Nico - The Marble Index - User Reviews - Album of The Year
Nico - The Marble Index
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The History of The Albums – n°404

It wasn't until the Hollywood revolution that we found artists who were as comfortable in movies as in mu-sic, obviously we think of the iconic Bill Crosby, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Dolly Parton, up to Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, and the list is as long as it is full. However, there are also a large number of hydrid artists who have not known the glory of awards and red carpets, but few of them have known how to mark the history of culture. ... read more


Night #3: The Marble Index

This album marks as a drastic departure from the German singer's previous album, which was in the folk pop genre which is surprising to see. I'm only aware of Nico because of the collab album with The Velvet Underground which I like, so it's interesting to check out her solo material since I like what I've heard of Lou Reed's solo works a lot more.

This album was a surreal experience but I only found myself gripped by it to an extent. First off, I want to talk about ... read more


fuck off, you racist hag


God, that cover creeps me up.
eh, i was never a fan of Nico's work, even in her most acclaimed projects like "Chelsea Girl" or "the banana album" i find that she just throws nonsense at the wall to sound interesting and that bores me to death.
On this album i love Nico's voice tho, the raw sound that she has is just really good and also the production is quite nice but isn't enough for me to love this album like I see others do, in a way i'm not really biased, i really don't ... read more


The Marble Index is one of several classics from the late 60's that truly wasn't a product of its time; it laid the foundations for many new sounds in folk music. This album was absolutely groundbreaking, and I cannot envision what folk music - whether it's in a more experimental vein or not - would look like without Nico and Cale's magnum opus. Every single song is haunting, with both Nico's repetitive and shrill harmonium as well as Cale's ambitious arrangements performing as prominently in ... read more




30 terrifying minutes of visceral beauty.


Ya le había hecho una review a este álbum pero sentía la necesidad de hacerle una nueva ya que la que le había hecho era la primera de todas las que hice en AOTY, además de que ayer tuve una experiencia en particular con este álbum.

No me encuentro en mí mejor momento mentalmente, por otro lado, estuve los últimos meses yendo a la nutricionista para hacer un cambio en mí cuerpo con el cual me siento desconforme, y una de las ... read more


it succeded at creating the vibe for the most part, other times it lost me and became kinda goofy tbh, also shame she's a racist cnt (at best), but i should've seen it coming since she kinda looks like alessandra mussolini lmao


Why is Michael Jackson on the cover?!

Favourite Songs: No One Is There, Ari's Song, Facing the Wind, Evening of Light.
Least Favourite Songs: Lawns of Dawn, Julius Caesar (Memento Hodie).


Give this woman a lip balm i beg you

On Nico's 2nd solo record "The Marble Index" her experimentation is brought to another level with theatrical and grand instrumentals within each track. The instrumentation really makes the listener focus with each track sounding like its about to implode. While great each track, I feel that her voice on this one doesn't compliment the production like her first record. This issue doesn't bother me much, but I feel that her voice sometimes irritates ... read more


After the first few tracks here, I was ready to write this album off as being too esoteric and minimal to really be something that I could enjoy all that much. While I still standby my opinions that the first handful of tracks here are too lacking in musical progression or intrigue to be anywhere near songs that I love, the last three tracks here are great and end the record off strong. Nico's songwriting is amazing even this early on, as well. Maybe it's worth a second listen, who knows.


Even if she is a horrible person in real life, she is definitely a talented horrible person and I would argue that Marble Index is her most influential album in her discography (maybe expect for the collaboration with The Velvet Underground) and help start and influence the sub-genre of drone and truly flesh out Avant-Folk soundscape for many other such as Tim Buckley to take over.

Track Review

Prelude 8/10
Lawns of Dawn 8.5/10.
No One Is There 9.5/10
Ari's Song 10/10
Facing the Wind ... read more


I defend Nico with a literal loaded blicky. I mean her music, not her alleged racism.


Fuck, I lost it.


Listening to this a few times, I just feel overwhelmed at how this has influenced so many modern day artists such as PJ Harvey, Julia Holter, Patti Smith, Lingua Ignota etc. It’s hard to believe something so eclectic was made in the late 60’s. Really love this album, and it only improves with each listen.

Standout: Julius Caesar (Memento Hodie)
Favs: Ari’s Song, No one is there, Frozen Warnings, Evening of Light
Least fav: Lawns of Dawn


- Look at me I'm dark!
- No, you're perfect...

Wow, I spend a lot of time educating myself on just about everything, and I have to say that the phenomenon of Nico is one of my favorite subjects in the history of music. Delving into NICO's discography requires delving into the person herself. And it's not easy, as descriptions by those who knew her contradict each other: reserved, secretive, yet at the same time exuberant, spoiled, cultured, sometimes described as racist or even anti-Semitic, ... read more


>>>albums of the 60s - 'The Marble Index' by 'Nico'<<<

'The Marble Index' is an album I really looked forward listening to because I haven't listened to a studio album by Nico without The Velvet Underground yet. As seen in the score given, I wouldn't call this album great. It's good though. At least it wasn't boring at all, let me explain. While I didn't enjoy the music very much, I respect the fact that this woman made an album way ahead of its time being important for later ... read more


This really is an avant-garde record in line with Nico's vision and words. With a distinct folk sound, strings and Nico's idiosyncratic voice, The Marble Index plays like a psychedelic album from the Middle Ages.
You can definitely hear a proto-Björk on a few of the tracks - even John Cage.

Highlights: Frozen Warnings, No One Is There


the wicked witch is dead


Listenting to every year of music since 1960
Decade: 1960s
Year: 1968
#101 Nico - The Marble Index

in the blink of an eye Nico became the Lingua Ignota of the 60s.

"The Marble Index" takes a left turn from her previous pop folk album, embracing a much more experimental and ambitious sound. It's vivid horror. The album feels confusing, chaotic, turbulent, and eerie, yet oddly granidose, but more importantly, incredibly breathtaking.
It's psychedelic folk, no doubt, but she's also ... read more




"The Marble Index" is the first album to be entirely composed by Nico herself after she disowned her own past as Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girl to hide from the spotlights and become the Teutonic ice queen who would unwillingly inspire generations of gothsters.

Her first compositions are amateurish ballads built around a couple of chords, monotonously sang with her marble-cold voice, and accompanied by dissonant and repetitive harmonium phrases. Nico was an improvised songwriter on ... read more


Having had the weird pleasure of meeting her in my younger days I can´t listen to this one without the creepy feeling she gave me in person. I think it´s the most convincing record of her due to the fantastic treatment John Cale gave this music. Chamber music with lots of ingredients of Minimal, Stockhausen and Psychedelia and the strange pitch of Nico´s indian harmonium and her out of tune voice. There is hardly a romantic record that sounds colder: A beautiful zombie ... read more


Excellent. Too good for my words to do any justice.

showing 1 - 25 of 63 user reviews
Rating Distribution
84%of users like this album
1%of users don't like this album