How to Grow Aquatic Flowers in Your Pond or Water Garden - Dengarden Skip to main content

How to Grow Aquatic Flowers in Your Pond or Water Garden

Are lotus flowers hard to grow?

Are lotus flowers hard to grow?

Can You Grow Flowers Underwater?

Flowering plants that grow in water, also known as aquatic flowering plants or water flowers, add a touch of beauty and elegance to ponds, water gardens, and indoor water features. These plants have adapted to thrive in aquatic environments, making them well-suited for growing in submerged, floating, or marginal conditions (we'll discuss each of these in the article).

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these flowers play a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of the ecosystem. Let's learn more about selecting, planting, and caring for aquatic flowers to create a stunning aquatic display in your outdoor space.

Aquatic Plant Categories

Aquatic plants include a diverse array of species adapted to thrive in watery environments. From submerged plants with delicate foliage to emergent species towering above the water's surface, each type plays a unique role in aquatic ecosystems. The three common categories of aquatic plants include:

  • Submerged Plants: These plants grow entirely underwater, with their roots anchored in the sediment and their leaves and stems extending upwards towards the water's surface. They are often characterized by delicate foliage and adaptions for life in low-light conditions. Examples include various species of pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.), water milfoil (Myriophyllum spp.), and eelgrass (Zostera spp.).
  • Floating Plants: These plants float on the water's surface, with their roots dangling below. They often have buoyant leaves or structures filled with air to keep them afloat. Examples include water lilies (Nymphaea spp.), duckweed (Lemna spp.), and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes).
  • Emergent Plants: These plants are rooted in the sediment underwater but extend their stems, leaves, and flowers above the water's surface. They are commonly found along the margins of bodies of water or in shallow areas. Examples include cattails (Typha spp.), bulrushes (Scirpus spp.), and various species of sedges (Carex spp.).

What Flowering Plants Will Grow in Water?

Aquatic gardening opens up a whole new world of flower gardening. The challenge is finding flowering plants uniquely suited to water environments. From surface blooms to submerged wonders, you have a range of options for creating vibrant aquatic gardens. Here are eight popular flowering plants that will grow in water:

1. Water Lilies (Nymphaea spp.)

Perhaps the most iconic of all aquatic flowering plants, water lilies are prized for their exquisite blossoms and floating leaves. They come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, yellow, and blue, and can be found in hardy and tropical varieties.

2. Lotus (Nelumbo spp.)

With their majestic blooms and symbolic significance, lotus flowers are revered in many cultures. These aquatic plants produce large, showy flowers that can rise above the water on tall stalks, creating a stunning focal point in any water garden.

3. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Water hyacinth is a fast-growing floating plant with striking lavender flowers. In addition to its ornamental value, water hyacinth helps to filter water and provide shade for aquatic life. However, it can become invasive in some regions, so it's important to monitor its growth.

4. Water Iris (Iris pseudacorus)

Water iris, also known as yellow flag iris, is a marginal plant that thrives along the edges of ponds and streams. It produces striking yellow flowers atop tall, slender stems and adds a splash of color to water features.

5. Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata)

Pickerelweed is a marginal plant with spikes of purple-blue flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. It grows well in shallow water and is a favorite choice for naturalistic water gardens.

6. Canna Lily (Canna spp.)

While not true aquatic plants, canna lilies can thrive in moist soil or shallow water. These bold and colorful flowers come in a variety of hues, including red, orange, yellow, and pink, adding vibrancy to water features.


7. Arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.)

Arrowhead is a marginal plant with arrow-shaped leaves and white or pink flowers that resemble miniature peace lilies. It grows well in shallow water and provides habitat for aquatic wildlife.

8. Water Hawthorn (Aponogeton distachyos)

Water hawthorn, also known as Cape pondweed, produces fragrant white flowers with yellow centers. It blooms profusely in cooler weather and is an excellent choice for adding fragrance to water gardens.

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Preparing Your Pond or Water Garden

Assess the environment of your pond or water garden, considering factors such as water quality, temperature, and existing aquatic life. Properly position aquatic plants based on sunlight exposure and water circulation. Create suitable planting conditions using aquatic planting soil or gravel, and establish a balanced ecosystem by introducing beneficial organisms and maintaining water quality.

Planting and Caring for Aquatic Flowers

Plant aquatic flowers using appropriate techniques for each variety. Practice routine maintenance tasks such as pruning, deadheading, fertilizing, and controlling pests and diseases. Follow seasonal care tips, including winterizing plants and rejuvenating them in spring.

Enhancing the Aesthetic Appeal

Consider design considerations for incorporating aquatic flowers, such as combining different flower colors, shapes, and heights. Pair aquatic flowers with other aquatic plants and add decorative elements like rocks or garden ornaments to enhance visual interest.

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What type of plants are grown in a water garden?

Frequently Asked Questions

What flowering plants can you grow in water?

There's a diverse selection of flowering plants that thrive in water environments. Some popular options include water lilies, lotus flowers, water hyacinths, iris, and pickerelweed. These plants can be grown in ponds, water gardens, or containers filled with water, adding beauty and color to any aquatic setting.

What is the most beautiful aquatic flower?

Beauty is subjective, but many people consider the lotus flower to be one of the most stunning aquatic blooms. Its elegant petals and symbolic significance make it a favorite among gardeners and admirers alike. Water lilies are also widely appreciated for their exquisite form and vibrant colors, making them another contender for the title of the most beautiful aquatic flower.

What type of plants are grown in a water garden?

Water gardens typically feature a mix of aquatic plants, including flowering plants like water lilies, lotus flowers, and iris, as well as foliage plants such as water ferns, rushes, and grasses. Submerged plants like anacharis and hornwort are often included to help oxygenate the water and provide habitat for aquatic creatures.

What garden plants like water?

Several garden plants thrive in moist or waterlogged conditions. Besides aquatic plants, some examples include bog-loving species like ferns, astilbes, hostas, cardinal flowers, and marsh marigolds. These plants can be incorporated into rain gardens, alongside ponds, or in low-lying areas of the landscape where water tends to accumulate.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2024 Jennifer Bové