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Kibbe: Soft Natural Ultimate Style Guide

kibbe soft natural style guide

Soft Natural:  Soft Yang with Yin Undercurrent

Natural with a  Romantic Undercurrent

Style ID: Fresh and Sensual Lady 

Welcome to the deep dark hole that is the kibbe-verse.  

You’ve accessed your yin/yang balance, parsed through the kibbe terminology, and probably rejected the idea of having kibbe width at first, but then saw the magic that can happen when you wear those beautiful soft natural lines. 

But, now what? 

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The beauty of the kibbe system is that it aims to harmonize clothes with your body, instead of hiding or disguising any flaws, we are attempting to let our best traits shine.  

It can be an incredibly enlightening process, as you start to train your eye to your body’s best silhouettes, understand the importance of each style element, and even figure out why a certain fashion trend just isn’t working for you. 

Now, if you’re not far enough down this rabbit hole and you are confused already, I suggest you check out this general overview of the kibbe system, here.

Let’s begin by going over the main parameters of the Soft Natural, just to make sure you are studying the right lines. 

Now, exploring and landing on a kibbe ID is recommended to be a 6+ month process. It takes time to understand the terminology, access your body with an eye for that terminology, and understand the true point of your style lines. 

The knowledge you gain from the system can be incredibly helpful and be an asset to developing your personal style, but you can’t rush the process or force yourself into an ID. 

What is the Soft Natural Kibbe ID? 

The Soft Natural is one of the Kibbe Image Identities, and it is a part of the Natural Family.  

The Natural Family is known for its trademark “kibbe width”. This does not mean you are wide or big, it simply means you have openness in your shoulders/upper back/upper torso area.

Here are some examples of “kibbe width”. 

kibbe width examples on JLo, Scarlett Johansson and Kim K

The Natural family originally consisted of three IDs: the Flamboyant Natural, the Pure Natural, and the Soft Natural. 

the kibbe natural family examples (cindy crawford Flamboyant Natural, Ali McGraw pure natural, and Scarlett Johanson soft natural)

David Kibbe has since removed the pure Natural category, stating that people will have a yin or yang dominance that leans them towards either Flamboyant or Soft Natural. 

Soft Natural accommodate their kibbe width and curve, unlike the Flamboyant Naturals who accommodate their kibbe width and vertical line. 

Please note: It’s not officially called “kibbe width”, he just refers to it as width. However, I find it’s such a specific notion, and being called wide can create a lot of societal beauty triggers.  So I find the more delineated name can help remove some of those natural assumptions. 

Here is where the Soft Natural falls on the yin/yang scale: 

kibbe image identity types chart

Soft Natural ID Overview 

soft natural mood board

Also, when evaluating your body’s physical traits remember that these traits and proportions are only in comparison to your own body and not other people.  So comparing yourself to a verified celeb or your neighbor won’t really give you ID clarity. 

The Soft Natural has a slightly soft and fleshy body on a bluntly angular frame, and they often have a somewhat innocent essence. If this essence doesn’t sound like you, I’d suggest you explore the Kitchener Essence system here.

soft natural dress with classic essence
Soft Natural with a more classic look

The Soft Natural is first and foremost in the Natural family but has a romantic undercurrent (their yin undercurrent).  So at times, you may relate to the romantic style ID recommendations as well.  However, you are in the natural family and have to accommodate your kibbe width as one of your dominant traits.  You can use touches of romantic influence, and we will get into specifics of what that looks like. 

soft natural verified celeb example

To properly understand the Kibbe System you have to realize that Kibbe created it to go further than traditional body typing systems. He refers to it as an Image Identity system.  It aims to merge both your inner essence and your outer physicality and create a symbiosis between the two. 

Kibbe has since removed the face from DIY typing evaluations because his system focuses heavily on how the fabric drapes over your body (not your face).  In a lot of cases, your face can give you clues to your ID because you can see the bones and flesh more clearly.  However, I personally love combining kibbes’ body ID suggestions with the Kitchener essence system.  This can be a great way to understand your style goals and can explain why your face may* not fit your Kibbe ID. 

soft natural jumpsuit idea

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NOTE: This information is taken from David Kibbe’s original book “Metamorphosis: Discover Your Image Identity.”, and over the years he has made comments or changes in the Strictly Kibbe Facebook group. If you want to “purest” information, it is best to hear it directly from him. I recognize this is not always possible, so I do my best to keep this article updated, but please understand while I am citing his book, I am also including my own interpretation of it.

Soft Natural Celebrities (Verified)

soft natural verified celebrity examples: JLo, Kamala Harris, Scarlett Johanson, Helen Mirren

Here is a list of verified celebrity Soft Naturals. Note if you are familiar with the text, Kibbe put “Natalie Wood” as his prime Soft Natural example.  This was a typo and she has been re-classified as Soft Gamine. He meant to put Lana Wood (her sister) as the prime Soft Natural Example. 

prime soft natural example lana wood
  • Barbara Hershey
  • Betty Grable
  • Carole Lombard
  • Chloe Sevigny 
  • Doris Day
  • Ellen Barkin
  • Goldie Hawn
  • Fergie
  • Helen Mirren
  • Jane Fonda (Kibbe recently retyped Jane Fonda to Flamboyant Natural because of her obvious vertical)
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Joan Blondell
  • Judy Holliday
  • Julie Andrews
  • Julianne Hough
  • Kamala Harris 
  • Kat Dennings
  • Katy Perry
  • Kelly McGillis 
  • Kim Basigner 
  • Lana Wood
  • Marissa Tomei 
  • Molly Ringwald 
  • Renee Zellweger 
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Sissy Spacek
  • Stephanie Powers 
  • Teri Garr
  • Alexa Ray Joel
  • Ally Sheedy 

Unverified (but suspected) Soft Naturals

Here are some celebrity examples that are most likely Soft Naturals but have not been confirmed by David Kibbe himself. 

  • Sandra Bullock (listed on verified celebs list but was said to be a “maybe”)
  • Kim Kardashian
  • Pink 
  • Florence Pugh
  • Sydney Sweeney 
  • Britney Spears 
  • Shakira 

Please note:  There is a lot of misinformation on Kibbe and verified celebs out there.  I myself have shared my typing opinions on unverified celebs on TikTok, however I do not claim to be David Kibbe or officially type anyone. 

Just because someone has kibbe width and might have some curve, does not mean they are automatically Soft Natural.  Jenifer Lawrence, for instance, is often said to be Soft Natural because she has some curves in her body.  Well, in fact, as humans MOST of us have some curve.  That does not mean it is a dominant trait that needs accommodating.  Jennifer Lawrence is a verified Flamboyant Natural because she has vertical and width to accommodate first.  So if you’re reading this, and you’re tall (above 5 ft 6ish, then you might want to reconsider FN, here)

Soft Natural Physical Profile

The Soft Natural will have the following characteristics 

Height:  Moderate to slightly small, up to 5 ft 7 inches.  Now, this is what the book states as the height limit. However, Kibbe has adjusted this to say at 5 ft 7 you would have some form of vertical, which the SN does not have.  And has since adjusted the height limit to be 5 ft 6.  Ultimately, this would be something you need to evaluate holistically and decide if that half-inch really swings you to Flamboyant Natural or not. 

kibbe soft natural example body type

Bone Structure, The Soft Natural will have the following bone structure traits: 

  • Slightly angular bones
  • Somewhat square or broad shoulders 
  • They most likely have moderate to slightly short limbs (hence no vertical to accommodate), but can also have a slightly leggy look at times 
  • Their facial features will have slightly blunt or irregular facial contours which you can see in the nose, cheekbones, and/or jawline)
  • Hands and feet are often moderate in size and can appear fleshy, They can also appear slight small or wide 

REMEMBER: Do not obsess over one physical characteristic, they are just possibilities, and you need to take in your entire head-to-toe yin/yang balance. 

chloe sevigny in bikini representing the soft natural body kibbe

Soft Natural Body Type: 

  • Soft Naturals tend to be slightly soft and have a fleshiness to their bodies 
  • They can have a small waist that is in proportion to their own bust/hips.  They do not have a double curve 
  • They can appear slightly curvy or have a gentle hourglass shape, but not overly so
  • They can have slightly fleshy upper arms and thighs 
kibbe soft natural face example kat dennings

Soft Natural Facial Features:

  • Full and rounded face 
  • Round eyes, full lips, and soft cheeks are often common
  • Their noses tend to be small and wide or slightly blunt and wide.  
kim basigner verified sn
Don’t get hung up on how you perceive “sharpness”.. Kim Basigner is a verified SN

A Soft Natural will not have: 

  • Have an extremely straight body type 
  • Have extremely sharp features in their face or body 
  • Have extremely sharp bone structure 
  • Be extremely tall or have a long vertical line 
  • Have extremely large or overly broad bone structure (this would lean more towards Flamboyant Natural) 
  • Symmetry in their body and facial features (this would be more indicative of the classic family). 

Soft Natural Weight Gain Pattern

I have a more detailed article on Kibbe ID weight gain patterns with some mid-to-plus size examples, here.

soft natural weight gain pattern

However, please do not ID yourself based on weight gain patterns alone.  It is merely one clue. 

When Soft Naturals gain weight they tend to appear softer and fleshier, and their waist can sometimes thicken a bit.  Their weight gain will be seen most often in their upper arms, thighs, and hips. 

Soft Natural Coloring 

kelly mcgillis verified soft natural

So any coloring is possible, but Kibbe states that Soft Naturals can sometimes have more blended coloring, although not always. 

I personally ignore any Kibbe IDs coloring in favor of exploring the seasonal color analysis system.  I find it creates a more personal approach to your style guidelines to evaluate these things separately.  If you want some ideas on how to combine your kibbe id, your color palette, and your essence, I have a video on that here.

Soft Natural Style Lines 

soft natural style line ideas, soft flowing with light waist emphasis

The Soft Natural style lines have been succinctly described as “Fresh and Sensual Lady”.  And before we talk about what silhouettes and textures you should wear, I first want to address the evolutions of the Kibbe System recommendations. 

Kibbe has evolved his system since the original book was published, and addressed the complaints that people sometimes feel “boxed-in” by the general recommendations or style ID adjectives. However, any ID can wear any piece of clothing. They just need to keep in mind the entire outfit’s impact and honor their specific dominant traits. In the case of the Soft Natural, that would accommodate your kibbe width and your curve. 

julie andrews, verified sn in a variety of different styles

I have a video on the concept of head-to-toe outfits and how they relate to the kibbe ID families, here. 

However, understanding the original recommendations, and generally recommended silhouettes can help you further play with these ideas in your own outfits.  Think of these recommendations as a base recipe.  Eventually, you will learn this recipe so well, and the ingredients needed that you will be able to evolve and change the flavor profile easily.  However, if you don’t even know what is in chocolate chip cookies, well your evolved cookie recipe might be kind of a mess. 

So take these recommendations as base guidelines and understand WHY they are being recommended.  From there, you can apply, evolve and even bend certain guidelines. 

The silhouette recommendations for the Soft Natural include soft, flowing, and generally unconstructed pieces.  They have relaxed lines with soft edges at the neck, waist, and hem. (note- this does not mean boho). 

soft natural with gamine essence
Soft Natural dress with gamine essence (accessories/makeup)

You’ll want to loosely define your waist as opposed to cinched in or corseted. 

A loose, and uncluttered approach to your overall head-to-toe and the details of your outfit work well for the Soft Naturals’ “natural” family needs. And generally, stay away from overly structured or tailored pieces that will suffocate your kibbe width.  The sharp edges of crisply tailored pieces don’t mesh with your soft or blunt yang. 

You have gentle curves to define and a strong shoulder line to accommodate, so soft textures look amazing on you as well as softer necklines and silhouettes. But they should never be “too dainty” or frilly.  The Soft Natural has a freshness about them, and lightness that gets overpowered by too many romantic details.

Please note: There will be some “avoids” listed in each category. Please take each suggestion with a grain of salt.  As I mentioned, the “head-to-toe” outfit concept is more important, and individual bodies may be able to pull off some of these pieces more easily than others.  Again, it is a personal journey and will require some experimentation on your part. 

How to dress the Soft Natural:  Style Guide

Yin/Yang Balance:  Soft Yang with yin influence 

Soft Natural Shape 

soft natural style inspirations verified celebrities

So when we talk about the shape we are talking about the general outline, emphasis, or full silhouette.  

Some IDs have more “concrete” shapes.  For instance, the Soft Dramatic aims for a “T” shape, and the Dramatic Classic aims for an inverted triangle shape. 

Soft Naturals shape is a bit more ambiguous from look to look. But generally, they want to have asymmetric or irregular curves to their overall look.  Elongated ovals, wide circles, or relaxed geometrics with blunt or rounded edges all work. 

Avoid:  Sharp geometrics, wide, chunky or boxy shapes, ornate shapes, or perfectly symmetrical shapes. 

Soft Natural Line and Silhouette 

woman in loose white dress that is fitted at waist for soft natural

Naturals do really well with unconstructed silhouettes but the Soft Naturals need some shaping to honor their curves, so they often use a bit of light waist emphasis or shaping around the waist.  

Bias cuts are excellent, as are relaxed lines with subtle drape or movement. 

Avoid: Wide, shapeless silhouettes.  Sharp or severe silhouettes, Overly symmetrical silhouettes or overly fitted garments. 

Soft Natural Fabric 

Remember that this is all about harmonizing your body with your fabrics and lines. And by using the kibbe system you may find you analyze clothing with more scrutiny.  

Soft Naturals want to aim for light to moderate fabrics weights, especially fabrics that move with them. And they shine in soft textures that have a plush or slightly rough finish.  It harmonizes with their fresh artistic vibe. 

Textures that are wrinkled, nubby, or loosely woven are great.  I personally find natural fibers to be especially effective for the natural family (as a Flamboyant Natural myself). 

Deep pile fabrics like velour, suede, boucle, and knits are also fantastic choices.  And you can even go with softer leathers as well. 

Avoid:  Super heavy weight fabrics, stiff fabrics, flimsy fabrics, or fabrics with a very matte/flat appearance. 

Soft Natural Detail 

Details for the Soft Natural should be relaxed, slightly intricate or delicate, and very creative.  Antique or earthy details work very well. 

Soft Natural Necklines 

  • Loose 
  • Soft
  • Open 
  • Not enclosed, restricted, or “fussy” 
  • Draped necklines
  • Soft cowls 
  • Relaxed notched collars 
  • Clean lapels 
  • Shawl collars 

Soft Natural Styling Tips Regarding Waist 

Soft naturals need to have their waist defined, but it needs to be done in a loose manner. You can used a slightly bloused over effect, a french tuck, or a soft belt style.  You can also implement a drop-waist silhouette as long as the silhouette flows easily (no harsh breaks) .

You do not want to emphasize your waist in a restricted manner. 

kibbe soft natural waist emphasis explanation

Soft Natural Sleeves

soft natural sleeve shapes

They should be full, flowing, or gently taper in at the wrist. Minimal detail is best.

Soft Natural Separates 

Soft Naturals can absolutely shine in separates, but you want a more blended approach.  Whereas the gamines use horizontal breaks and perky lines to delineate separates, we want a more artful blend of line, texture, and pattern for the Soft Natural. 

soft natural use of separates

Soft Natural Jackets 

You’re going to start noticing a theme with these suggestions (at least I hope so!) and that is unconstructed, soft, and showing the waist.  Which is exactly what you want for your jacket silhouettes. 

You can opt for a jacket that has light shaping through the waist (meaning it shape of the jacket naturally curves in at the waist), or you can opt for a jacket that is relaxed, loose, and soft which allows the waist to show underneath. 

You don’t want a peplum-style jacket that overly emphasizes the waist.  But instead, you just want to see your waist, have subtle definition, or allow your curves to breathe and be seen.  And if you opt for an unconstructed jacket, make sure the fabric is very soft and the jacket itself is left open so it feels in harmony with your movement.

You can also try a softer fabric belted jacket as well.   And in terms of hem you’ll generally want to look for shorter hemmed jackets if they are fitted through the waist, or longer (about to the thigh area) if it is belted or left open.  

soft natural casual outfit
Pay attention to hem length as well. This is a great SN outfit idea, but the coat could be hemmed a few inches for ideal proportions

Avoid:  Overly tailored jackets, long or boxy jackets, overly cropped jackets, overly fitted jackets like peplums, or jackets with frilly trims. 

Soft Natural Skirts 

Soft Naturals look great in skirts that have a soft outline.  They can be flared or slightly full, but should generally be flatter (or shaped ) around the hip area. 

SNs can also do skirts that are straight in shape as long as the fabric is lightweight, draped, or slightly tapered. 

If the skirt is straighter, it is best to keep the hem above your kneecaps, so you don’t overwhelm your frame with fabric (remember, you don’t have a vertical line to “honor” like FNs).  If you want a longer hemmed skirt opt for an asymmetrical skirt or a bias style skirt. 

Skirts can have details like slits, kick pleats, buttons, or trim as long as they aren’t overly restrictive or overly large. 

Avoid: SN’s should avoid floor-length skirts, overly boxy skirts, overly-fitted skirts like body con pencil skirts, and skirts with excessive trim 

Soft Natural Pants 

The easiest pant style for the Soft Natural are pants that are lightweight and slightly draped or cut to accommodate curve ( meaning the silhouette of the pant is cut in a curved shape).  

The leg shape of the pants could be soft straight or slightly tapered towards the ankle, or pegged. 

Now Kibbe doesn’t discuss jeans for each ID, but I have a video on jean options for each Kibbe ID that are in line with these general guidelines.

I find mom-style jeans a great option for the SN.  

Avoid:  Severe or man-tailored pants, wide or shapeless pants, overly fitted styles 

Soft Natural Blouses 

Soft Natural should aim for blouses or shirts that have a soft or draped appearance.  They can be slightly loose or billowy but shouldn’t overwhelm your frame with the amount of fabric. 

Open or draped necklines look amazing on you and help accommodate your kibbe width. 

If you opt for blouses with a lot of detail, make sure the overall silhouette is more unconstructed so it doesn’t come across as fussy or overwhelming.  We want a certain amount of easiness in your lines.  

Sheer or slightly shiny fabrics can be used in blouses, but make sure the details are more minimal with these fabrics.   

Avoid:  Stiffly tailored or sharp blouses, fussy necklines, or overly baggy silhouettes

Soft Natural Sweaters 

Soft Naturals NEED sweaters in their wardrobe (or at least, it is highly encouraged).  SN’s look amazing with soft knits that are luxurious to the touch.  

They can rock luxurious sweaters that are lightweight and easy, or a thicker and deeper knit that feels heavier. 

Slightly longer sweaters look fantastic, as long as your curve and waist are somewhat visible and not swallowed in an overly unconstructed shape. 

And if you opt for a cropped or fitted sweater, opt for a thicker knit or texture. Skinny rib textures also work nicely. 

Avoid: Heavy sweaters that swallow up your body shape 

Soft Natural Dresses 

If you guessed that your dresses are going to be soft and flowing- well you would be getting the hang of this. 

Remember how we talked about light waist emphasis versus overly constructed?  That applies here as well. So we want to make sure that we are picking silhouettes that have that gentle waist emphasis whether you opt for a draped silhouette or a full flared silhouette.  

You could also opt for a slightly antique feel or details to your dress.  Just again watch how much construction is within the garment and opt for a billowy style over super fitted. But you have a romantic undercurrent so something like the below peasant style dress on verified SN Terri Garr could also work.

Avoid:  Severely tailored dresses, plain or symmetrical shapes, wide or baggy shapes, overly fussy styles, or dresses with crisp or sharp details. 

Soft Natural Evening Wear 

For evening wear or formal events, you’ll want to aim for simple shapes with an easy flow or movement to the design.  Drapable or plush fabrics work well, as do slightly sheer fabrics.

If you choose a piece with glitzy trim, just make sure it doesn’t overpower you. 

Again your best looks will have open or soft necklines and loose waist definition or detail. 

Some options include:

  • Antique lace dresses 
  • Draped pants with a cowl neck camisole 
  • flowing gowns with flared or open skirts 
  • “Pouffy” cocktail dresses that have a more fitted bodice 
  • Evening wrap or sarong style skirts  (bias skirts work as well) 

Soft Natural Color Styling Recommendations 

I would again recommend using your seasonal color palette first and foremost when it comes to your wardrobe colors.  

However, the general SN color recommendations also deal with how to pair colors together, which can be useful when creating an SN-approved look. 

Soft Naturals are recommended to use vibrant and rich colors.  Brights and pastels can be a large part of your wardrobe, in addition to soft neutrals.  You can also play around with dark colors as long as you break them up.  They work well for accents or accessories. 

When mixing colors within an outfit you could try light/bright or bright/dark combos instead of something more stark like light/dark.  

And if you’re adventurous with color or in a brighter seasonal color, you could even try bright/bright looks. 

Avoid: Monochromatic or head-to-toe dark outfits overwhelm you 

Soft Natural Print Recommendations 

This should really come as no surprise to you, but your prints should be… rounded shapes, abstract, and flowing. 

Kibbe can be a deep dark rabbit hole of information, especially when sorting out your IDs, but believe me, once you start understanding your body’s traits, it’s easier to see how they translate into clothes.  

You can try anything from a more watercolor print style that has blended colors or shapes, to something more vibrant, as long as the prints are not stark or harsh.  

Irregular shapes or softer-edged shapes are great. 

In terms of the print scale, moderate to slightly large is best. 

Avoid:  Small, symmetrical prints.  Severe or sharp geometrics.  Overly intricate designs.  Animated, perky, or overly “cute” prints 

Soft Natural Accessories 


  • Tapered shapes
  • Slightly delicate in style 
  • Minimal (if any) trim 
  • Open-toe
  • Slingback
  • “Bare” look 
  • They can be angular if the hell is higher or generally more narrow if the toe is more tapered 
  • Feminine flats with little to no trim 

Avoid:  Extremely angular, dramatic, or “heavy” styles


  • Moderate in size 
  • Slightly rounded or soft in shape
  • Minimal to no trim 
  • Antique bags work well for evening events 
  • Unconstructed or “pouch” like 

Avoid:  Crisply structured bags, overly “sharp” bags 


  • Wide and supple 
  • Soft leather
  • Soft suede 
  • Buckle can have a slightly antique or intricate detail but nothing too “flashy” unless it for evening wear 

Avoid: Corset belts, stiff belts, shiny belts or super angular shapes 


I personally think stocking trends change a lot over the years, and can severely date your outfit if you wear them incorrectly.  Tights or hosiery are an easy styling technique to use to update or change the look of an outfit, so I would use your gut or modern influences for this category.

But, if you want to know what kibbe “officially” suggests.  He says Soft Naturals should wear fleshed toned stockings for daytime and opaque stockings in lighter shades.  If you want to add some “fun” to your look you could try a bright or textured pair of tights. But dark tights should be used for evening only. 

Avoid: One harsh line of a dark color (like opaque black tights)


  • Delicate overall, but still creative looking 
  • Unusual materials 
  • Crystals, hand-wrought copper, silver, leather, or stone all work 
  • Pieces that look handmade or created by an artist are fantastic 
  • “Wearable art” 
  • Highly original
  • Feathers, faux jewels, opals, turquoise 
  • Simple antique pieces work well for formal events 
  • A touch of sparkle 

Avoid:  Stark shapes, Avant-garde styles, harsh lines or geometrics, minimal pieces, or heavy/chunky pieces 

Soft Natural Hair 

soft natural hair ideas

The natural family as a whole looks amazing with free and soft hair.  A loose layered cut gives you a soft, yet sensual look. 

Kibbe suggests a length that is moderate to long.  And suggests that perms or processings can be used in order to add some body or soft curl to your hair.

Ultimately, you want your hair to match your body, soft, flowing, free, and not too “done”. 

soft natural hair styling ideas

However, if you’re reading this and thinking “oh no, I look horrible with that style of hair”, that doesn’t mean you are not a Soft Natural.  Check out my video on essences that might help you define your hairstyles more clearly by seeing your face-type options. 

But don’t be afraid to lean into your romantic undercurrent with a style like verified Soft Natural Ellen Barkin.

ellen birkin soft natural hair inspo

Soft Natural Makeup 

soft natural makeup

So makeup trends are constantly changing and this book was created in the 80s so some of the suggestions might feel outdated.  And while he did his best to make evergreen suggestions, adjusting your makeup to your lifestyle needs, makeup skill, and current methods is the most successful approach in my opinion. 

Kibbe stresses that for the SN, makeup is an essential tool to pull your head-to-toe look together.  So if you’ve deviated from your SN guidelines a bit, your makeup can help ground your look. 

He suggests Soft Naturals keep a fresh face with only a hint of color and soft blended techniques/colors. 

Rosy cheeks, soft glossy lips, and a little “frost” (I cringe as I type that) to your eyes. I will add natural matte eyeshadows that are tonal to your complexion look very nice (in my opinion). 

For evening makeup you could try more sheer sparkles as well. 

Avoid:  Bold theatrical colors, sharp eyeliners, sharp contours, dark colors, and the “no-makeup” look.

To be honest, I’m not sure I agree with the “no-makeup” look avoid recommendation.  I think if done correctly in a light manner, it can look casual and effortless. 

Soft Natural Outfit Ideas 

In the following section, you will see my own interpretation of modern Soft Natural outfits.  They may not hit every single guideline mentioned above, but from a holistic point of view, they honor the Soft Natural accommodations of width and curve. 

These are to be used as general starting points or loose inspirations.  Feel free to respectfully disagree or agree in the comments. 

Casual, chic outfits are where the Soft Natural shines. This look accommodates the curve and width of the Soft Natural, is easy to throw on, yet still has that effortless chic quality.

While the Soft Natural and the Flamboyant Natural style guidelines do NOT mean boho, they can incorporate elements of it, if they choose to. This outfit is a great example of a summer boho vibe that is modern and polished.

The dress accommodates width and has light waist emphasis, and gives a flowing, free vibe.

As you can see, Soft Naturals can look very polished. This outfit has a more business casual approach and looks very put-together. However, it still works for the soft natural by softly defining the waist and accomodating the SN curve.

This is a great modern casual outfit for the Soft Natural. It leans classic and casual but still has the soft flowing fabrics, and curve accommodation for the SN.


So you’ve consumed ALL that Soft Natural guidance, and I’m here to remind you it’s ok if it was a bit overwhelming. 

Even just confirming your ID can take 6+ months, so learning the style lines and adjusting them to your own body, can also take a period of time. 

A lot of times people attach themselves to an ID without fully understanding the system and terminology, try the style lines, and when they don’t work ditch the system in its entirety. 

I think the Kibbe system CAN be super helpful in understanding how to wear your best style lines and how to look at clothes with a more astute eye for your own body.  But it’s also only one building block or system you can try. 

So if you’re a gorgeous free-flowing Soft Natural, rock those effortless outfits like only a fresh and sensual lady could.  And if you try these style lines and they sink, just know that will look fantastic when you do finally find your own ID’s lines. 

Be sure to pin the below image for reference!

kibbe soft natural style guide

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  1. Can a person be Soft Natural with sloping shoulders? For instance, if the bust and upper arm line was the widest point rather than the shoulders, would that count as Kibbe width? The concept of width with Naturals has always been a little confusing to me.

    1. Width shows up in the shoulders as well, they could have a sloped shape (from neck to shoulder junction) but they will generally become “more open” not more closed from bust to shoulder.

  2. Thank you for this amazing article! It took me years to figure out my type… I finally realized I am a soft natural!!
    However I also have quite a bit of Ethereal essence in the face.
    I see videos about adding feathers, sheer fabrics, sequins, metallic, ornaments, lace, embroidery etc- almost like a mystical, bohemian, faerie, or timeless romantic look. But I’m confused bc soft natural seems to prefer plain with little ornamentation. How do I get my celestial vibe in while remaining natural? A lot of “ethereal” style im finding can be a bit ornate. Any ideas?

    1. I think SN and ethereal go really well together. I think angelic works well with soft waist emphasis and floaty lines. I have a video on the ethereal essence here that goes over all the options including ideas for an SN https://youtu.be/iICE-gW8rIk
      I would also try the essence test I explain towards the end- it’ll help you pinpoint how much of those details you can handle. Ethereals don’t necessarily do over the top details, but the video explains it in full. Hope this helps!

    2. @Tara, instead of turning to accessories or fussy detailing to honour your ethereal essence, look to drapey, flowey fabrics and pieces (think toga-esque) that will give an undeniably ethereal and angelic effect especially with a lighter/white pallette. As a soft natural myself i find the details make the outfit but sometimes it also breaks it, reminding me that less is more for a SN

    3. @Tara,
      I consider myself a Pure Natural [they can eliminate that grouping all they want, but Pluto is still a ‘planet’ and I’m still centered between Flamboyant and Soft in the Pure Natural category, lol Soft Yang with little Yin] … that said, when I’m feeling more girly and less overtly dramatic, I still have to deal with my Soft Yang intensity – I solve it by going Art Nouveau style. I get all ‘druid, deep forest, dryad, pantheon of Forest/Water Spirits,’ style by adding Rivendell-like cutwork into my shawl-collar jackets [makes them look masculine and lacy at the same time] and look to the 1910s at their Edwardian jewelry and fashions by stealing evening wear tips from the Titanic Era (fitted, beaded bodice with flowy, poofy skirts. Often with tassels and things that look like they came from Victorian curtains, lol They flow and bob when you move. fun!).

      My suggestion: Follow the Soft Natural guidelines, then steal one or two focal details from the 1888-1940 time periods [I’m partial to the earthy romance of Belle Epoch/Art nouveau but anything from the mentioned period will do, imo] and add them to your outfit somehow. Simple garment-toned needlework embellishments in natural fiber thread to add texture w no contrast; or fabric paint stenciled designs on a lapel in a shade or two lighter/darker than the garment fabric color/Hue so there’s implied texture with very some very little contrast. Shadow effect = Classy n Romantic!
      {Downton Abby TV show clothes for ideas then hit a craft store for the stencils/fabric paint/pouncer and get a Salvation Army/second hand/bargain basement garment to test it out on. or scrap fabric… etc.
      Try stencil work on a velvet jacket lapel. Its fun when you get good at it. Practice on scraps makes perfect, you know! lol}

      Plain Cutwork or drawn-work to a plain shawl collar; or a pair of Edwardian antique earrings/rings to draw the eye w some sparkle; or simple faux-Victorian baubles/old clip-on earrings attached to top of your flats; or a decorative faux turtle shell comb in your 1899ish hair updo, etc.
      Not a whole lot of things at once – just a focal point or two and you will add the needed Romance without killing the simplicity of the Natural flowy ease of your Soft feminine style.

      I would also suggest looking at Ancient Rome for some ideas {TV series ‘Rome’ has some cool stuff to steal ideas from} because their dresses are simple, drapey, & flowy; their hair sometimes crazy [they wore wigs to save time getting done-up], but cool hair deely-bobs & braided twist ideas, and awesome summer footwear that can inspire you.
      I’m also partial to the Etruscans (ancient Tuscany), but that’s just me. I like hints of the Medieval thrown into my wardrobe [no prongs in my jewelry, only bezel settings and twisted wire, etc. Simple but feminine dramatic at the same time. A bit Yang-heavy for a Soft Natural maybe but check it out anyway.]

      Maybe check out the artwork of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood – I find that stuff just screaming Soft Natural romance. Ever so slightly masculine in its medieval William Morris details but undeniable in its admiration of the Feminine Principle.

      I don’t know… I went overboard with my suggestions, I know, but then I’m quite an intense Pure Natural when I get going.
      Take that, Kibbe!!! I’m a Pure Natural Soft Yang and you can’t stop me from keeping my group alive…
      Anyway, I hope that helps to inspire you a little to embellish yourself w ‘outside the box’ details.

      Good Hunting, Tara! Look to the movies’/PBS’s costume departments to find your lovely ethereal details.

    4. @Tara, check out ‘Practical Magic’ and ‘Message in a Bottle’ movie wardrobe. It may not be current/trendy, but I never get tired of the Soft Natural clothes in those movies. It’s what I use to decide what I’m going to wear each day.
      It may be old styling, but whenever I wear that stuff out in public, strangers walk up to me and compliment me on this piece or that. They don’t seem to notice or care that it’s from the 90s.
      I find the 90s of any century tend to flatter Soft Naturals, imo. Weird!
      Have a great day!

    5. @Tara, p.s. Technically I guess Im a Soft Natural now that my other group has been disbanded by Kibbe.
      I’m 5’6″ with normal length/proportioned legs, but my shoulders and torso and arms are 1/2″ longer [wider] than average, so nothing I buy off rack fits right. (I make/tailor my own clothes now because I get so uncomfortable when everything I buy feels like it shrunk in the wash even though I haven’t washed it yet.) Most uppers are too baggy in chest because I have to buy Large in tops to accommodate my wide shoulders/long arms. One advantage there being that a Natural likes loose clothes.
      35-28-36 shape, 28.5-29″ inseam. 66″ wingspan 18.5″w shoulders. Kinda Jennifer Aniston-ey shape when I’m at target weight. But I bet she has normal arms. And a personal trainer to keep her muscley.
      Sometimes I feel like a Gibbon. lol [long armed ape that swings in Asia’s uppermost tree canopy]

      And my legs always seem too short to me because of my long torso, so I have to raise my visual waist/waistband above belly-button height to proportion out my Pure Natural/Soft Natural profile.
      I decorate my lapels/collars/neckline to draw the eye ‘up’. Makes my legs feel longer even if they’re not.

      We all have to contend w something, I suppose.

    6. @Gabrielle Arruda,
      Cool article and very enlightening.

      Is Robin Wright a Soft Natural? Her facial features are sharp/yang but in a lot of movies, it seems like she dresses somewhat Soft Natural [Princess Bride/message in a Bottle?].
      (I know not to trust movies/costume departments, but it does make me wonder about her. She looks good in soft, simple, asymmetrical, flowy stuff, imo)
      Has she been typed yet? She’s my clothing muse.

      1. As far as I know, she has not been verified, but I think she might actually be a flamboyant natural

    7. @DMS, 66 inches is the normal wing span for a 5 ft. 6 in. person. A person’s height is generally the same as their “wing span” so I am guessing it is other proportions that make them seem long? I am just learning so…

  3. Question re width+double curve: I thought I saw you say somewhere that there’s a hierarchy with the different accommodations. I.e. if you have vertical, the need to accommodate that would trump the need to accommodate something else. If I definitely have double curve (I am 100% a snowman), does that trump width? Or does width trump double curve?

    (FWIW, I’m not even sure I have “kibbe width”–I think I just have the “slightly broad/delicately wide” romantic bones and that my shoulders look even broader than they are because of the way my flesh sits on my upper arms. But my freely kibbe responses were a mix of R and SN so I am trying out both lines. So far, the SN open necklines are great, but the flowing/softly defined waists aren’t.)

    1. So if you have double curve you do not have width, those two do not go together. Soft natural is width plus curve, but because they have width they can’t have a snowman shape because their silhouette shape is drawn outwards (because of their width). This is getting wordy, sorry. If you have double curve then you are a TR or Romantic

    2. @Gabrielle Arruda, super helpful, thank you! Seems like kibbe width and the romantic allowance for “broadness” get confused some? idk, I am new to this 🙂

      1. Yes, so romantics are sometimes described as “wide” but it’s not kibbe “width” like the naturals- which a general flaw in terminology if you ask me lol. The trait that romantics have is more a comparison towards the other romantic id, THe Theatrical Romantic which have double curve but very petit bones.

  4. I’m struggling with outfits for SN during very cold winters. Boots are a necessity. What would you recommend for boot and pant combos that honor SN lines?

    1. @Debbie, I’d avoid chunky boots. Consider a rounded or slightly pointed toe, with minimal accessories, in a colour that flows with your skirt or pants. Try soft leather or suede.

  5. I think one of the most consistent and best examples of a soft natural (but who is almost never looked to as an example) is Camilla Parker Bowles, especially once she married Charles.

  6. I’m finally accepting I’m a SN. But I tend to stick to TR lines. A bias cut skirt/dress is the only SN clothing that seems to suit me. When I wear anything unstructured, it looks scruffy on me.

    1. I think naturals get a bad rep for “unconstructed” meaning big or baggy. I would focus on just adding a slightly relaxed quality to your silhouette- draping wold accomplish that nicely

  7. Hi – love the guide! I’ve purchased a couple of the items you recommended. Please could you share the brand and style name of the ecru linen shirred waist jumpsuit that is worn by the model in the poppy field? I’ve searched google using those descriptors but nothing quite matches. Thanks!

  8. Hello Gabriel,

    Your style guide is pretty good. I was thinking of petticoat, 50s style dresses, fluffy skirts but they dont seem like fitting for SNs…. Also, my other obsession is corsets for daily wear but they are kind of constrictive and I am not sure how to invorporate them into my style.

    What are your thoughts on period dresses for kibbe types? Would you think of making a video for certain fashion trends in time for each kibbe type?

  9. I’m struggling to tell if Im a TR or SN someone said because I have a wide ribcage Im a SN. Is this true? I have a VERY small waist but indeed a larger ribcage. Soft shoulders and my measurements are 36 34 36 if that helps. Width is confusing.

  10. hello! hope you’re doing well, i just wanna say thank you so much for all this valuable info you’re giving to us, you are literally such a blessing, you have no idea haha. one question, it’s my first time diving deep into kibbe and i self-assessed myself as a SN, but the styles that i’ve been seeing are very boho-like. personally, i’m kinda getting into my “girly-girl” era and i’d like to wear things such as platform heels, glam accessories, slightly tighter dresses (haha), is there any way i could incorporate those elements within SN lines? once again thank you so much <3

    1. Definitely, those all work for the Soft Natural. It’s just about creating a head to toe look and one that ideally accommodates your width and curve.

  11. Hello 👋 I’m kinda close to what you’re talking about soft natural features! Maybe I have similar style.

  12. Hi! New to figuring out my kibbe ID although my style and what I feel most comfortable in has always leaned towards soft natural. Where I’m confused is that my shoulders are wider than my ribcage but I’m not so much fleshy. My wrist and ankles are really thin/bony, but I have wide hips/bum and gain weight in my midsection. Would I still be considered soft natural or something completely different?

    1. It’s more of a holistic view, don’t focus on any one trait too much. If you have kibbe width and need a curve accommodation, exploring soft natural is a good place to start.

  13. Hi Gabrielle, this is a great look at Soft Natural. THANK YOU for not going completely boho! For a professional wardrobe, SN can be a challenge, but I think a lot of the win is in how one wears the pieces- slightly slouchy in softer fabrications. Love your channel and your site- thanks for all the good info!

  14. I am something in btw soft natural and soft classic…believe u or not I very struggled to find the right stylist to help me with my wardrobe. Once I found, I still can’t find the right clothes, brands for me. Sometimes I can not find the right size so tailoring is also a solution for those who are seeking well fit and nice quality. What is more, these days you can order custom things online from Coco Mel or Dressarte Paris or just to visit a local tailor. Where do you mostly get your clothes from?

  15. Hi dear Gabrielle!! after a time of deep understanding I almost think I am a SN but something bother me a little and is that…I dont see in me that “sensual” thing that is very …common? in this kibbe type…(sorry my english is no good )
    can you help me with this?

  16. Hi Gabrielle!
    I’ve been on this kibbe journey for a year now, and find your blogs to be the most comprehensive and understandable out there on the subject! I actually commented maybe 9 months back on the Soft Classic blog, because I thought was my type. However, I have recently realized I have the “Kibbe width” in my upper body! I’m having to rethink everything. Regarding sleeve length: I see how strapless accommodates the openness of a SN upper body. But, I see a lot of verified SN in their lines wearing halters, spaghetti straps etc. how does sleeve length (or lack there of) play into a SN lines? Does it matter as long as I have the right neckline? Thanks so much!

    1. I wouldn’t try to break it down to those type of details. ALl of those necklines could work beautifully on an SN. I don’t think it’s about the individual neckline so much as how all the pieces work together. How does the shoulder seam work with your kbibe width, how does the fabric work with your curves, how do all the pieces work together in harmony. Sleeve length doesn’t seem to be a large factor.

  17. Do you have any advice as far as SN shoes? As someone with width in my shoulders and hips but then small hands and feet, I often feel ehh about a lot of shoes except boots weirdly enough, I think because they add back volume etc to that area to mirror the width in the rear of my body… but I usually almost always hate how flats look on me…

  18. Thank you so much for this blog and for your videos! This is so much fun! I’m definitely an SN but I have such a classic essence—while I do dress very much like your examples (go me!) I’m afraid my more classic outfits betray my body. Maybe incorporating more classic hair or accessories!

  19. Can you be a soft natural if you have narrow shoulders? I look wide in my upper chest and hips, but my shoulders are two dress sizes smaller than the rest of my body.

    I sew some clothes and I have to always make the shoulders and arms smaller than the rest of the standard pattern for my size. I also have to do a full bust adjustment.

    Soft Natural and Romantic recommendations work for me so I’m confused on my type. I think I might have width that’s only in my upper chest. Is that possible?

    1. You can have kibbe width without broad shoulders, but based on the fact you’re sewing garments smaller in your armholes and shoulder line, soft natural might be less likely. If you have do a full bust adjustment then you might want to explore ids that have a curve accomodation.

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