水質總硬度分析試劑套組 Total Hardness Test Kit, Model HA-71A - Hach全球水質分析技術方案
水質總硬度分析試劑套組 Total Hardness Test Kit, Model HA-71A
Water hardness is caused almost entirely by calcium and magnesium ion. Other di- and trivalent metals have a similar effect, but usually are not present in high enough concentration in potable waters to cause problems. Hardness increases soap consumption in laundries and causes scale in boilers. With the Model HA-71A test kit, simply count the number of drops required to change the solution color to determine hardness concentration. Utilizing drop count titration, this kit provides dual ranges and contains approximately 100 tests.
使用 HA-71A 型測試套件,只需計算改變溶液顏色所需的滴數即可確定水中硬度濃度。 此套組利用液滴計數滴定法。

Range 量測範圍 : 1 - 20 mg/L & 17 - 342 mg/L CaCO₃
Smallest Increment : 1 mg/L
1 gpg

關鍵字 : 水 硬度 檢測 試劑 儀器
Utilizes drop count titration - a simple, economical titration method

Kit contains all required reagents and apparatus in a rugged carrying case for analysis in the field