How to fix laptop keyboard keys not working lenovo? - EPN

How to fix laptop keyboard keys not working lenovo?

Lenovo laptops are known for their sleek design and reliable performance. However, like any electronic device, they are not immune to issues, such as laptop keyboard keys not working. If you are facing this problem, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to fix it.

1. Restart Your Laptop

Sometimes a simple restart can solve the problem. Restart your Lenovo laptop and check if the keyboard keys start working again.

2. Check for Physical Damage

Inspect your laptop keyboard for any physical damage, such as loose keys, crumbs stuck beneath the keys, or liquid spills. If you find any physical damage, you may need to replace the affected keys or the entire keyboard.

3. Clean Your Keyboard

Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate beneath the keys, causing them to stop working. Gently clean your keyboard using a can of compressed air or a soft brush to remove any particles that may be hindering the keys.

4. Update Keyboard Drivers

Outdated or corrupted keyboard drivers can also cause keyboard issues. Update your keyboard drivers by visiting Lenovo’s official website and downloading the latest drivers for your specific laptop model.

5. Check Device Manager

Open the Device Manager on your laptop and expand the “Keyboards” section. If you see a yellow exclamation mark or a red X next to your keyboard, it indicates a driver issue. Right-click on the keyboard driver and select “Update driver” to resolve the problem.

6. Disable Filter Keys

Filter Keys is an accessibility feature that can sometimes interfere with the normal functioning of the keyboard. Disable Filter Keys by going to the Control Panel, selecting “Ease of Access,” and choosing “Change how your keyboard works.”

7. Use System Restore

If your keyboard was working fine in the past but suddenly stopped working, you can try using the System Restore feature to revert your laptop back to a previous state when the keyboard was functioning correctly.

8. Perform a Clean Boot

A clean boot can help identify if any third-party software is causing conflicts with your keyboard. Follow the instructions provided by Microsoft to perform a clean boot on your Lenovo laptop.

9. Check for Malware

Some malware can interfere with the normal functioning of hardware, including the keyboard. Use a reputable antivirus or antimalware software to scan your laptop for any malicious programs and remove them.

10. Test with an External Keyboard

By connecting an external keyboard to your laptop, you can determine if the issue lies with the laptop’s internal keyboard or the software settings. If the external keyboard works fine, it may indicate a hardware problem with your laptop’s keyboard.

11. Reset Your Laptop

Resetting your laptop to its factory settings can help resolve any software issues that may be causing the keyboard keys to stop working. Remember to back up your important files before performing a reset.

12. Contact Lenovo Support

If none of the above solutions work, it is best to contact Lenovo support for further assistance. They have trained technicians who can diagnose and fix hardware-related issues with your Lenovo laptop.


Q: How much does it cost to replace a laptop keyboard?

A: The cost of replacing a laptop keyboard varies depending on the laptop model and the vendor. It can range from $20 to $100.

Q: Can I replace a single keyboard key?

A: Yes, it is possible to replace a single keyboard key if it is damaged or not functioning properly. You can find replacement keys online or contact the laptop manufacturer for assistance.

Q: Why is my laptop keyboard typing multiple letters?

A: This can be due to a stuck key or a software issue. Clean your keyboard and update the keyboard drivers to resolve this problem.

Q: How can I type without a keyboard?

A: If your laptop keyboard is not working, you can connect an external USB keyboard or use the on-screen keyboard available in the Windows accessibility options.

Q: Will resetting my laptop delete all my files?

A: Yes, resetting your laptop to its factory settings will erase all the files and settings on your laptop. Make sure to back up your important data before performing a reset.

Q: Can a virus cause keyboard issues?

A: Yes, certain types of malware can interfere with the normal functioning of the keyboard and cause issues. Run a thorough antivirus scan to identify and remove any malicious programs.

Q: How do I know if my keyboard needs to be replaced?

A: If cleaning, updating drivers, and system troubleshooting do not fix the issue, it may be an indication that your laptop keyboard needs to be replaced.

Q: Does Lenovo warranty cover keyboard issues?

A: Lenovo warranty typically covers hardware defects, so if your laptop keyboard is malfunctioning, it may be covered under warranty. Contact Lenovo support to inquire about warranty coverage.

Q: Can I use an external USB keyboard permanently?

A: Yes, you can use an external USB keyboard as a permanent solution if your laptop’s internal keyboard cannot be fixed or if you prefer using an external keyboard.

Q: How long does it take to replace a laptop keyboard?

A: The time required to replace a laptop keyboard depends on the laptop model and the technician performing the replacement. It can typically take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Q: Can I fix laptop keyboard keys not working Lenovo on my own?

A: Yes, you can try the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article to fix the problem. However, if you are not comfortable with DIY repairs or if the issue persists, it is advisable to seek professional help.

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