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There’s something magical about the perfect blend of flavors in a Vietnamese dipping sauce. Enter Nuoc Cham, the classic Vietnamese dipping sauce that can elevate any dish to new heights of deliciousness. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the secrets behind the perfect Nuoc Cham recipe, explore its versatility in Vietnamese cuisine, and provide creative variations for you to experiment with. So, get ready to tantalize your taste buds and dive into the world of Nuoc Cham!

Overhead photo of a bowl of nuoc cham surrounded by summer rolls.

🔑 Key Takeaways

  • Fall in love with Nuoc Cham, the classic Vietnamese dipping sauce perfect for making your favorite dishes even tastier!
  • Balance five flavors – salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and umami, to make it a hit.
  • Use as a condiment or marinade. Customize with fish sauce & lime juice. Pair with appetizers and mains for maximum flavor.

❤️ Why you will love this recipe

Imagine a sauce that can make or break the flavors of a dish, a sauce that adds depth and complexity to your favorite Vietnamese dishes. That’s Nuoc Cham, the classic Vietnamese dipping sauce that will soon become your go-to for everything from:

  • spring rolls
  • grilled meats
  • rice dishes
  • noodle bowls
  • salads

Discover the magic of this nuoc cham recipe and elevate your Vietnamese dipping sauce experience.

With its perfect balance of fish sauce, lime juice, honey, garlic, and Thai chilis, this delicious chili garlic sauce is sure to awaken your taste buds and leave you craving more.

Not only is this fantastic recipe quick and easy to prepare, but it’s also incredibly versatile. Whether you’re enjoying it as a dipping sauce for spring rolls or using it to dress salads and main courses, Nuoc Cham will never disappoint. And, with the tips and variations provided in this blog post, you’ll be ready to impress your friends and family with your newfound knowledge of this amazing sauce.

A spring roll dripping into a bowl of nuoc cham.

✨ The Essence of Nuoc Cham

This Vietnamese dipping sauce achieves its harmony through the masterful combination of Vietnamese fish sauce, lime juice, honey, garlic, and Thai chilis. And it’s not just for fried spring rolls; Nuoc Cham is served with a variety of Vietnamese dishes, from fresh spring rolls and Vietnamese egg rolls to vermicelli bowls and grilled meats.

Nuoc Cham is often enjoyed at Vietnamese restaurants, where it is typically sweeter to cater to Western taste buds. However, by making your own Nuoc Cham at home, you can adjust the sweetness and spiciness to your liking, ensuring the perfect flavor for you and your guests.

Five Key Flavors

The five main flavors of Nuoc Cham create a complex and delicious profile that elevates any dish it accompanies. These flavors are:

  • Salty
  • Sweet
  • Sour
  • Spicy
  • Umami

To achieve the perfect balance, it’s important to adjust the proportions of each ingredient: more fish sauce for saltiness, more honey for sweetness, and so on.

Selecting a suitable fish sauce is paramount, as it significantly influences the overall flavor of the Nuoc Cham. Two highly recommended fish sauce brands for making Nuoc Cham are Three Crabs Fish Sauce and Red Boat Fish Sauce. These high-quality fish sauces will ensure that your Nuoc Cham has the perfect balance of flavors, making it a hit with everyone at the table. Personally, I love Thanh fish sauce. It’s delicious and only contains salt and anchovies!

Common Uses

Nuoc Cham is incredibly versatile in Vietnamese cuisine, often used as a dipping sauce, dressing, or marinade. As a dipping sauce, it can be enjoyed with rice paper rolls, spring rolls, summer rolls, and Vietnamese egg rolls, providing a burst of flavor that perfectly complements the dish.

As a dressing or marinade, Nuoc Cham can be drizzled over salads, rice noodle dishes, and grilled meats, infusing them with its rich and complex flavor profile. The possibilities are endless, making Nuoc Cham a must-have addition to any meal, from appetizers to main courses.

🗝️ Key Ingredients & Substitutions

Overhead photo of ingredients for nuoc cham on a grey table.

Having covered the essence of Nuoc Cham, it’s now time to examine its key ingredients and potential substitutions. This way, you can customize the sauce to your taste preferences and make it your own.

The main ingredients in Nuoc Cham are:

  • Fish sauce
  • Lime juice
  • Honey
  • Garlic
  • Thai chilis

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating the perfect balance of flavors, but there’s always room for experimentation and personalization. In the following subsections, we’ll explore each ingredient in detail and suggest possible substitutions.

Fish Sauce

Fish sauce is the backbone of Nuoc Cham, providing the salty and savory base that makes this sauce so irresistible. When making Nuoc Cham, it’s important to slowly add the fish sauce, tasting as you go, to ensure the perfect level of saltiness.

As stated before, using a top-notch fish sauce is pivotal for attaining the ultimate flavor. Brands like Three Crabs Fish Sauce and Red Boat Fish Sauce are highly recommended, as they provide a rich and authentic taste that will elevate your Nuoc Cham to new heights. I use Hung Thanh fish sauce. It tastes incredible, and the ingredients are just anchovies and salt. Literally 2 ingredients!

Lime Juice

Lime juice plays a vital role in Nuoc Cham, introducing a delightful tang that boosts the sauce’s overall taste. When adding more lime juice, it’s important to do so in small amounts, adjusting the flavor to your liking.

If you don’t have lime juice on hand, there are alternatives you can use to achieve a similar tangy flavor. Lemon juice and rice vinegar are both excellent substitutes, allowing you to maintain that perfect balance of sourness in your Nuoc Cham.


Honey serves as a natural sweetener in Nuoc Cham, adding a subtle sweetness that perfectly contrasts with the sauce’s other flavors. If you’re looking for a different sweetener, there are several options available, such as palm sugar or white sugar.

Each sweetener will impart its own unique flavor, so feel free to experiment and find the one that best suits your taste buds.


Garlic is a key flavor component in Nuoc Cham, adding a tasty and aromatic touch to the sauce. To adjust the intensity of the garlic flavor, simply add more or less minced garlic to the mix.

This allows you to create a Nuoc Cham that caters to your specific preferences and enhances the overall flavor profile.


Chili is another crucial ingredient in Nuoc Cham, providing a spicy kick that perfectly complements the sauce’s other flavors. To adjust the heat level of your Nuoc Cham, simply alter the amount of bird’s eye chilis or Thai chilis you add to the mix. Keep in mind that the chili peppers will continue to release their heat as the sauce sits, so it’s best to start with a smaller amount and adjust as needed.

When adding chili peppers to your Nuoc Cham, it’s important to remember that the seeds and veins add extra heat, so make sure you remove them. I recommend wearing gloves (dish gloves or latex) to protect your hands. It can really burn!

🥣 How to make Nuoc Cham

Having delved into the ingredients and variations of Nuoc Cham, we can now move on to preparing it at home. The process is simple and only takes about five minutes. In a small bowl, begin by mixing together the water and honey until the honey dissolves. Next, add the fish sauce, fresh lime juice, garlic, and chopped chilis and mix well.

Next, add in any additional ingredients, such as shredded carrots, to customize your Nuoc Cham to your liking. Once everything is mixed together, your Nuoc Cham is ready to be enjoyed with a variety of Vietnamese dishes, from appetizers to main courses.

Overhead picture of shrimp summer rolls with nuoc cham.

🪄 Creative Nuoc Cham Variations

For the culinary adventurers keen on adding their personal touch to Nuoc Cham, there’s a plethora of options to experiment with diverse flavors and ingredients. In this section, we’ll explore some alternative sweeteners and citrus substitutes to inspire you and help you create a Nuoc Cham that’s truly your own.

From swapping out sugar for other juices to using rice wine vinegar instead of citrus, the possibilities are endless. By trying different variations, you’ll not only expand your culinary skills but also discover new and exciting ways to enjoy this classic Vietnamese dipping sauce.

Alternative Sweeteners

If you’re looking to change up the sweetness of your Nuoc Cham, there are several alternative sweeteners to consider. Some options include:

  • white or brown sugar
  • beet sugar
  • coconut sugar
  • golden monkfruit sweetener
  • artificial sweeteners like erythritol, stevia, and xylitol
  • palm sugar

Each sweetener will provide its own unique flavor, so feel free to experiment and find the one that best suits your taste buds.

Citrus Substitutes

In case you don’t have lime juice on hand or simply want to try a different tangy flavor in your Nuoc Cham, there are a couple of citrus substitutes you can use. Lemon juice and rice vinegar both make excellent alternatives, allowing you to maintain the perfect balance of sourness in your sauce.

Feel free to try different combinations and find the one that best complements your taste preferences.

Dipping a summer roll into a white bowl of nuoc cham.

🫙 Storage Instructions

To savor the delectable flavors of Nuoc Cham fully, proper storage and serving techniques are paramount. In this section, we’ll share tips on how to keep your Nuoc Cham fresh and flavorful, as well as how to enjoy it at its best.

Proper storage is key to maintaining the freshness and quality of your Nuoc Cham. By following the tips provided in the following subsections, you’ll ensure that your Nuoc Cham stays delicious and ready to be enjoyed with a variety of Vietnamese dishes.

Refrigeration and Shelf Life

To keep your Nuoc Cham fresh and flavorful, it’s important to store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. When stored properly, Nuoc Cham can last up to 4-6 weeks, ensuring that you always have a delicious dipping sauce on hand for your favorite Vietnamese dishes.

Serving Nuoc Cham at Its Best

To optimize the flavor experience, it’s vital to serve Nuoc Cham at room temperature and use clean cutlery. This allows the sauce to fully develop its complex flavor profile and ensures that every bite is as delicious as the last.

Whether you’re enjoying Nuoc Cham as a dipping sauce, dressing, or marinade, following these tips will guarantee that you’re savoring every last drop of this amazing sauce.

🍽️ Serving and Pairing Ideas

Nuoc Cham is a diverse sauce that beautifully complements a range of Vietnamese dishes, spanning from appetizers to main courses. In this section, we’ll explore some serving and pairing ideas that will inspire you to incorporate Nuoc Cham into your meals and elevate your dining experience.

From spring rolls and vegetable egg rolls to vermicelli bowls and grilled meats, there are countless ways to enjoy Nuoc Cham. The sauce’s unique blend of flavors complements and enhances the taste of these dishes, making it a must-have addition to any Vietnamese meal.

Appetizers and Snacks

Appetizers and snacks are a great way to showcase the versatility of Nuoc Cham. Some popular options include:

The delicious combination of flavors in Nuoc Cham makes it the perfect dipping sauce for these appetizers, providing a burst of flavor that perfectly complements the dish.

Salads and Main Courses

As a dressing or marinade, Nuoc Cham can be drizzled over salads, rice noodle dishes like our Vegan Stir Fry, and grilled meats, infusing them with its rich and complex flavor profile. From spicy Vietnamese chicken salads to grilled pork, Nuoc Cham pairs wonderfully with a wide variety of salads and main courses.

The possibilities for incorporating Nuoc Cham into your meals are seemingly endless, making it a staple in any Vietnamese dining experience.

Overhead picture of shrimp summer rolls with nuoc cham.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

What is nước chấm made of?

Nước chấm is a Vietnamese dipping sauce that combines fish sauce, water, sugar, and citrus. You can add garlic or Thai chiles to customize the flavor.

What is the difference between nuoc mam and nuoc cham?

Nuoc mam and nuoc cham are the same thing – both names refer to the same Vietnamese dipping sauce. Nuoc cham translates to “dipping sauce” while nuoc mam pha translates to “mixed fish sauce”.

Overhead picture of shrimp summer rolls with nuoc cham.

😋 More Dip and Sauce Recipes You Will Love

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📖 Recipe

Overhead photo of a bowl of nuoc cham surrounded by summer rolls.

Nuoc Cham Recipe

Bethany Galloway
Ready in 5 minutes, this simple Nuoc Cham recipe is delicious! Elevate your meals with this perfectly balanced tangy, sweet, and spicy sauce.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Sauces & Condiments
Cuisine Vietnamese
Servings 8 Servings
Calories 39 kcal


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup honey see note 1
  • 3 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2.5 tablespoons fresh lime juice see note 2
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 1 red chili pepper minced


  • In a small bowl, mix the honey and water together until the honey is completely dissolved.
    Mixing honey and water in a grey bowl with a metal spoon.
  • Add in the fish sauce, lime juice, garlic, and chili, and mix together well. Serve immediately or store in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.
    A person is pouring a nuoc cham sauce into a bowl.


  1. Alternative Sweeteners: Instead of honey you can try regular or brown sugar, beet sugar, coconut sugar, golden monkfruit sweetener, erythritol, stevia, xylitol, or palm sugar.
  2. Lime juice: Lemon juice and rice vinegar both make excellent alternatives if needed.
  3. Storage: Store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. When stored properly, Nuoc Cham can last up to 4-6 weeks.
  4. Serving: This recipe is best served at room temperature, so let it sit out of the fridge for about 30 minutes before serving.


Calories: 39kcalCarbohydrates: 10gProtein: 1gFat: 0.03gSaturated Fat: 0.003gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.02gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.001gSodium: 532mgPotassium: 50mgFiber: 0.1gSugar: 9gVitamin A: 57IUVitamin C: 10mgCalcium: 6mgIron: 0.2mg
Keyword 5 ingredients, easy, nuoc cham, quick, Vietnamese dipping sauce
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