'I scolded my lazy husband in front of whole family after he made a shocking decision' - Mirror Online


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'I scolded my lazy husband in front of whole family after he made a shocking decision'

A woman has been left 'guilt-ridden' after she reached the 'final straw' with her husband when he performed a shocking act at her parents' dinner table in front of their kids

The woman scolded her husband in front of her family (Stock Image)

Would you tell your partner off in front of your family, or would you be too embarrassed to confront them then and there?

One woman, who was fed up with her husband for not making "compromises", said she'd reached the "last straw" with him after putting up with a lot of drama. She said he was "too lazy to find a job" and had been "unemployed for two to three years", while she also complained about his smoking habit and the fact he only wears boxers around the house every day.

Taking to Reddit she described the moment she reached the end of her tether. She said: "The last straw for me came just a few days ago. My parents came to visit us for a couple of weeks.

"The eight of us were supposed to have a family meal together. I asked him to put some clothes on out of respect for both our parents, but he refused and chose to remain in boxers. I also told him to cut down on smoking while my parents were staying over because both of them are asthmatic.

"To my utter shock, he pulled out a cigarette and lighter DURING DINNER and started smoking AT THE DINNER TABLE. My mum started coughing profusely and she told him to only smoke after dinner, but he got agitated and told her to 'shut the f**k up'. I was extremely fed up at this point and scolded him in front of everyone, telling him off about all the pointers I listed earlier."

The disgruntled wife said her wayward hubby hasn't spoken to her since, other than to ask her for money. "Was I too harsh on him?" she said, asking: "Am I in the wrong for scolding him in front of everyone else?"

However many users said she wasn't in the wrong as her husband "scolded her mother with profanity". One wrote: " I know you said you love your husband, but living with him just sounds so awful. One of the best life lessons I received from a psychologist was that love is actually not a feeling – it's an action. How is he showing love to you and your family?"

"Sounds like he has no redeeming qualities", another added, with another agreeing: "It's actually mind-blowing. This guy is repulsive and a waste of space, how is someone's self-esteem so low that they can't see this dude is just a dead weight they'd be better off without?"