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26 Reviews
Viz Media Switzerland

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(1 review)31 March 2023
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bring it here pls

i would love to watch this here its a good anime its no longer on Netflix its one of my favs

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(2 reviews)11 March 2023
Star ReviewStar ReviewStar ReviewStar ReviewStar Review

Sadly even Netflix took it down. Wtf even is a "hulu"?? Shame.

I wish this was available on some mainstream international platform. Hulu is just popular in the US as far as I know. I'm not paying Americanized prices for some stupid American platform. I Already pay for netflix, prime and crunchy. Piracy it is.

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(22 reviews)15 March 2021
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One of the best romance I've seen

I will start out by saying it is unfortunate that this amazing show isn't on Crunchyroll so I had to watch it on Netflix but I'll still review it on here. This show has 26 episodes for 1 season so far but it doesn't look like there will be a season 2. I would 100% recommend this show because I think it's just that good. The main characters are always interesting, the three idiots that always show up the the café make it funny as well and even the side characters play a good part. I would probably re-watch this show in the future but it'll take some time for me to forget most of the important parts. Id give this show a 10/10 because of how it plays out and the story doesn't drift apart. I really wish it came out with a second season but sadly it being from 2010, I doubt that will ever happen.

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(1 review)23 July 2021
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I really wish there were a season two of this amazing anime. The characters are well written and I absolutely love Usui's personality. Misa-chan and Usui are the best couple in anime. (my opinion) Anyway, I love it so go watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(1 review)18 August 2023
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Needed on here!!!!

It is an amazing show!! Especially for younger people who are just starting out. This was the 3rd sow I watched when starting and I wish it were my first!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO VERY MUCH!! The characters are incredible and it stinks that there isn't another season. It would be nice to watch it on here since Netflix and now Hulu are getting rid of it.