Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players

Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players

Rakshak Kathuria
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Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players
  • If you're looking for Dota 2 tattoo ideas, you've come to the right place.
  • Dota 2 pros, Nikobaby, ppd and EternaLEnVy, have some amazing game themed tattoos on their bodies.
  • While Nikobaby has Medusa inked on his neck, ppd has Broodmother on the back of his arm and EternaLEnVy has a spectacular Ember Spirit and Drow Ranger tattoo on his arm.

Some captivating Dota 2 tattoo designs have been used by fans to imprint spectacular art on their bodies. One reason why Dota 2 tattoo designs and ideas are so popular is the fact that the game has a high number of heroes with intriguing lore attached to each one of them providing for a variety of tattoo options. For those looking to get themselves inked, professional players could serve as a good source of ideas for Dota 2 tattoo designs. For instance, did you know that Alliance’s Nikobaby sports a Medusa tattoo? Or that one of North America’s most successful Dota 2 captains, ppd, has a tattoo of Broodmother? Here are a few more Dota 2 tattoo ideas that you could take inspiration from.

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Dota 2 pros with Dota 2 Tattoo Designs

Nikobaby’s Medusa Tattoo

Alliance’s safe laner, Nikolay "Nikobaby" Nikolov, is a tattoo enthusiast with a number of them imprinted all over his body. One of his most visible tattoos is that of a ‘Medusa’ on his neck. Medusa is on the front side of his neck with her snakes reaching out to the back through both sides. 

Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players
Nikobaby has a fascination Medusa tattoo on his neck.
Image Via Alliance Twitter
He also has a Skywrath Mage themed tattoo on his left leg. 

Ppd’s sneaky Broodmother Tattoo

TI5 winner and the current captain of Sadboys, Peter "ppd" Dager, has a Broodmother tattoo on the back of his right arm. He had stated that he wanted his right arm full of Dota 2 tattoo designs that showcase something spooky. Adding to his point, he mentioned that apart from Broodmother, he intended on getting Undying’s Tombstone and Visage’s Familiar as his next tattoos.

EternaLEnVy’s duo of Drow Ranger and Ember Spirit 

One of the most popular Dota 2 players, Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao, has arguably the most fascinating Dota 2 tattoo design of them all. He has an Ember Spirit on his upper arm followed by a Drow Ranger on his lower arm that looks absolutely gorgeous. 

Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players

EternaLEnVy's Ember Spirit and Drow Ranger tattoo.
Image Via EternaLEnVy Instagram

Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas - Special Mentions

Apart from the pros, a number of Dota 2 fans have also engraved tattoos related to the game on their bodies. Earlier today, a Redditor, u/a1yeezy, had created a thread where he posted a spectacular Dota 2 tattoo design featuring an intricate battle between Monkey King and Shadow Fiend.

Another Redditor had a series of jaw-dropping Dota 2 tattoo designs on his body. The tattoo design featured popular heroes like Queen of Pain, Spirit Breaker, Night Stalker and Lina were represented. 

Dota 2 Tattoo Designs and Ideas Used By Pro Players
An intricate Dota 2 tattoo design featuring multiple Dota 2 heroes.A detailed Dota 2 tattoo design featuring Kunkka was designed and imprinted by an artist on Instagram by the username, @theanordal.

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Got a cool Dota 2 tattoo of your own? Message it to us on Facebook at AFK Gaming - Dota 2!. 

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As a passionate Dota 2 fan for eight years, Rakshak has indulged himself completely in its esports circuit for the past two years as a professional. In addition to covering major news developments, he takes a keen interest in understanding team strengths and player personalities.