Lebanese Hezbollah's missile attack on the Zionist military base | webangah news hub Get News Fast

Lebanese Hezbollah’s missile attack on the Zionist military base

Lebanon's Hezbollah announced targeting an important base of the Zionist military.

reportMehr News Agency, citing Al Jazeera, the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance group announced targeting an important base of the Zionist military.

In this connection, Hezbollah announced that with appropriate weapons, we targeted the building where the enemy soldiers were and hit them directly.

Hezbollah announced the name of the targeted base Metula base.

After these attacks, the Israeli Hebrew media Hyum targeted the Metola confirmed and said: After firing two anti-tank missiles at Metula in northern Israel, a building was severely damaged.

On the other hand, following the morning tensions, the Zionist enemy fighters of Al-Damj neighborhood in Jenin camp in He bombed the West Bank, as a result of which several Palestinians were martyred and injured.

This is the second time since 2002 that the Zionist army has used fighters in its attacks in the West Bank and against Jenin.

Al-Jazeera network announced that in this attack, “Islam Khamaisi, one of the commanders of the Jenin battalion, was killed. Martyrdom has arrived and 6 other people have been injured.

Yediot Ahronovet He also wrote that this attack targeted a Palestinian operation team that was planning to carry out an operation in the near future.

Also, recently, the Zionist Radio and Television Organization announced the holding of demonstrations by families of soldiers and Israeli army soldiers against the continuation of the Gaza war.

It seems that families of soldiers and soldiers are very worried about the fate of soldiers in the Gaza war, because the mother of a soldier said: “The family hai More than a thousand soldiers realized that their children were simply being sacrificed without any plan.”

A protester also said in this march: “We realized that there is no strategy, no plan, and the soldiers are losing trust in the commanders.”

Soldiers’ families are said to have called for an end to the Gaza war and addressed Hollywood Minister of War said that Rafah operation is a death trap for their children.

A few hours ago, the Zionist army announced the death of one of its soldiers in the clashes in northern Gaza. According to this report, the mentioned soldier was one of the elements of the special paratroopers unit of the Zionist regime, which was stationed in the north of Gaza.

Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharonot Today, quoting the soldiers of the occupying Zionist army in Jabalia, he announced that the army of this regime faced stubborn resistance and the clashes Jabalia, the most intense clashes since October 7.

In this regard, the battalions of Nasser Salah Aldin announced that these battalions in joint operations with the battalions Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, targeted the Zionist town Sadirot with 107 mm rockets.

These battalions also know about the missile attack on the command and control centers of the Zionist enemy in the east of Rafah and emphasized that a number of enemy forces were directly targeted in this attack.

Palestinian reporter Shahab is also aware of the widespread clashes between the resistance groups and the Zionist occupation in the west of Al-Zahra town and around the area in the north of the Al-Nusirat camp in central Gaza.

The Quds Brigades also announced that a number of 60 mm rockets against the human and armored gathering of the Zionists in the area of ​​Al-Tanani Tower fired in the east of Jabaliya camp. The Zionist regime has not yet published the official statistics of the casualties of its forces in today’s clashes.

The Martyr Ezzedine Brigades Qassam also announced in a statement this afternoon that its fighters targeted A person carrier with a Yassin 105 rocket and a heavy attack on Zionist soldiers with BKC bullets, killed some of them and wounded others.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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