The Last Resort (Movie, 2009) -
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The Last Resort (2009)

Horror | 84 minutes
1,81 67 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 84 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Brandon Nutt

Stars: America Olivo and Marissa Tait

IMDb score: 3,0 (1.533)

Releasedate: 11 August 2009


The Last Resort plot

Kathleen, who is about to get married, and her four bridesmaids, Sophia, Jessica, Beth and Amber, travel to Mexico to party here before the wedding. After a night of partying, Sophia leaves the group to join Rob, a handsome American tourist. The other women decide to take a trip to the rural area, but are robbed here and left in a remote area. As night approaches, the exhausted friends decide to spend the night in a deserted area. As soon as they enter strange things start to happen; it seems as if an evil thing is present. Sophia, who has since returned, does everything she can to track down her friends. Sophia and Rob go looking for them and end up in the area as well. But evil takes hold of anyone who enters the area.

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