Watch: Full Trailer For ‘Iron Man 3’ Finally Here
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Watch: Full Trailer 'Iron Man 3' Finally Here

After a day of endless photos, posters, updates and even a second teaser trailer for the trailer, the full trailer for Marvel‘s first post-“Avengers” movie, “Iron Man 3,” has arrived over at Apple at the curious hour of 12.01PM PST. So strap in, here we go….

This first full trailer gives us a somewhat darker tone than we’re used to, with Tony Stark’s wisecracks dialed down almost entirely. But for the most part, this is the “Iron Man” we all know and (sort of) love, the signs of teething problems for new helmer Shane Black nowhere to be found. Indeed, there’s some surprisingly haunting images in here (the Hiroshima-style scorched shadows on the wall), although we’ve got our fingers crossed that this dour tone won’t be in place throughout 100% of the film.

The action looks typically spectacular, with most of the running time devoted to the destruction of Stark Manor, or whatever his clifftop house is called. We’re not 100% sold on the choice of Ben Kingsley‘s for the voice, and Guy Pearce, who’s previously described his role as a cameo, is more prevalent here than some of his other co-stars like Rebecca Hall and James Badge Dale.

“A lot of this movie is about characters going back into the shadows for various reasons and characters who have been in the shadows coming out and into the light for the first time,” Kevin Feige told EW. “It is Tony who, for various reasons, finds himself receding into the darkness. I don’t mean emotional darkness, I mean literally ducking out of the spotlight. And we’ll see other characters stepping up who have pulled strings from the background, starting to show their hand.”

“Iron Man 3” opens on May 3, 2013.

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