dallas” to her philanthropic endeavors, get ready to uncover the intriguing world of Mary Crosby.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mary Crosby, daughter of Bing Crosby, shot to fame as Kristin Shepard in “Dallas,” leaving a lasting mark on TV history with her infamous TV moment.
  • Beyond her Hollywood success, Mary Crosby is a passionate animal lover and philanthropist, using her platform to make a positive impact in the world.
Table of Contents

The Daughter of Bing Crosby

Mary Crosby, born on September 14, 1959, is the daughter of the legendary singer and actor Bing Crosby. She comes from a family deeply entrenched in the entertainment industry, making her own mark in Hollywood.

A Star-Studded Education

Mary Crosby received a world-class education thanks to her famous parents. She attended the exclusive Westlake School for Girls in Los Angeles, where she honed her acting skills alongside other celebrity offspring.

The Infamous TV Moment

Mary Crosby is best known for her role as Kristin Shepard in the hit TV series “Dallas.” Her character gained notoriety for shooting J.R. Ewing, which became one of the most talked-about moments in television history.

A Record-Breaking Episode

The episode of “Dallas” where Mary Crosby’s character shot J.R. Ewing received record-breaking ratings, making it one of the most-watched episodes of any television series at the time. It left audiences worldwide eagerly anticipating the revelation.

Continuing the Legacy

Mary Crosby’s acting career was not limited to “Dallas.” She appeared in various television shows and films, including “The Ice Pirates” and “The Legend of Zorro,” solidifying her own place in the entertainment industry.

A Talented Singer

In addition to her acting skills, Mary Crosby possesses a beautiful singing voice. She has showcased her vocal talents in musical productions, leaving audiences captivated by her versatility.

Embracing the Stage

Mary Crosby is no stranger to the theater. She has performed in numerous stage productions, including musicals like “Chicago” and “The King and I,” showcasing her range as a performer.

A Versatile Voice Actor

Mary Crosby has lent her voice to various animated characters throughout her career, bringing life and personality to beloved on-screen creations.

A Passion for Philanthropy

Mary Crosby is actively involved in philanthropic endeavors. She supports several charitable organizations, using her platform to make a positive impact in the world.

The Family Connection

Besides her famous father, Mary Crosby has other family members who have achieved success in the entertainment industry. Her brother, Nathaniel Crosby, is a former professional golfer and her uncle, Bob Crosby, was a renowned bandleader.

Recognized for Her Talents

Mary Crosby’s contributions to the entertainment industry have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. Her talent and dedication have earned her a place among the most respected figures in the world of acting.

Staying Grounded

Despite growing up in the spotlight and achieving success in Hollywood, Mary Crosby has managed to stay grounded. She values her privacy and leads a relatively low-key lifestyle away from the glare of the media.

The Power of the Internet

In the digital age, Mary Crosby has embraced social media platforms to connect with her fans. She engages with her followers, sharing insights into her life and career, further solidifying her status as a beloved public figure.

Avid Animal Lover

Mary Crosby is passionate about animal rights and welfare. She actively supports animal charities and organizations, raising awareness of the importance of treating animals with compassion and respect.

International Recognition

With her talent and versatility, Mary Crosby has achieved international recognition, captivating audiences around the world with her performances.

Her Impact on Pop Culture

Mary Crosby’s portrayal of Kristin Shepard on “Dallas” contributed to the show’s enduring legacy and left an indelible mark on popular culture.

A Respected Mentor

Mary Crosby has shared her knowledge and skills with aspiring actors through mentorship programs, inspiring the next generation of performers.

A Life Beyond the Spotlight

While Mary Crosby has had a successful acting career, she also values her personal life and spends quality time with her loved ones outside of the demanding entertainment industry.

The Importance of Giving Back

Mary Crosby believes in the importance of giving back to the community. She actively participates in charitable events and fundraisers, using her influence to make a positive difference in the world.

Living a Legacy

Mary Crosby’s incredible talent and dedication have secured her a place in the history of entertainment. She continues to inspire others with her remarkable achievements and impact on the industry.


After exploring these 20 extraordinary facts about Mary Crosby, it’s clear that she has had a fascinating career in the entertainment industry. From her breakout role as Kristin Shepard on “Dallas” to her diverse range of acting credits, Crosby has proven herself to be a talented and versatile actress.

Outside of her acting prowess, Crosby has also made significant contributions to various charitable causes and is known for her philanthropic efforts. Her dedication to giving back to the community is truly inspiring.

Overall, Mary Crosby is a true Hollywood icon who has left a lasting impact on the world of entertainment. Her talent, compassion, and dedication have solidified her place as one of the most remarkable celebrities in the industry.


Q: What is Mary Crosby best known for?

A: Mary Crosby is best known for her role as Kristin Shepard in the hit television series “Dallas.” Her character’s storyline, including her infamous portrayal as the shooter of lead character J.R. Ewing, made her a household name.

Q: Has Mary Crosby starred in any other TV shows or movies?

A: Yes, Mary Crosby has appeared in numerous other TV shows and movies throughout her career. Some notable credits include appearances in “The Ice Pirates,” “The Incredible Hulk,” and “Murder, She Wrote.

Q: Is Mary Crosby still active in the entertainment industry?

A: While Mary Crosby is not as active in recent years, she occasionally makes appearances in television shows and movies. She has shifted her focus more towards philanthropy and charitable work.

Q: What philanthropic causes is Mary Crosby involved in?

A: Mary Crosby has been involved in various philanthropic causes throughout her life. She has supported organizations such as the American Heart Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Q: Does Mary Crosby come from a famous family?

A: Yes, Mary Crosby comes from a famous family. She is the daughter of legendary actor Bing Crosby and actress Kathryn Grant. Her family’s legacy in the entertainment industry has played a significant role in shaping her career.

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