The Meaning Behind The Song: Modern Day Cain by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Modern Day Cain by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME


The Meaning Behind The Song: Modern Day Cain by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME

Title Modern Day Cain
Writer/Composer Ryan Seaman & Dallon Weekes
Album Unknown
Release Date August 18, 2017
Genre Alternative Rock
Producer Dallon Weekes

“Modern Day Cain” is I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME’s debut single, released on August 8, 2017. The song quickly gained popularity, reaching number 7 on the American alternative iTunes charts and holding that position for six days.

The inspiration behind “Modern Day Cain” came from a priest character on the British TV show “Broadchurch.” Dallon Weekes, the lead vocalist and songwriter of the band, found inspiration in the character’s moral conflicts and incorporated elements of his storyline into the song.

The music video for “Modern Day Cain” was released on August 18, 2017, and showcases a cable access series. Weekes was fascinated by old cable access talent shows on YouTube, which inspired the concept for the video.

Now, let’s dive into the meaning behind the lyrics.

The Sin and the Burden of Guilt

The lyrics of “Modern Day Cain” explore themes of guilt, confession, and the burden of one’s actions. The modern concussion mentioned in the first verse refers to a state of confusion or disorientation caused by the consequences of one’s actions.

The song portrays the protagonist as a modern version of Cain, referencing the biblical story of Cain and Abel. Cain, in the biblical narrative, commits the first murder by killing his brother Abel out of jealousy. The protagonist in the song sees themselves as a parallel figure, burdened by their own wrongdoing and seeking forgiveness.

The chorus, “This is the sin that I will confess, to release myself from consequence,” showcases the protagonist’s desire to unburden themselves from the guilt and face the repercussions of their actions. The repetition of the line emphasizes the weight of their confession.

Conjuring Fictions and Seeking Redemption

Throughout the song, the protagonist conjures up fictions and tells stories to justify their actions, particularly to get the attention and forgiveness of others, specifically “the pretty girl.” This implies manipulation and the desperate need to be absolved of their guilt.

The line, “The deepest of convictions are the darkest positions,” suggests that the protagonist’s strong beliefs and principles have led them down a morally ambiguous path. They struggle with their own convictions and find solace in moments of temporary reprieve.

Overall, “Modern Day Cain” explores the internal battle of guilt, redemption, and the lengths one may go to seek forgiveness.

Personal Experience

As a fan of I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, “Modern Day Cain” resonates with me on a personal level. The song’s introspective lyrics and introspection into the human condition remind me of my own struggles with guilt and the desire for redemption.

Like the protagonist in the song, I have experienced moments where I’ve made mistakes and felt the weight of my actions. The urge to confess, seek forgiveness, and ultimately unburden myself from the consequences is a universal human desire.

Additionally, the catchy hooks and energetic instrumentation in “Modern Day Cain” make it an enjoyable and thought-provoking listening experience. It’s a song that prompts introspection while also providing a memorable musical backdrop.

In conclusion, “Modern Day Cain” by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME delves into themes of guilt, redemption, and the human desire for forgiveness. Its introspective lyrics and compelling instrumentation make it a standout track. This song serves as a reminder that we all carry the burden of our actions, but seeking confession and redemption can bring solace and release from the consequences.+

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