Clarksdale Towns, Zip Codes and Cities near to Clarksdale, Mississippi United States Between 0 and 35 miles (56.315 km) - Data For Research and Marketing
Find Town, Zip Codes and City Data Within A Specified Radius Of Clarksdale, Mississippi United States.

Clarksdale United States

This post was last updated by Rob on 2024-05-09 23:06:56 United States Flag

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United States  Map Icon Getting the data you need, isn't always easy. In this piece we are looking at Clarksdale a place in United States, which as of 2021, had an estimated population of 14,411.

Getting the nearest towns to Clarksdale, Mississippi along with useful data and insights.

We've drawn up relevant population data tables below detailing the nearest towns and cities, and you can download these Clarksdale locations to a (comma separated values) CSV file to use in excel , and save the textual outputs to a PDF file. The data typically details how many places are generally within 30 minutes to one hour's commute or drive of Clarksdale within a 35 mi (56.315 km) radius.

You'll be pleased to know however, that these numbers aren't fixed, and that you can flex these up, or down to suit your needs by using the form tools below.

We've created a custom map for Clarksdale to accompany the data table, showing you where each place is, and by clicking on a location marker , you'll reveal that location's name, compass bearing and state (where available) in relation to Clarksdale, so no getting lost now ;)

Learn about data referenced and sources we use.

* Drive time estimates may be more where aspects like lakes, seas, rivers and mountains are between two locations. Check the map for topography around Clarksdale

Additional Data For Clarksdale

Sometimes, it's handy to be able to drill a little deeper and get a few more specifics. So, you can also see age demographics for Clarksdale, and determine how many people of a defined age group, and sex, live within this radius. Perfect for that geography homework piece or business projection.

We have also included counties in and around Clarksdale along with reported male and female population breakdowns for each county.

You can explore sales scenarios around specific age groups based upon your own criteria of product, or service price, along with an expected conversion rate for that demographic and generated area. Great for gaining quick insights and saving you the hassle of calculating it yourself.

Zip Code Data For Clarksdale Mississippi

You can also request to display a list of Zip Codes near to Clarksdale giving you a snapshot of all of the Zip Codes within a radius of this location.

What is the precise geo location used for these calculations?

Great question! We use latitudes and longitudes (distinct points on the earth) to determine this. The distances for this Clarksdale location are based upon the geo coordinates of Latitude: 34.1729 and Longitude: -90.6075. The map below is centered on this location, do check it out below.

Populations are a moving target in that they never stand still. However, we do know that in 2021, the estimated population was reported to be 14,411 people. Allowing for a population change of 0.7 % since 2021 this is estimated to be around 14,714 today. **

If you believe this is incorrect, and have an up to date figure from an official source, then please let us know using the contact link above and we'll update this article.

Would you like to know what the population of Clarksdale Mississippi is as a percentage of United States's population?

The State Capital of Mississippi is Jackson

Flag of Mississippi state Mississippi State  Map  You may already know that Clarksdale is in Mississippi, but did you know that the state capital of Mississippi is Jackson? It's situated at Latitude: 32.3134 Longitude: -90.172 and has an estimated population of 173514. The state of Mississippi's total land area covers approx 46,914 sq mi. Find the nearest towns to Jackson, Mississippi Source

Change the Result Set For Clarksdale

If you'd like to get a different set of results, then you can change the settings here. Alter the minimum population or distance numbers and the results in the table will change.

Show Kilometer Option

and Pop >

Include Zip Codes near Clarksdale in results?
Bordering Countries include: Canada, Cuba, and Mexico - Expand search parameters to include bordering countries.


Location: Clarksdale United States - Date Created: Fri, 10th May 2024

The default population setting is to show towns with populations of at least 100 people. If your results are sparse, then please lower the population number to zero using the population box above, and you'll generate more results.

You can also display age and other demographics for the area around Clarksdale by updating these results. We'll show you, counties and their resident populations, and the number of people who live within the radius you specify.

How many people live within 35 mi of Clarksdale?

35 mi (56.315 km) radius: The estimated total number of people who live between 0 and 35 mi (56.315 km) of Clarksdale, United States Mississippi was 85,325 people.

How many males and females are there within 35 mi of Clarksdale?

There are an estimated 44,212 females, and 41,113 males. These numbers were estimated from 5 counties in and around Mississippi state and can be seen in the Counties Population table below

Click To Export or Update These Results

Clarksdale Nearest Towns, Boroughs or Cities within 30 minutes to a 1 hour drive allowing for traffic within 35 mi (56.315 km) * 1
PlaceDistance MiPopulationDir
Lyon Mississippi9.18284ENE
Alligator Mississippi10.05113WSW
Friars Point Mississippi13.02871N
Elaine Arkansas16.48489WNW
Tutwiler Mississippi17.162901SE
Lambert Mississippi18.571233E
Marks Mississippi19.321364ENE
Falcon Mississippi19.76114ENE
Winstonville Mississippi20.08150SSW
Mound Bayou Mississippi21.781503SSW

Counties between 0 and 35 mi radius of Clarksdale with male and female population numbers
County StateDistancePopulationMaleFemale

Export Counties return to the top

* Source:US Gov

Clarksdale Map

United States  Map Icon Activate A Map Showing These Locations

Click To View United States Data Sources:

Need a great data API?

Go premium and export all available results up to 300 mi radius, with a pay as you go plan. Learn More

Large Cities, Boroughs or Towns Across Mississippi
Jackson Mississippi149762
Gulfport Mississippi72106
West Gulfport Mississippi71329
Southaven Mississippi55430
Biloxi Mississippi49242
Hattiesburg Mississippi47069
Olive Branch Mississippi40277
Tupelo Mississippi37668
Meridian Mississippi34425
Greenville Mississippi28778
Madison Mississippi27720
Clinton Mississippi27452
Pearl Mississippi27259
Horn Lake Mississippi26738
Oxford Mississippi26431
Brandon Mississippi25374

United States Complete Country Download

If you want a full list of all 32850 populated cities, villages, places and towns, with geo coordinates (longitude and latitudes) that we have for United States, simply Go premium at the United States Cities Database page

There are a total of 156884 places in the system which you can use to plot on a map, or research further. These do not form part of the United States country download, but can be used and included in other queries using the form below. Simply set the population number to 0 to access them all.

A summary of how you can you use this Clarksdale data page...
  • If you are building a local town report for your business or client with interests in Mississippi, then this is perfect.
  • Maybe you want to download a file showing population estimates for Clarksdale Mississippi, United States?
  • The page will report the number of towns and cities between 0 and 35 mi (or a distance you choose) of Clarksdale or a place you specify. Premium options exist for those needing larger (comma separated values) CSV files.
  • For some locations, you can also interrogate the data by age group demographics. How many people of a defined age group, and sex, live within this radius.
  • We also show you the counties in and around Clarksdale along with reported male and female population breakdowns.
  • You can also explore sales scenarios around specific age groups based upon your own criterion of product or service price, and expected conversion rate for that demographic and generated area.
  • You can also request to display a list of Zip Codes near to Clarksdale giving you a snapshot of all of the Zip Codes within a 35 mi radius of this location.