crawling - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

crawling adjetivo / participio presente

reptante adj m/f
sigiloso adj m
rastrero adj m

V�ase tambi�n:

crawl s

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

Meanwhile, the authorities continued to implement small nominal upward adjustments to the exchange
[...] rate under the crawling peg regime.
Entretanto, las autoridades continuaron implementando peque�os ajustes nominales apreciando el tipo de cambio en el
[...] marco del r�gimen de paridad m�vil.
I would like to draw the House's attention to one statement
in particular: Zimbabwe's police chief said yesterday that they must rid their
[...] country of the crawling mass of maggots'.
Quiero llamar la atenci�n de la C�mara sobre una declaraci�n en
particular: el jefe de polic�a de Zimbabue ha dicho ayer que en su pa�s tienen que
[...] deshacerse de �la masa rastrera de gusanos�.
A long marble snake is crawling before your eyes.
Una larga serpiente de m�rmol se arrastra frente a tus ojos.
And so begins - with some children at an early stage, with others a little later -
[...] all the fun of crawling.
Y as� comienza - en algunos ni�os incluso a m�s temprana edada -
[...] la gran haza�a del gateo.
Active babies build strong
[...] muscles to use for crawling and exploring their world.
Los beb�s activos desarrollan los
[...] m�sculos fuertes con que gatean y exploran su mundo.
[...] use on unlimited URLs, crawling each site up to 10 levels deep
Uso ilimitado
[...] sobre URLs ilimitadas, rastreando cada sitio hasta 10 [...]
niveles de profundidad
The "endoscopic legged capsule" -
[...] inspired by the crawling movement of insects.
La "c�psula endosc�pica de dos patas" -
[...] inspirada por el lento movimiento de los [...]
To solve the problem, the team drew
[...] inspiration from the crawling motion of insects, [...]
and came up with a radio-controlled
micro robot with hooked legs and tiny teeth to grip the intestinal wall.
Para resolver este problema, el equipo se
[...] inspir� en los lentos movimientos de [...]
los insectos y consigui� un microrrobot controlado
por radio con patas ganchudas y min�sculos dientes para adherirse a la pared intestinal.
SMA is an autosomal recessive genetic disease that destroys the
nerves controlling voluntary muscle
[...] movement which affects crawling, walking, head and [...]
neck control and even swallowing.
AME es un trastorno gen�tico autos�mico recesivo que destruye los nervios
que controlan los movimientos musculares
[...] voluntarios que afectan al gateo, andar y control del [...]
cuello e incluso de tragar.
But I have a greater concern about another type of access - you can no longer go for a walk in the glorious hills
surrounding Santiago without dodging
[...] gun-wielding guards and crawling through holes [...]
in the fences that keep us imprisoned in this city.
Pero tengo una preocupaci�n mayor sobre otro tipo de acceso: ya no se puede pasear por los gloriosos
cerros que rodean Santiago sin evadir
[...] guardias armados y pasar a trav�s de huecos [...]
en las rejas que nos mantienen prisioneros en esta ciudad.
The currency's depreciation against the Russian rouble has remained within the targets set by the
[...] central bank's crawling-peg arrangement.
La depreciaci�n de la moneda frente al rublo ruso ha permanecido dentro de los objetivos fijados por el acuerdo de
[...] paridad escalonada del banco central.
Spaces should be
[...] arranged so that crawling babies and young [...]
toddlers are able to move freely without tripping over obstacles or bumping into each other.
Los espacios se deben
[...] organizar de manera que los beb�s que gatean y los [...]
ni�os peque�os puedan moverse libremente sin chocar
entre s� o tropezar con obst�culos.
It is worth mentioning the robot "Roptalmu", a Portable crawling robot for drilling different types of aircraft spars, that won the Strategic Manufacturing Awards 2008.
Cabe destacar en este �mbito el robot "Roptalmu", un robot port�til de taladrado de largueros multiproducto, ganador de los Strategic Manufacturing Awards 2008.
Isabela began life as a very healthy
[...] infant; she was crawling, beginning to eat [...]
and form words.
Isabela comenz� su vida siendo
[...] un beb� muy sano; gateaba, empezaba a comer [...]
y a formar palabras.
A long bubble snake is crawling in front of you.
Una larga serpiente de burbujas se arrastra frente a ti.
Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are [...]
considered developmental milestones and provide important information regarding the child's development.
El hecho de voltearse, gatear, caminar y hablar son [...]
considerados acontecimientos importantes del desarrollo y brindan importante
informaci�n que tiene que ver con el desarrollo del ni�o.
The crawling-peg rate will be maintained at 5% per year and free convertibility of foreign currency is to [...]
be guaranteed.
Se mantendr� la tasa de deslizamiento del 5% anual y se garantizar� la libre convertibilidad de divisas.
Despite the slight real depreciation of the Brazilian real due to a crawling peg exchange rate, the 1999 crisis forced a large nominal depreciation and led to an interest rate hike.
Pese a la ligera depreciaci�n efectiva del real brasile�o, debido a un ajuste gradual del tipo de cambio, la crisis de 1999 provoc� una fuerte depreciaci�n nominal y dio lugar a un aumento de los tipos de inter�s.
Suddently a man in a trance,
[...] naked from the top came crawling with a candle and a [...]
Guadalup vergin.
De repente un hombre en trance,
[...] desnudo de arriba vino gateando con una vela y la virgen [...]
Accidents are also
[...] caused by drivers crawling along at a snail's [...]
pace on motorways and in some cases they could be avoided
by having a minimum as well as a maximum speed limit.
Tambi�n causan accidentes
[...] los conductores que avanzan pisando [...]
huevos por las autopistas y en algunos casos se podr�a evitar
imponiendo un l�mite m�nimo de velocidad, adem�s del m�ximo.
There were snakes crawling in the camp and [...]
the ground was wet all the time.
Hab�an serpientes arrastr�ndose por el campamento [...]
y el suelo estaba siempre h�medo.
Once babies with
[...] hemophilia begin crawling and cruising, parents [...]
may notice raised bruises on the stomach, chest, buttocks, and back.
En cuanto un beb� con
[...] hemofilia empieza a gatear, es posible que los [...]
padres le empiecen a detectar moretones prominentes
en est�mago, pecho, nalgas y espalda.
Additional bleeding problems are seen when
[...] the infant starts crawling and walking.
Otros problemas de sangrado generalmente se observan cuando
[...] el beb� comienza a gatear y caminar.
Every rock that we turned over
[...] seemed to have a bug or a worm crawling out underneath," says SEC Chairman [...]
Christopher Cox.
Debajo de cada piedra que
[...] levant�bamos, parec�a haber alg�n bicho o un gusano arrastr�ndose -explica [...]
Christopher Cox, presidente de la SEC-.
The only clear incompatibilities vis-�-vis ERM II that can already be
identified at this stage are fully floating
[...] exchange rates, crawling pegs and pegs [...]
against anchors other than the euro.
Las �nicas claras incompatibilidades respecto del MC II que pueden determinarse ya desde ahora son los
tipos de cambio totalmente flotantes, los
[...] tipos de cambios m�viles y las vinculaciones [...]
a monedas ancla distintas del euro.
This stops ticks from crawling up under your pants.
De esta forma, impide que las garrapatas suban por debajo de los pantalones.
And some of you have started for years and still you keep crawling on.
Y algunos de ustedes empezaron desde hace a�os, y todav�a est�n arrastr�ndose.
Inflation steadily declined between late�2006 and mid-2007, thanks in part to the October�2006 switch to a crawling band regime and the subsequent widening of the exchange rate band.
La inflaci�n disminuy� continuamente entre fines del 2006 y mediados del 2007, gracias en parte a la adopci�n en octubre del 2006 de un r�gimen de banda deslizante y a la posterior ampliaci�n de la banda cambiaria.
The Turkish authorities had
[...] to abandon the crawling peg exchange rate [...]
regime, which had been at the heart of the stabilisation programme.
Las autoridades turcas tuvieron que renunciar al r�gimen de
[...] tipos de cambio m�viles, que constitu�a [...]
el eje del programa de estabilizaci�n.
Though this can and often does improve over time, most
children with DS typically reach developmental milestones -
[...] like sitting up, crawling, and walking - [...]
later than other kids.
Aunque esta caracter�stica tiende a mejorar con el tiempo, la mayor�a de los ni�os(as) que padecen del s�ndrome de Down t�picamente
alcanzan importantes avances en su desarrollo - por
[...] ejemplo, sentarse, gatear y caminar -un poco [...]
m�s tarde que otros ni�os(as).
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