The Scariest Movies Set In Space, Ranked

The Scariest Movies Set In Space, Ranked

Ranker Horror
Updated May 6, 2024 103.7K views 60 items
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24.9K votes
3.0K voters
7 reranks

The scariest movies set in space create unforgettable cinematic experiences for fans of horror and sci-fi alike, unleashing terror in the vast expanse of the universe. Combining the best of sci-fi and horror, these films transport audiences into terrifying tales that explore the unknown and uncharted territories of the cosmos. As viewers embark on these harrowing interstellar journeys, fear takes on entirely new dimensions when it's unleashed in the void of outer space. 

When exploring the best space horror movies, it becomes apparent how such films navigate between fear, fascination, and groundbreaking storytelling. From gripping narratives to groundbreaking visuals, these space horror movies have left significant marks on the film industry, influencing both pop culture and critical acclaim. Their unique blend of otherworldly terror and awe-inspiring storytelling made these films the best space horror movies in cinema history. 

A glimpse into this chilling collection reveals classic films like Alien, which redefined the cosmic horror subgenre with its claustrophobic atmosphere and relentless extraterrestrial predator. Meanwhile, Event Horizon took audiences on a nightmarish voyage through a haunted spaceship, with psychological terror lurking within its dark corridors. In Pitch Black, the foreboding landscape of a distant planet brings forth an ancient, deadly species preying on human survivors caught in perpetual darkness. These unforgettable cinematic experiences are just a few examples of what makes these films the scariest movies set in space. 

By exploring the furthest reaches of human fear, these space horror movies leave indelible marks on the hearts and minds of those who dare to watch them. The harrowing journeys into unexplored realms captivates audiences, showcasing the limitless potential of the imagination. With every viewing, fans of the genre can rediscover the allure of the abyss and the terror that awaits in the darkest corners of the cosmos. 

Most divisive: The Last Days on Mars
Over 3.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Scariest Movies Set in Space
  • Alien
    David Giler, Gordon Carroll, Walter Hill
    1,612 votes

    Alien follows the crew of the commercial space tug Nostromo as they are awakened from cryogenic sleep by a distress call halfway through their interstellar journey. The crew finds a nest of eggs in an alien vessel, soon discovering that these are hostile extraterrestrial lifeform. As the extraterrestrial organism stalks and kills each human one by one, this classic thriller is full of suspense and scares as it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats..

  • Aliens
    Gale Anne Hurd
    1,334 votes

    In the hotly-anticipated sequel to Alien, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is rescued by a deep space marine team. As they search LV-426, they discover only one survivor, a young girl named Newt (Carrie Henn). Soon, they must fight off the hundreds of xenomorph creatures that have boarded the ship. The suspenseful and thrilling plot keeps viewers on their toes as they are taken on a journey to uncover the secrets of the dangerous aliens who have invaded the colony..

  • Event Horizon
    Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, Jeremy Bolt
    1,434 votes

    This sci-fi follows the crew of a spaceship sent to investigate a lost spacecraft, the Event Horizon, that has suddenly reappeared after vanishing seven years ago. As they explore the seemingly-abandoned vessel, they encounter supernatural forces and unimaginable horrors from beyond our universe. This movie features intense action sequences and terrifying visuals, making it one of the scariest movies ever made set in space.

  • Pitch Black
    Tom Engelman
    780 votes

    Set in the future, on a distant unexplored planet, Pitch Black follows an escaped convict (Vin Diesel) and his crew of survivors as they battle against vicious creatures that are only visible in total darkness prolonged by an eclipse. This suspenseful thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat with its intense action sequences, special effects, and relentless monsters. It's one of those rare films that can be both scary and entertaining at the same time - perfect for sci-fi fans who love a good scare.

  • Prometheus
    Ridley Scott, David Giler, Walter Hill
    817 votes

    In Ridley Scott's Prometheus, an archaeologist (Noomi Rapace) and a scientist (Elizabeth Shaw) venture to the darkest parts of the universe on a mission to find the origin of mankind. While they hope to find benevolent beings that will validate their religious beliefs, Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) aims to debunk their spiritual ideas. While they travel to an alien world to search for answers, they encounter unspeakable and unimaginable horrors.

  • Life
    David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Bonnie Curtis
    160 votes

    Life (2017) follows the crew of the International Space Station (Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, and Rebecca Ferguson) as they discover the first proof of alien life on Mars. The extraterrestrial being soon begins to evolve, rapidly displaying intelligence and mortal danger. As the crew tries to contain it, they realize that their only hope might be to destroy it before it can spread across Earth. 

  • Pandorum
    Paul W.S. Anderson, Jeremy Bolt, Robert Kulzer
    1,050 votes

    When the astronaut crew of a spacecraft wake up from cryosleep with no memory of their mission or how to operate their craft, they soon discover that they are not alone on board. As Payton (Dennis Quaid) and Bower (Ben Foster) explore their seemingly abandoned ship, suspenseful moments build as they realize they are not alone. With its claustrophobic setting and intense scenes, Pandorum will keep you on the edge of your seat.

  • Alien 3
    Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill
    817 votes

    Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is the sole survivor when she crash-lands on the bleak Fiorina 161, a remote maximum security prison planet inhabited by mostly male criminals. She struggles to survive attacks by the xenomorph alien that has unintentionally been set loose among them, hunting the prisoners and guards. With no weapons, Ripley must lead the inmates into battle against the terrifying creature.

  • Alien: Resurrection
    Bill Badalato, Gordon Carroll, David Giler
    681 votes
    Two hundred years have passed since Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) died on Fiorina 161. Aboard the medical research vessel USM Auriga, a team of scientists clone Ripley from her extracted DNA and removes the alien Queen embryo which was growing inside her at the time of her death.
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
    Stanley Kubrick
    493 votes
    In Stanley Kubrick's groundbreaking film 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) and his crew embark on a mysterious journey to Jupiter, guided by their ship's artificially intelligent computer, HAL 9000 (voiced by Douglas Rain). This epic science fiction masterpiece, which won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, explores themes of evolution, technology, artificial intelligence and the unknown. The movie is renowned for its realistic depiction of space travel and innovative special effects, providing a visually stunning cinematic experience that captivated audiences worldwide.
  • Riddick
    Vin Diesel, Ted Field
    451 votes
    Left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, fugitive Riddick (Vin Diesel) fights for survival against alien predators more lethal than any human he has yet encountered. His only hope for escape is to activate an emergency beacon, but that brings with it a different problem: mercenaries. The first ship carries an especially violent and lethal group; the second is led by a man from Riddick's past. With time running out, Riddick realizes that neither group will leave without his head as trophy.
  • Sunshine
    Andrew Macdonald
    443 votes
    In the sci-fi thriller Sunshine, physicist Robert Capa (Cillian Murphy) and his diverse team of astronauts embark on a daring mission to reignite the dying sun. Set in 2057, this gripping narrative follows their perilous journey aboard spaceship Icarus II. Driven by an urgent need to save Earth from an eternal winter, the crew, including the stoic Mace (Chris Evans), faces unimaginable challenges that test their resolve and unity. Directed by Danny Boyle, the film is a compelling exploration of survival and sacrifice against a backdrop of cosmic terror.
  • Lifeforce
    Yoram Globus, Menahem Golan
    386 votes
    When a space mission involving American and British astronauts encounters an alien craft, the humanoids within are brought aboard the shuttle. Back on Earth, one of the extraterrestrials, who appears to be a gorgeous woman (Mathilda May), proceeds to suck the life force out of various Londoners, turning the town into a city of roaming half-dead people. When Tom Carlsen (Steve Railsback), a surviving astronaut, realizes what is happening, he sets out to stop the ruthless alien presence.
  • Dead Space: Downfall
    Chuck Beaver, Joe Goyette, Cate Latchford
    60 votes
    In this animated film, miners laboring at an outpost in deep space unearth a bizarre alien artifact. After Capt. Matthius (Jim Cummings) -- of the orbiting USG Ishimura -- dispatches a team to bring the artifact on board for scientific study, a series of horrifying and unexplainable deaths befall members of his crew. In an atmosphere of growing paranoia, security head Alissa Vincent (Nika Futterman) struggles to determine the cause of the mysterious rash of violence spreading through the ship.
  • Forbidden Planet
    Nicholas Nayfack
    78 votes
    In this sci-fi classic, a spacecraft travels to the distant planet Altair IV to discover the fate of a group of scientists sent there decades earlier. When Commander John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) and his crew arrive, they discover only two people: Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon) and his daughter, Altaira (Anne Francis), who was born on the remote planet. Soon, Adams begins to uncover the mystery of what happened on Altair IV, and why Morbius and Altaira are the sole survivors.
  • Screamers
    Tom Berry, Franco Battista
    393 votes
    Cmdr. Joe Hendricksson (Peter Weller) and new recruit Ace Jefferson (Andy Lauer) set out across the surface of Sirius 6B, where they hope to settle a violent labor dispute at a remote mining outpost. After going too far to turn back, they find the desert riddled with deadly Autonomous Mobile Swords, or "Screamers." Created to protect the mines, these burrowing weapons have learned to replicate themselves. To make matters worse, recent generations of Screamers can assume humanoid form.
  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant

    Ridley Scott, Mark Huffam, Michael Schaefer
    125 votes
    In the heart-pounding, sci-fi thriller Alien: Covenant, a crew of colonists, aboard the spaceship Covenant, journey to an uncharted paradise. Michael Fassbender shines in dual roles as synthetic androids Walter and David, while Katherine Waterston offers a compelling performance as Daniels. Their destination, initially promising, soon reveals itself as a dark, dangerous world inhabited by hostile creatures. As the crew attempts survival against unimaginable threats, they're forced to confront the terrifying reality - are they the hunters or the hunted? This Ridley Scott-directed sequel to Prometheus continues exploring themes of creation and extinction in his iconic Alien franchise.
  • Ghosts of Mars
    Sandy King
    473 votes
    John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars is a 2001 American science fiction action horror film composed, written, and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Ice Cube, Natasha Henstridge, Jason Statham, Pam Grier, Clea DuVall, and Joanna Cassidy.
  • Red Planet
    Bruce Berman, Mark Canton, Jorge Saralegui
    118 votes
    Mission Commander Kate Bowman is the pilot and commander of the most important mission of the 21st century: saving the human race. It's 2050, earth is dying, and colonizing Mars is the only alternative to obliteration. Bowman and her crew have made this journey to investigate what went wrong with the malfunctioning Mars Terraforming Project, and to repair it. But what happens when they get there is far more terrifying than anyone could have guessed.
  • Moon
    Stuart Fenegan, Trudie Styler
    387 votes
    Moon is a captivating science fiction drama, the directorial debut of Duncan Jones. The film features Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), stationed alone on a lunar base for a three-year stint. As his tenure nears its end, he starts to grapple with disturbing experiences, questioning his reality. GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey), an AI assistant, is his only companion during this ordeal. A gripping exploration of isolation and identity, Moon won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in 2010. It's a cerebral journey that challenges viewers without relying on flashy special effects.
  • Apollo 18
    Timur Bekmambetov, Michele Wolkoff
    478 votes
    Apollo 17 was the last U.S.-sponsored lunar voyage -- or was it? Hours of found footage, classified for decades, point to a subsequent moon mission -- Apollo 18 -- that ended very badly. Astronauts John Grey (Ryan Robbins), Nathan Walker (Lloyd Owen) and Benjamin Anderson (Warren Christie), on a mission to install radar scanners, discover a Soviet space capsule nearby. The men also discover a dead cosmonaut, and unfortunately for them, learn how he died.
  • The Last Days on Mars
    Michael Kuhn, Andrea Cornwell
    473 votes
    Astronauts (Liev Schreiber, Elias Koteas, Romola Garai) on Mars contend with a microbe that turns those it infects into zombielike killers.
  • Europa Report

    Europa Report

    Ben Browning
    294 votes
    When unmanned probes suggest that a hidden ocean and single-celled life exists on one of Jupiter's moons, six astronauts embark on an ill-fated exploratory mission.
  • The Cloverfield Paradox

    The Cloverfield Paradox

    J.J. Abrams, Lindsey Weber
    78 votes
    A crew aboard a space station finds itself alone after a scientific experiment causes the Earth to disappear. When a space shuttle appears, the space station's crew must determine if it is carrying friends or foes.
  • Nightflyers


    18 votes
    Nightflyers is a 1987 science-fiction horror film based on the novella by George R.R. Martin, directed by Robert Collector.
  • Hellraiser: Bloodline
    Nancy Rae Stone
    39 votes
    Three generations of the same family deal with the consequences of unleashing the forces of hell. In 18th-century France, Paul L'Merchant (Bruce Ramsay) works as a toymaker until he's coerced into creating a box that serves as a portal between hell and Earth. The box summons demonic Angelique (Valentina Vargas) and Pinhead (Doug Bradley), who -- 200 years later -- hunt down John Merchant (Bruce Ramsay). Then, centuries later, Phillip Merchant (also Ramsay) prepares for a final confrontation.
  • Saturn 3
    Stanley Donen
    24 votes
    A madman (Harvey Keitel) and his shiny robot chase a May-December couple (Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas) doing food research on Saturn's third moon.
  • Galaxy of Terror
    Roger Corman
    263 votes
    Galaxy of Terror is a 1981 science fiction/horror film produced by Roger Corman and directed by Bruce D. Clark. It stars Edward Albert, Erin Moran, Ray Walston and Taaffe O'Connell. Produced by New World Pictures and distributed by United Artists, the film has gained a cult following of its own since the time of its release.
  • Queen of Blood
    Roger Corman, George Edwards, Samuel Z. Arkoff
    38 votes
    Queen of Blood is a 1966 horror-science fiction film released by American International Pictures. The director, Curtis Harrington, crafted this B-movie with footage from the Soviet films Mechte Navstrechu and Nebo Zovyot. It was released as part of a double bill with the AIP film Blood Bath. The film features John Saxon, Basil Rathbone, Judi Meredith and Dennis Hopper.
  • Planet of the Vampires
    Fulvio Lucisano
    232 votes
    Planet of the Vampires is a 1965 Italian/Spanish science fiction horror film directed by Mario Bava. The film stars Barry Sullivan and Norma Bengell. The screenplay, by Bava, Alberto Bevilacqua, Callisto Cosulich, Antonio Roman and Rafael J. Salvia, was based on an Italian-language science fiction short story, Renato Pestriniero's "One Night of 21 Hours". The story follows the horrific experiences of the crew members of two giant spaceships that have crash landed on a forbidding, unexplored planet. The disembodied inhabitants of the world possess the bodies of the crew who died during the crash, and use the animated corpses to stalk and kill the remaining survivors. The film was co-produced by American International Pictures and Italian International Film, with some financing provided by Spain's Castilla Cooperativa Cinematográfica. Ib Melchior and Louis M. Heyward are credited with the script for the AIP English-language release version. Years after its release, some critics suggested that the film's narrative details and visual design appeared to have been a major influence on Ridley Scott's Alien.
  • Silent Running
    Michael Gruskoff
    286 votes
    After the end of all botanical life on Earth, ecologist Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) maintains a greenhouse on a space station in order to preserve various plants for future generations. Assisted by three robots and a small human crew, Lowell rebels when he is ordered to destroy the greenhouse in favor of carrying cargo, a decision that puts him at odds with everyone but his mechanical companions. Lowell and his robots are forced to do anything necessary to keep their invaluable greenery alive.
  • It! The Terror from Beyond Space
    238 votes
    It's the future -- 1973 -- and a rescue team is sent to fetch Col. Edward Carruthers (Marshall Thompson), the lone survivor of the first manned flight to Mars. Though he's slated for the firing squad after ostensibly murdering his entire crew, he insists that a Martian monster is to blame for the deaths. Cmdr. Van Heusen (Kim Spalding) and the team doubt Carruthers' claims, until more mysterious killings occur. To their horror, they realize the bloodthirsty beast is on board the ship with them.
  • Doom
    John Wells, Lorenzo di Bonaventura
    766 votes
    A team of space marines known as the Rapid Response Tactical Squad, led by Sarge (The Rock), is sent to a science facility on Mars after somebody reports a security breach. There, they learn that the alert came after a test subject, a mass murderer purposefully injected with alien DNA, broke free and began killing people. Dr. Grimm (Rosamund Pike), who is related to team member Reaper (Karl Urban), informs them all that the chromosome can mutate humans into monsters -- and is highly infectious.
  • Forbidden World
    Roger Corman
    272 votes
    Forbidden World, originally titled Mutant, is a 1982 American cult classic science fiction/horror film. The screenplay was written by Tim Curnen, from a screenstory by R.J. Robertson and Jim Wynorski. It was co-edited and directed by Allan Holzman, who had edited Battle Beyond the Stars two years earlier. The cast includes Jesse Vint, Dawn Dunlap, June Chadwick, Linden Chiles, Fox Harris, Raymond Oliver, Scott Paulin, Michael Bowen, and Don Olivera. The film received three nominations for the 1983 Saturn Awards: Best Low Budget Film, Best Make-up and Best Special Effects. It was generally panned by critics as a cheap, exploitive imitation of the movie Alien, with sex, nudity, uneven editing, cheap special effects, and an audio track that some found unpleasant. It has, however, attained a certain cult status among fans of grungy, cheap, sleazy science fiction. It is frequently paired with and compared to the previous year's Corman-produced Alien rip-off Galaxy of Terror, with which Forbidden World shares some of the same sets. The movie also makes use of footage recycled from the 1980 movie Battle Beyond the Stars, which was also produced by Corman.
  • The Deadly Spawn is a 1983 science fiction horror film directed by Douglas McKeown and starring Charles George Hildebrandt. In some territories, the film's title was changed to Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn or The Return of the Alien's Deadly Spawn in an attempt to cash in on the worldwide success of Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien. It follows the story of a crash-landed alien that finds refuge in the basement of a house and grows to monstrous proportions, eating those unlucky enough to venture down. A handful of teenagers try to survive the onslaught of the creature and its young.
  • The Angry Red Planet
    Sidney W. Pink, Norman Maurer
    42 votes
    Chief Warrant Officer Sam Jacobs (Jack Kruschen), Dr. Iris Ryan (Nora Hayden), Professor Theodore Gettell (Les Tremayne) and Col. Tom O'Bannion (Gerald Mohr) are astronauts aboard the spaceship MR-1, the first mission to Mars. Shortly after their rocket reaches the mysterious red planet, the band of brave space explorers discovers monstrous yet highly intelligent alien life forms, which first attack, then deliver a haunting word of warning intended for all mankind.
  • Jason X
    Noel Cunningham
    764 votes
    The year is 2455. The Place is Old Earth. Once the shimmering blue jewel of the galaxy, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled. Not to live, but to research the ancient rusting artifacts of the bygone civilizations that caused this environmental disaster. And little does the most recent landing party of intrepid young explorers realize the fate that awaits them.
  • Dark Star
    John Carpenter
    209 votes
    A satiric look at the problems experienced by a crew of bumbling astronauts on a mission to destroy rogue planets.
  • Supernova
    Ash R. Shah, Daniel Chuba, Jamie Dixon
    271 votes
    Supernova is a science fiction thriller that chronicles the high-stakes adventures of a deep space hospital ship and its six member crew. When their vessel, the Nightingale 229, answers an emergency distress signal from a distant galaxy, the crew soon finds itself in danger from the mysterious young man they rescue, the alien artifact he smuggled aboard and the gravitational pull of a giant star about to go supernova -- the most massive explosion in the universe.
  • Solaris
    Viacheslav Tarasov
    121 votes
    Solaris is a 1972 Russian science fiction art film adaptation of Polish author Stanisław Lem's novel Solaris. The film was co-written and directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. The film is a meditative psychological drama occurring mostly aboard a space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris. The scientific mission has stalled because the skeleton crew of three scientists have fallen into separate emotional crises. Psychologist Kris Kelvin travels to the Solaris space station to evaluate the situation only to encounter the same mysterious phenomena as the others. The original science fiction novel is about the ultimate inadequacy of communication between humans and other species. Tarkovsky's adaptation is a “drama of grief and partial recovery” concentrated upon the thoughts and the consciences of the cosmonaut scientists studying Solaris' mysterious ocean. In loyalty to the novel's complex and slow-paced narrative, Tarkovsky wanted to bring a new emotional and intellectual depth to the genre, viewing most of western science fiction as shallow. The ideas which Tarkovsky tried to express in this film are further developed in Stalker.
  • Solaris
    John Cameron, Rae Sanchini, Jon Landau
    302 votes
    Based on the classic science fiction novel by Stanislaw Lem, "Solaris" centers on a psychologist (George Clooney) sent to investigate unexplained behavior of key scientists on a space station orbiting the planet Solaris. Once aboard he, too, falls victim to this unique world's mysteries -- as well as to an erotic obsession with someone he thought he had left behind.
  • Creature
    195 votes
    Creature - Die dunkle Macht der Finsternis ist ein Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 1985. Regie führte William Malone.
  • Dead Space: Aftermath is an American animated horror film that bridges the storyline between Dead Space and Dead Space 2.
  • Inseminoid
    Richard Gordon
    186 votes
    Inseminoid is a British science-fiction horror film released in 1981. Director Norman J. Warren's eighth film, the plot of Inseminoid concerns a group of future scientists excavating the ruins of an ancient civilisation on a distant planet. When a monstrous alien creature attacks and inseminates one of the women in the team, chaos ensues as the unbalanced victim, possessing unnatural strength, murders her colleagues one after another in a psychotic bid to protect her unborn twin hybrid offspring. It stars Judy Geeson, Robin Clarke, and Stephanie Beacham. Victoria Tennant makes an early film appearance. Filmed between May and June 1980, Inseminoid is based on a script written by Nick and Gloria Maley, a couple who had contributed to the special effects of Warren's films starting with Satan's Slave. A low budget of £1 million, half of which was contributed by the Hong Kong Shaw Brothers, funded location filming in both the Chislehurst Caves in Kent and on the island of Gozo in Malta. Composer John Scott perfected the electronic score of Inseminoid in multiple hours-long studio sessions following the completion of shooting.
  • Prospect
    Dan Balgoyen, Garrick Dion, Scott Glassgold
    33 votes
    A man and his teenage daughter encounter nonstop danger while searching for valuable gems on an alien moon.
  • Contamination
    201 votes
    Contamination (a.k.a. Alien Contamination, Toxic Spawn or Larvae) is a 1980 science fiction-horror film directed by Luigi Cozzi. A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
  • Icarus XB 1
    165 votes
    A giant spaceship carrying colonists to a new planet runs into unexpected troubles on its journey, ranging from encounters with abandoned alien craft to malfunctioning onboard computers and tensions among its crew and passengers. A 15 year voyage that tests severely the morale of the crew and passengers. Edited and dubbed into English for the USA in 1964 (as was common for many Eastern European/Soviet Science Fiction films of the 1960s).Some credit this film as a partial influence on the creation of Star Trek tv series made a few years later (more likely, both this film and the Star Trek show were heavily influenced by Forbidden Planet).
  • The Green Slime
    William Ross, Ivan Reiner, Walter H. Manley
    186 votes
    The Green Slime is a 1968 science-fiction film produced by MGM in the United States and shot in Japan at the studios of Toei Company by director Kinji Fukasaku. The film was spearheaded by Ivan Reiner and Walter Manley, the same creative team who produced similar Italian outings like Wild, Wild Planet.
  • Critters 4
    216 votes
    After killing all the remaining vicious Critter aliens in "Critters 3," bounty hunter Charlie McFadden (Don Keith Opper) is shot into space in a capsule with the last two Critter eggs. In the year 2045, a spaceship commanded by Capt. Rick (Anders Hove) retrieves the pod and opens it at a defunct space station, which revives Charlie. But while Rick waits for the Terracorps corporation to arrive and take the eggs, they hatch, placing Charlie and the whole crew in mortal danger.
  • Dracula 3000
    Frank Hübner, Brad Krevoy, David Wicht
    223 votes
    Spacefarers (Casper Van Dien, Erika Eleniak, Coolio) encounter bloodthirsty vampires aboard a derelict vessel.
  • Dead Space
    Mike Elliott
    20 votes
    Dead Space is a 1991 science-fiction film involving the crew members of a space station orbiting Saturn when they face a killer virus. In 2010 Shout! Factory released the film on DVD, packaged as a double feature with The Terror Within as part of the Roger Corman Cult Classics collection.
  • Leprechaun 4: In Space
    222 votes
    Leprechaun 4: In Space is a 1997 direct-to-video horror comedy/science fiction film directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. It is the fourth film in the Leprechaun series.
  • Star Crystal
    Eric Woster
    176 votes
    Space-station crew members (C. Jutson Campbell, Faye Bolt, Taylor Kingsley) escape from an explosion, with a deadly creature from Mars.
  • Doom: Annihilation
    Ogden Gavanski
    48 votes
    A group of UAC Marines responds to a distress call from a top-secret scientific base on Phobos, a Martian moon, only to discover it's been overrun by demons.
  • Aniara
    25 votes
    Aniara is a 2019 Swedish science fiction film directed by Pella Kagerman and Hugo Lilja. One of many spaceships carrying passengers from Earth to Mars is knocked off course by an asteroid, leaving the passengers stranded in the universe.
  • The Dark Side of the Moon is a 1990 direct-to-video science fiction/horror film. It was directed by D. J. Webster from the screenplay by brothers Chad and Carey Hayes.
  • Alien Cargo

    Alien Cargo

    32 votes
    Alien Cargo is a 1999 science fiction film starring Jason London, Missy Crider, Elizabeth Alexander and Alan Dale, as the crew of a space-cargo transport ship, which is attacked by an unknown alien life form that manipulates all organic life into releasing their inner evil psyche.
  • GA-GA: Glory to the Heroes

    GA-GA: Glory to the Heroes

    17 votes
    GA-GA: Glory to the Heroes is a 1986 horror science fiction film written and directed by Piotr Szulkin.
  • Gorath
    Tomoyuki Tanaka, Edward L. Alperson
    17 votes
    Gorath, released in Japan as Calamity Star Gorath, is a Japanese science fiction tokusatsu film produced by Toho in 1962. The story for Gorath was by Jojiro Okami.
  • High Life
    Oliver Dungey, Laurence Clerc, Olivier Thery-Lapiney
    8 votes
    Monte and his baby daughter are the last survivors of a damned and dangerous mission to the outer reaches of the solar system. They must now rely on each other to survive as they hurtle toward the oblivion of a black hole.