校工的英文單字,校工的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


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學校校工School Janitor


  • 和諧的校園,并不是徒具優美諧鄣幕肪,而是上至師長,下至同學校工,彼此都有一份關心,一份包容。 。

    not tacts with a beautiful and harmonious campus, harmonic zhang curtain, but up to the teachers, to the students school, have a care about each other, a tolerance.

  • 還是說你們家只是整理草坪的校工?

    or did your folks just do the lawns?

  • 決定彼得出行滴和校工滴那次談話。

    peter decided to drop travel drops, and janitors that conversation.

  • 東路兩旁排列著教師辦公室、化學實驗室、物理實驗室、大銅鐘、校工宿舍、校醫室、學生宿舍;

    on both sides of east road, there were the teachers「 office, one chemical lab, one physical lab, a big copper bell, the school handy men」s dorm, the school clinic and students「 dorms.

  • 校工的工資相當不錯,因為學校的最低小時工資比起州的最低小時工資還要多幾美元。

    campus jobs pay fairly well, because the campus minimum wage is several dollars per hour above the state minimum wage.

  • 這款燃料電池跑車是德國工藝的證明,就象在德國的雙元制職業教育中學生參加作為學習生參加假期校工中的情況一樣,他們很少聽到「你被解雇了」。

    the f-cell is as much a testament to german engineering as it is to the german dual education system in which students attending vocational school work as apprentices.

  • 可是當老師讓我去叫校工的時候,我都會在學校里轉一圈然后自己回來,跟老師說我找不到它。

    when i was asked to get the janitor, i looked all over the school and reported back to the teacher that i could not find it.

  • 對老師和校工們而言,與苛刻而難以相處的家長合作是一個巨大的挑戰。

    working with difficult or demanding parents can be a huge challenge for teachers and school workers.

  • 對這件事情反應最強烈的是我的校工.

    no one felt more strongly about it than my scout.

  • 即使一個藝術家的作品被送往那里仍然是校工障礙獲得一個好的位置賄賂在墻上,在涉及。

    even when an artist」s work was admitted there was still the obstacle of getting a good position on the wall, which involved the bribery of janitors.

  • 我很緊張,又想獻殷情,結果忘了大學里的校工正在鬧罷工,博物館沒有開門。

    i was so eager and nervous that i forgot the university workforce was on strike and the museum was closed.

  • 事實上,遇到這種宴會,總要給校工一筆小費.

    there was in fact a recognized tariff for the scout on such occasion.

  • 這款燃料電池跑車是德國工藝的證明,就象在德國的雙元制職業教育中學生參加作為學習生參加假期校工中的情況一樣,他們很少聽到「你被解雇了」。

    the f-cell is as much a testament to german engineering as it is to the german in which students attending vocational school work as apprentices.

  • 上一年級時,每次有人把教室里弄得很亂,老師都會找個學生去叫校工來。

    in first grade, whenever someone made a mess in the classroom, the teacher would ask a student to get the janitor.

  • 東路兩旁排列著教師辦公室、化學實驗室、物理實驗室、大銅鐘、校工宿舍、校醫室、學生宿舍;

    on both sides of east road, there were the teachers「 office, one chemical lab, one physical lab, a large copper bell, the school handy men」s dorm, the school clinic and students' dorms.

  • 麥麗金夫人換看了一下四周,房間后面全是校工的柜子。

    mrs. mckinley looked around the room and behind all the shelves of janitor things.

  • 物業管理處一級校工陳波仔先生於二零零六年三月十七日辭世。陳先生於一九九六年加入本校服務。

    mr. chan po chai, janitor i at the estates management office, passed away on 17th march 2006. mr. chan joined the university in 1996.