This 100+ Book Haul Will Be My LAST (not clickbait) 📚 + Giveaway - INBELLA

This 100+ Book Haul Will Be My LAST (not clickbait) 📚 + Giveaway

can someone explain to me why when it’s as hot as Satan’s Soul Outside I’ve decided to make myself a hot coffee I want to be roasting in this video I apologize in advance if I’m a sweaty disgusting mess I also want to say yes the title of this video was not clickbait this will be my last ever book haul video in this house I am not hauling anymore like this is literally a stand like I am taking a stand right now I am not holding any more books while I’m still living here I’ve already skipped the fairy Loot and the Aluma crate and I’m canceling everite because we’ll talk about it later on but I really really really have my heart set on moving and I have some like viewings and things at the end of this month and so I’m really hoping and I’m really trying to save for moving I mentioned this already a few times in a few videos so I apologize if I sound like a broken record right now but I am literally not getting anything else nothing oh I’m excited to for that fa book skip oh that water st’s pre-order has lovely sprayed edges don’t get it all that entire 72 volume manga collection is on eBay right now for like the best price you’re ever going to get it don’t look seriously the books in this book video are going to be the last books I haul until I at least move and recover recover my finances from the move so all the books in this video are the books I’ve hauled since the start of March it was also my birthday recently as well so I got some books for my birthday and I’m just so excited to show you everything that I got before I continue don’t forget to leave this video a like if you enjoy subscribe if you haven’t already I also have a discount code for in it is gav gav you can get 5% off and if you use my affiliate link down below you will also be helping support me so thank you so much and F you can get lots of stuff on sci-fi you can get manga you can get just regular books like fantasy and sci-fi just whatever you want really so that’s all down below if you want it I’ll just start off with the manga cuz I don’t really have a lot to show this is going to be a very quick section and some of these I did get off sci-fi some of these I got second hand of eBay firstly like this is ridiculous I really wish I had have seen this house before made these silly purchases uh it’s the same of the trips I booked for videos too I can’t cancel them now they’re non-refundable so I’ve made my bed and I have to now lie in it but I did get the first box set of narator and the third box set of Naruto look these were cheap okay these were really really cheap I’m planning on doing an entire narator read through this year and I need these for a video that’s my justification Naruto is one of the big three in terms of Mangus who one piece bleach and narator and narator is all about the ninjas I’ve read the first volume and I really enjoyed it excited to continue reading and a lot of people grew up on the anime so I definitely missed out by not starting this earlier and it has been y a year since I read the first volume so I’ve forgotten quite a lot so I got the first and third box sets I didn’t get the second box set because I didn’t say you’re cheap enough and even if I did now I’m not going to get it I’m prioritizing this house I’m prioritizing that house for my babies fash and tou they need a garden I want to let them into a garden I’ve decided in future haul videos that I’m not going to show random volumes of a series that I’ve already talked about loads of times in these hauls unless I have a good reason to so I haven’t included a few mangas that I have picked up that are just like random like volume four volume six volume you know I haven’t done any of that but I will show volume 3 of the sum hakaru died because this will be perfect for sum if you are looking for a perfect sum recommendation it is horror it’s horror manga but it’s more like suspense it’s more like a slow build kind of horror this is volume three but you should probably start with volume one and essentially CaRu goes into the mountains and dies but when he comes back from the mountains something else has inhabited his body and his best friend his male best friend who kind of loves him I mean the signs are all there I’m just saying the signs are all there he notices straight away that he’s different and this story is kind of them too moving forward from that it’s just it’s such a good time I am really falling in love with the series volume 3 was very good oh yeah please do pick it up perfect for sum I mean reading the summer hakaru died for sum oh my God I’m just giving you idea at this point just take it I have three one piece volumes to show I will always show One Piece volumes okay I’ve only got one more manga after this to show you I’ll always show one piece so volume 105 was the most recent English release already read it I do have the food Wars one piece spin-off where Sanji one of the main characters is I think in the food Wars world and he is just making stuff he’s just he’s just cooking he’s just it’s what he does best he’s a great chef I love food Wars but I haven’t read this yet and I’m going to I’m going to and I also have the first part of the aces story manga this is based off of the AC of story light novels in the one piece World which I’ve already read and this is illustrated by the manga of Dr Stone so there will be a second part oh I just saw oh God I can’t show you that’s a spoiler I just saw that oh my God there is a a little like fold out poster thing that I can take out oh my God what is that and then the last manger I’m going to show you is Stitches which is is it upside down sorry it’s upside down stitches which has short stories by hirokatsu kihar and it has art by Juni so j e or illustrates but it’s kind of more like text there’s a lot of text in here and I didn’t realize this when I first noticed I mean there are still like lots of illustrations but like a lot of this the short stories is actual text so I feel like okay crazy idea you’re not the biggest fan of manga you don’t really dabble in it it’s just not your thing but if horret is your thing maybe this might be a good compromise between the two cuz you have the short stories you have the horror short stories with the added artwork by one of the greatest manga artists of all time Juno well it says true stories of Unsolved Mysteries stitched together with page after page of Jung eo’s original artwork again another thing that you could probably do for suen you know what I might read this for S I still haven’t read it yet like just listen to this a tumor shaped like a man’s face slowly moves across a woman’s body the St shoots glowing balls into the sky much of the distress of Beach coers and a girl dressed up for a holiday has no eyes no nose nothing her face is a total blank wait and this is true story of unsold Myst what in the world so I’ve just sold this book to myself and I already bought it so that is all the manga I’m telling you I’m being good I’m being such a good boy let’s get into like the general novels and stuff so I do have magicala which is the first book in the magicala series by Jennifer Bell absolutely love Jennifer Bell she’s awesome she wrote the wonderscape books and she also wrote The Uncommon as series and those are books that I just genuinely love so much this is set in a world where there are strange beasts I’ve heard this being likened to Pokémon there is a main character called bitsy her dad gets kidnapped yeah her dad gets kidnapped and along with her best friend she goes on this adventure to save him and she also has the magicala which I think is a powerful book and even on the back it says a riveting blend of gaming stem adventure and Magic oh you know Jennifer Bell can do all wrong so thank you so much for the publisher for sending me this this comes out May so it should be out now is it out now second of May 2024 okay it’s out you is late I also got sent beastly Beauty by Jennifer Donnelly H this was from the publisher so thank you publisher now I didn’t ask for this but it was surprised because I do love the The Arc cover I think it looks so so cool okay it it sounds to me like it’s kind of a reverse booty in the Beast so it is the girl who is cursed uh she accidentally curses her staff in her ladies of the court and everyone around her in her castle and so she needs to find a boy who’s going to come and break the curse that’s what it sounds like I mean I do love Beauty and the Beast it’s one of my favorite stories so I could give this a try I think it’s why next I got the virtue season by LM Nathan also sent from the publisher so thank you so much this is said to be the Dorian bridon I’m like how how can you make Bridget in distorion oh someone’s got a parcel oh that’s massive anyway it sounds like there’s some kind of council who’s always watching this society and everyone has to be careful about what they do there is a a main character who’s just turned 18 she’s a duon duon at the start of the virtue season process which will result in a match with a suitable genetic male so it kind of sounds also like a little bit handmaid’s tailes thank you so much Scholastic that was a lovely birthday present in the last kind of gifted copy from like a publisher or an author is Mina and the cult by Amy mcco thank you so much Amy Amy the author who’s always so incredible and amazing and beautiful sent me a copy of this all signed and everything it’s just like how cute is that like how beautiful and amazing and this is the third book in the Mina and the undead series it is set in the ’90s so you do get those like really vintage ’90s vibes on the series in this one apparently the character is going on a ro trip to Roswell New Mexico so I feel like there might be some kind of like alien and also like culty stuff in this oh my God I’m Prett excited for it actually the first book follows Mina when she goes to New Orleans and there is someone who’s like recreating some like gnly murders and it’s just a great time it’s just an absolutely great time so thank you again so much Amy I always appreciate you Award of someone’s pre-order was scandall in the chaos trials by AF stadman this is the third book in the scandall series I don’t know if this is a conclusion usually we do have just a Trilogy when it comes to like middle grade Series so I don’t know if this is the conclusion there might be more this is the one that is signed and also has like the sprayed edges from water stones I’ve gotten all of my copies from water stones and yeah this is certain in a world where are you in corn Riders I believe this book is following scandar in his third year of training it’s one of those middle- grade series I think does transcend a lot of age brackets a lot of age groups so even if you’re not that much into middle grade this could still be for you it’s like very Percy jackson-esque in terms of being suitable for like a lot of Ages I also got my water stones pre-order of the exclusive edition of burning crowns this is the third book in the Twin Crown Series by Katherine Doyle and Katherine Weber and yeah this is the water stones one I can’t remember which one I went for if this was the rose version or if this is the ren version I’m going to take a guess and say it’s the ren version I don’t know why but yeah absolutely love the first book I still need to read the second book and then get to the third book it does follow twin sisters who were separated a long time ago and in the first book they want to reclaim the throne while also discovering each other for the first time and their Adventure going through that when I read the first book two years ago I kind of likened it to like Throne of Glass but better I I kind of preferred twin crowns over Throne of Glass so excited to continue on and read the uh third and I think final book I mentioned these additions in the previous book haul video because I got a couple in that one and then I went through all of the ones that were coming up this year and I do have some of them on pre-order but again like I’m not going to pre-order anymore as of now no more pre-orders but I do still have like pre-orders from like months and months ago so the two books that came were David Copperfield by Charles Dickens this is a puff and clothbound Edition as well as the neveron story by Michael end I think and I just I love absolutely love these additions the puff and clothbound are some of the most editions I’ve ever seen in my life mentioned this in the previous book haul video in David Copperfield I’ve never read I have read a couple of Charles Dickens books but it has been a long time I’m talking when I was at Uni and I love Great Expectations what other Charles s books have I read I’ve read Great Expectations is that it no I’m sure I’ve read more for some reason I can’t think like I haven’t read Oliver Twist I want to and I don’t think I’ve read David Copperfield so I’m definitely going to read that and then The Never Ending Story I think I mentioned this a while back that I want to read this one for a reading vog where I read books that inspired some of my favorite movies which is a series that I’ve been doing for a couple years now but yeah this is definitely one that I want to read for that video so yeah two more puff and clothbound can you get any more beautiful books in Classics I don’t think you can oh a book that I recently finished because it was for my true crime and white book club is Al beon the talk by Michelle McNamara this was my very first True Crime book and it was great it was honestly so eye openening and captivating and Michelle McNamara she writes about the Golden State killer who was very active but he didn’t get get enough attention and so the case went unsolved for the longest time in fact Michelle McNamara she was writing this and his identity still wasn’t known and she unfortunately passed away while writing this book so an editor and her husband do take over from like finishing the book off and like going through her notes and stuff but even then like this is still a great and fascinating book you can really tell how passionate Michelle McNamara was of investigating the case herself she had like over 3,000 files on the case like herself like she isn’t an investigator she’s like an armchair detective you know she just wanted to give the victims closure she wanted so badly to find out who this guy was so that she could get Justice for the victims and people like that I just have so much admiration for so really enjoyed definitely a different reading experience with being true crime but still had a great time and I had a great bot Club discussion about it too if you want to join in on any of my patreon bot clubs I have four I have four patreon book clubs I will leave a link to my patreon down below okay next I have neon go by Daniel B Green this is a Kickstarter Edition because I backed the kickstarter except I was sent this copy by accident I do have a lettered edition of this book but they haven’t been sent out yet so like I got this edition of it which is great oh my God like it’s got beautiful like pink spray edges I freaking love the cover so much it’s an absolutely gorgeous stunning absolutely stunning book there are like illustrations oh like even look at the chapter title Pages you know like the first page of the chapter oh my God I freaking love but it does mean that I’m going to end up having two copies of this because I wasn’t supposed to get this copy but I’m so glad I have it I really want to read it like I’m so desperate to read it this one follows Tia and she wants to be an enforcer I think she’s an apprentice and that just essentially means like a bounty hunter I believe she has one assignment left to become a full enforcer but the assignment she now has I think involves a kidnapping and I believe the kidnapping is just one piece of the puzzle that exposes a much more bigger and more deadlier secret so when my lettered edition of this comes I might do a giveaway for this one see I’m currently editing my video right now and I have decided I will definitely do a giveaway for my extra Kickstarter edition of Daniel big green neon ghosts I’ve been told you have an extra copy of my book that you want to give to your audience that’s okay that’s fine that’s fair all they have to do to enter is leave their uh social media Handles in the comments down below it’s important that you don’t leave a link to your social media profile cuz YouTube comment sections don’t let you put links you just need to put like at whatever you are on the various social media platforms Gavin’s accepting but Gavin what did you do to get an extra copy of my book huh there’s a shorts right now not everyone has them what did you do how did you get it be sure to like comment subscribe how are you running a giveaway when I’m not even running a giveaway I had also preor the reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson this was the water stones Edition and it is from the author of Bad Girls guy to murder no good girl Sky to murder sorry this one follows Belle and I believe her mother Rachel Price ends up going missing and she is the only witness to that but then years later Rachel Price reappears and like why how where’s she be what’s what’s going on Holly Jackson is so beloved on book so wouldn’t to give it a go next I have song of the six Realms by Judy iin I think this is the water stor Edition uh I get all my additions mixed up this is inspired by Chinese mythology but also combined with Daffy de Mor’s Rebecca this follows zoo and she is a talented musician she lives with her Uncle because she was offened at a young age but then her uncle gets murdered and so she has to now live a life of servitude but there is a mysterious man who appears to her and offers her to be his musician in Residence at his manner so it sounds like a good deal to me but it turns out that he is the Duke of dreams and what that means what that entails I won’t know until I read it but I just love how short and cute this book is also got my pre-order of the warm hands of ghost by Katherine Ain I already read the first chapter of this in my reading first chapter’s challenge in fact there might be a couple more books in here that you might already know that I’ve haul like as soon as I filmed the last boook haul this one came but yes this is the warstones Edition absolutely beautiful this is historical the first chapter didn’t exactly blow me away this is said during the first world war we follow Laura whose brother goes missing during the war and so she goes out to find him I kind of love the premise and I don’t want to judge a book by its first chapter but I’m going to be a little bit wary going into this I’m not going to lie I usually like Catherine or and stuff so I think it might be a win just might be one of those ones that’s just like a little bit left fi for her considering all the previous books that she’s written it’s like so different to those from the broken binding I got the third part of the H God Trilogy so this is Slaughter Gods by fil called halt I already hauled the previous two I think in the previous book haul video this was the most recent Trilogy by the Broken binding that’s now complete the series follows the fall of a village called Ash Hill in the aftermath of that and I think there’s a lot of like Norse mythology woven into this too now that the trilogy is complete I’m very excited to binge them all I also got dark star burning Ash PS white by Emily wza this is the alumic crate Edition the first book came in an alumic Crate Box this one didn’t so I had to like get it separately and this is the finale of the song of the last Kingdom duology so it is only two books there are demon gods and silver dragons and like a world that’s just so filled with Fantastical stuff also inspired by the mythology in fkl of China and I’m going to China next year actually so I’m wondering if maybe having this geology for then would be a good idea there’s so much I want to read before I go to China so this is definitely like up there as a top priority I got floting hotel by Grace Curtis this was also a water stores pre-order this honestly intrigued me so much because I’m trying to read more sci-fi this is essentially a hotel in space and it goes from planet to planet it travels the entire like Galaxy and guests have like the most amazing view of the universe honestly I would love to go on it myself but I feel like being that high up and seeing Earth or I feel like I would get serious vertigal I think I would actually feel weird I believe there are a couple of mysteries going on at once but I think the main mystery of this book is who the hell is driving this thing I kind of really want to find out and when I say that I’m excited because this is sci-fi and I want to read more sci-fi I have been let down a little bit by some recent Sci-Fi reads Ascension for one so I’m honestly praying praying that this is a really good book my pre-order for media by Rosie huet came and this is the water stones Edition with the title of the book there really beautiful again I swear I’m not going to pre-order anything just because of the edges anymore I swear I promise so we follow media and she has a really powerful gift that her Tyrant father abuses she has this chance to escape and try and get the Golden Fleece for herself and the Golden Fleece is I mean I’ve heard of it before I also stayed in a haunted hotel called the Golden Fleece in York but there is something behind this Golden Fleece I I just it’s escaped my head like I know of the of the myth I know of the legend but it’s escaped my head but that’s what they’re trying to do I think that’s the goal of this book and yeah I’ve never read a Rosie huler book before my life I think it could be really good like even like artwork on the back and stuff is just so incredibly gorgeous and Aluma crate book is fathom Fork by Eliza Chan I’m not feeling guilty whatsoever for skipping Aluma crate for the next couple of months I don’t feel guilty I mean this is gorgeous honestly I’m not saying this isn’t because this sounds really good it is set in a semi flooded city there are like the humans who are the main power of this place but there are the fathom folk who live like underneath the humans and you do have like sirens and mermaids and I believe arming character is a half siren this is Eliza’s debut and it’s also based off of East Asian mythology the next book I also got from water storms and that’s the last murder at the End of the World by St Turon now I have read from this author before I’ve read the seven and a half deaths of Evelyn Hard Castle fun fact actually that was the very first thriller book of the month that I had to sell when I started working at Water stores back in 2018 so it’s been what 6 years since I last read from this author but I’m sure he’s still good I’ve been really excited to read this one I was hoping this would be the next ya Nal B Club pick for my patreon but it looks like that’s going to be something else instead do I have it in the stack yes I do it’s coming up so I saw on an island and everywhere outside the island had been destroyed by a mysterious fog this like literally the last place where humans live someone on the island is murdered a scientist and if they don’t discover who murdered that scientist in 107 hours the fog will consume the island and kill everyone and then humanity is over as we know it so I might not have won the poll for the Y Nal book club but I’m still going to end up reading this relatively soon my pre-order of the Forbidden Planet editions of the rest of the born season series by Samantha Shannon game I did get the born season when it came out from Forbidden Planet so the rest of these are also from Forbidden Planet so there is the second book The May order the third book the song rising and then the fourth book the mask falling I love the born season series so much I read them so long ago though so I would need to reread and these are pretty much kind of Rewritten from the author herself she kind of went back to the start of her series and did like tweaks and stuff to hopefully make the story stronger and Tighter so these new additions are definitely the definitive way to read the series so I need to reread the series ASAP because who knows maybe some Shan changed the entire premise and I have no idea what the series is actually about anymore maybe should Chang the main character from paig to someone else I also ordered gosh it was probably this time last year I think it’s been a while and that is the Fortuna sworn series by KJ Sutton from Fairy loot yeah it took a long time for these two come out and be made I think and so these are the first four books in the series I read the first book Fortuna sworn when like four years ago I think and I did enjoy it I thought it was really good this is Romany this has fear and we do follow Fortuna she’s the last of her kind and her brother go missing she meets kith and she is introduced into this world of dangerous but alluring creatures I just absolutely love the faite Edition so so much oh my God they are genuinely stunning and KJ Sutton is an absolute goddess a book I recently read in G five stars is the list of suspicious things by Jenny Godfrey this may not be for everyone but it was definitely for me because it’s set in the north of England it’s set in the late ’70s so you do get a lot of like politics of the time it play here but we follow a girl called miv and she is a school girl and the case of the Yorkshire Ripper is happening like innocent women are being murdered and M wants to solve the case herself so she makes a list of suspicious people suspicious places and she wants to like yeah solve it herself along with her best friend and then the story goes from like there so the OA Ripper was a real thing it was a real case but myth and the events of the book is fictional so it’s a blend of fiction with a real historical event in the author her dad actually knew the person who turned out about the oire Ripper he actually came close to their family so I think that just adds a little element to it I listened to the audio book of this it was a fully casted Audi book with Anna from d naabi as the main narrator and it was a fantastic audio book so I would recommend the audio book too but yeah it might not be for everyone but because it was local to me and I could see a lot of like representation for like my area and like the social class and stuff it was just it was a good time for me my very first book binding sci-fi box came and that is the motion by Andy we a beautiful beautiful book I’ve already read this I read this a few years back this follows Mark he’s an astronaut but he is stranded on mosos and he thinks he’s going to die there so kind of goes through his experience while being alone on mosos it’s been a while since I read this I think it’s been about 3 years so I would love a reread of this I really enjoyed the humor of it I remember the humor really sticking out to me when I first read it and it’s one of the few sci-fi books that I genuinely really loved it didn’t give me an existential crisis like a lot of them do so the brook bind in sci-fi subbox is already a win for me I’m actually canceling the everite book box to justify pain for the Sci-Fi broken Bing box because I’ve been so let down by everan night’s choices like I have not been scared by any of them yet that I’ve read I think I’ve read like three of the five that have come out the most recent one being murdered Ro by Simone St James read this one for the bot tro book club and I gave this a 1.5 star and I also had to get the just general normal Edition because this one didn’t come in time for me to be able to partake in the boot Club wasn’t in my library and I did want to annotate so that I could come to the bot Club discussion prepared but pretty much like the day before the bot Club this came and I’d already finished it and already didn’t like it but yeah I’ve been so underwhelmed by the choices mid as well follows a couple where they end up picking someone up who was being chased by someone and the girl dies and they’re now in this like really small town where things seem a little bit strange and there was like a mystery going on because people have been dying on that road like what they call murder Road and they have no idea what the hell is going on and who’s killing these girls I just didn’t like this one I just really did not like this one one of the worst books I’ve read so far this year and it convinced me to cancel night I’m gutted because the idea of a horror book box subscription oh gripped me it gripped me I was like yes that’s what I want disappointment after disappointment next I have Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell this is the 20th anniversary edition of it and I did I got it from Mor Stones yes I have no clue what this is about I’ve never seen the film never read the book before and even the summaries of this is just so confusing it’s saying things like an expiration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past present and future which sounds great one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero in an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire Revolution like I’m intrigued but I can’t tell you what this book is about just based off the summary alone like that’s just so vague and it’s honestly the vagueness that really propelled me forward into getting this as well as just like the look of the book it looks amazing it looks gorgeous and I feel like this is one of those books that a lot of people have already read and I feel so behind on that it would be so nice to be able to catch up with other people give this a read and read more books that people have already kind of given High Praise to just so I can feel like I’m part of the crowd you know okay I’m a little bit unsure about this next p because it did come in Lumar crate and that is to gaze upon Wicked cards by Molly X Chang now I’ve heard some Rumblings online that this is a colonizer romance I actually don’t know because I haven’t read it yet and I didn’t realize this was coming in Luma crate otherwise I might have just skipped because I I just don’t know what to expect from it I still want to give it a chance just in case if it is colonizer Romance I’m not going to love it I’m not going to love it so if anyone who’s read this can you please let me know what’s the deal here is it’s something that is glorified or is it something that’s criticized is it like part of the plot is it intentionally romanticized like I I don’t know I still want to give it a chance because I believe this is M’s debut but I’m just so unsure about it 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight okay nine books left another book I wish I skipped was evocation by Estee Gibson this was in the fair adult I think it’s kind of a meme at this point that I am not a fan of a Daria blood and I would definitely have skipped the fair Lo box if I known this was in it but who knows maybe I might enjoy it cuz a few people have said oh you didn’t like it blood this one is written totally different it almost feels like a different writer has written it so I will probably end up giving this a chance a family curse threatens a guy called David and he goes to his ex-boyfriend Reese to help him so I already love the fact that we have an lgbtq plus being character but then again D blood had lgbtq plus representation and that still didn’t blow me away so the book itself needs to convince me but it isn’t Edition I’ll give it a chance I’m nothing if not fair so the familiar bile boo was the book that was voted for in my ya n booklet poll I had a lot of options and this is the one that won honestly if it had been me though I would have picked the Stewart turt book so this one follows luciia ler uh in Madrid and she is using like scraps of magic to get by she has a scheming mistress who discovers that she has some kind of unique abilities and she wants to use her to get inside the Royal Court Ash why he’s so noisy this was again of waterstones Edition and I am looking forward to reading it I’ve only ever read Shadow and born by lady bougo I haven’t read anything else I have con spell treason without tea by Rebecca Thorne this one follow was a royal God and an elemental Mage and they have dreams of opening a book shop in like a tea shop so they decide to escape their dangerous lives to do that I’m still on the fence about coy fantasy but I am still wanting to be a big fan of it I did enjoy book shops and Bor dust didn’t love Legends and lates but it was fine so maybe this might be the one that really captivates me enough to be like yes cozy fantasy is my go-to genre speaking of te I have a tempest of tea by haa fasel I’ve never read haa fasel before so I’m very intrigued to start this one this is the febr Edition it is set in 1920s London and we follow a group of people who make their way through a tangled web of conspiracies and heists and it sounds really really good I’m actually excited to read it this apparently has enemies to lovers secret vampire societies and I’m glad I didn’t skip this one the first book in the next broken binding Trilogy that they’re doing is the lies of Lo lore by Scott Lynch so yeah this is the broken binding Edition I loved this book when I read it last year I thought it was so good this follows a really charismatic guy called Lo lore he is part of this like thi group of men called the gentleman bastards it’s in this like really cool and complex town I think it was called kimore and there’s just like so much apple it is is so good I cannot wait to read books two and three I’ll obviously wait until the broken bind editions come out since I don’t own them already and I’ll reread the first we and just like read them all it was so much fun it was so good I say so much fun some parts of it like really got me like quite emotional so there’s that I’m starving now I’ve been filming for too long got four books left and then I need to eat Fair Loop released the tales of the Celestial Kingdom by suin tan I got the first two books in the Celestial Kingdom series by sentan from Fairy loot so the first book was like daughter of the moon goddess and I obviously had to get this to like complete the collection I think this is just a set of short stories just this so beautiful I know it’s tiny but you know sometimes the tiniest things can be so beautiful too it’s filled with magic and mythology and you should definitely read the first two books I think before reading this one don’t know when I’ll get a chance to read this but I’m glad I have this copy to complete like the fairy loot H set I picked up salt Blood by Franchesca dores from water ston so this is the waterstones Edition I feel like all I do is show off special editions in these huls that’s all about a change I promise this is set in ply mouth in 1685 there is a girl called Mary she’s born H in this family where her half brother is dying and so she has to take her half brother’s place in order to continue to make this family money I think that leads her on so many different kind of jobs that she ends up going to she ends up going to like the Navy she has to be like a footman in this like really fancy house but she’s also very drawn to the scene she wants to become a pirate but the idea that women are dangerous a pirate ship is prevalent in this time period so I think Mary has some obstacles to overcome in order to achieve her dream and I believe the author took like real life stories from female pirates from that time period to make this story so I think that’s going to be really fascinating a feather Soul Black by Lyra Seline I’m not sure I’m going to love this one I love the premise of it so so much I just hate the title like the title has put me off so much I hate the title so much like have you ever come across a book that for no reason you just hate the title of it and it really puts you off this is set in the fair realm this is a changeling turn spy and I think this is a sort of Swan Lake retelling as well there might be like elements of Swan Lake in this it has all of the ingredients that I kind of love but I just hate the title so much it’s just so unoriginal it’s like such an unoriginal title but I’m sure the contents of the book is great if you read this please let me know please assure me this is actually a really good book cuz I can look past the title I’m not that shallow but still it ain’t a good start for me and then finally the last book is do by four by Jun Sean this was again another fairy Loop book this one follows Ru I think her name is and she is an exorcist in training and she wants to avenge her mother’s death so I think this is set in a world where there is like magic and you know exorcisms and stuff like that so it sounds fantastic I love easis kind of stories so I’m really intrigued to see how that happens in a fantastic iCal setting but with me skipping some like fairy loots and Aluma crates and canceling some boxes my next book haul which should hopefully be in a new house if I do another book haul in this house I give you permission to unsubscribe and if you’re not already subscribed now what are you waiting for do it so these were the books I got since March a lot of these were like book box books and some things that I got with like birthday money and stuff like that and pre-orders from water stores which seems to be the running theme with my book huls to be honest but that is the end of the video thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it don’t forget to leave the this video a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you haven’t already and leave all the comments down below as well let me know if you’ve read any of the books I mentioned is there anything I should prioritize any of the books that I mentioned that you didn’t like please let me know everything down below I want to give a huge thank you to my patrons and my one piece channel members for support my channel you like Jo my patreon or my one piece Channel membership and all the links are down the description box but yeah I hope I will see you in the next video bye

Check the pinned comment for more details of the giveaway! And a huge thank you to @DanielGreeneReviews for his cameo.

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  1. To enter the giveaway for the Kickstarter special edition of Daniel B. Greene's "Neon Ghosts", you gotta:
    – Leave your social media handle in the comments below! (Don't post a link cause YT will auto delete it)
    – Giveaway ends when I get my hands on my copy of the book haha
    – International so everyone can get it as long as you're ok with sharing your postal address with me
    – I'll DM the winner
    – May the odds be ever in your favour ❤

  2. If you're wanting more sci fi (that your library is likely to have seeing as there's no hauling allowed) check out anything from Emily St. John Mandel. Sea of Tranquility is a time travel book that's kinda structured like concentric rings where 5 people in 5 different times have the same really weird thing happen to them that lasts under a minute and then you as the reader are trying to piece together wtf the weird thing is. Staion 11 is about a post pandemic world and people trying to survive and rebuild. The Glass Hotel is definitely the least sci fo of them all and honestly isn't as good, but all three books are kinda linked but not really (kinda in a similar way to the Taylor Jenkins Reid books) and if you read the other 2 you might be interested

  3. you read a frankly ridiculous amount of books (and lately manga as well) and upload elaborate, in-depth videos at a crazy frequent rate too, so I'm just concerned about your mental health and whether you're coping up well 🙁 just worried that it's a bit unhealthy hahahah, but yes, what you do is great, and I hope you make it big :>

  4. I have not read To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods but I've seen several in depth reviews about it and I would encourage you to familiarise yourself with the historical context and the very real story of Unit 731 before reading it, so you can properly judge for yourself how you feel about it! I would also very much recommend catherineannechiang's video on it, for anyone who has already read it/doesn't want to read it.

  5. 1.5 stars for Murder Road? Woooooow. I read it last week and was surprised by how much I liked it because of the reviews I've heard so far. Maybe I read a different book. It's a nice lie I can tell myself. I do agree with the Evernight sub box though. I also read The Invocations which I enjoyed but it wasn't super scary or anything, which is what I thought the box was supposed to be. That being said, I'm sad I didn't have the box so I could get that special edition because she is STUNNING. Like, I'll keep an okay book if she has a pretty cover. Because as always, book reading and book collecting are two different hobbies.

    I wish you all the best for saving up money and new home hunting! We'd love to see you in a new place with a garden for the kitties!

  6. Michael Ende's last name sounds more like end-uh ^^

    I wish Momo would be getting as much recognition as The Neverending Story because it's my favorite book of his and outside of Germany seriously underrated :((

  7. To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods really toed the line on colonizer romance for me. There were times when it didn't feel that way, and then there were other times that it did feel that way. And by the ending? Yikes. Once you know what he's been doing for his family, then it's just so hard to see it as anything else. He would need a serious redemption arc for him to be acceptable, and even then – it doesn't change the aftertaste once you're done reading the book.

  8. i read molly x. chang's book and i'm chinese-vietnamese. non-spoiler short of it is that it's a betrayal of loved ones, countryman, and self. it's also really poorly written. i recommend watching catherine anne chiang's review of it (a chinese-american booktuber).

  9. I am so excited that you want to read The Neverending Story, it is one of my favourite books ever! Momo is another beautiful book from the same author.

    And Happy belated birthday, Gavin! We are birthday twins! 😊

  10. Oh my gosssh that book looks fabulous! Love the colours used! I’d love to win it! 🎉❤😊 @O.TempleLit Good luck everyone!

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