Moms who never sleep trained - March 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Moms who never sleep trained

Did your LO ever end up sleeping better stretches/through the night on their own? Our sleep has been horrible since the start and I keep putting off sleep training in hopes one day he’ll just sleep good but I’m not sure that will actually happen lol

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Yes we never sleep trained, he started sleeping through the night inconsistently around 10mo, and then consistently at 12mo.

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It was the same for me, we do a BF in the morning and once at night still but he began sleeping through the night at 12 months after we switched him to his own room instead of cosleeping. 

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same with both kids

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My daughter is 3 and started to get slightly better sleep around a year, the. Really improved after the 18 month regression. She got moved to a big bed just after two and has slept through the night very consistently since then. We have occasional night wakings, but she goes back down easily.

My son is just now starting up get slightly longer stretches now that we’re transitioning to one nap. Still not great, and not as good as my daughter. I’m hoping it will continue to improve though.

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my baby will be 14months soon and only recently started to inconsistently started to sleep thru the night

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He just started sleeping through the night consistently at 13 months, so like just recently. Never sleep trained. It was also after fully weaning.

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currently wanting to wean my 14 month old how did you wean?

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well we had gotten down to just a morning and before bed feed by doing milk in a cup during the day and just not letting him nurse. I'd usually give him a snack or his cup when he'd want to or try to distract him and it worked pretty well. We got rid of those 2 feeds by being on vacation. Our schedule was just off and he didn't ask so I just didn't offer. Night weaning was the hardest and that my husband just had to be the one to go in when he'd wake up for several days in a row and then finally one night he just slept through the night.

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Never sleep trained and LO began inconsistently sleeping through the night around 12 months. It only lasted a few weeks and now she’s getting up again once in the night for milk.

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Yup! No sleep training, responded to every cry overnight. Little one started sleeping through the night around 10 months when we moved her to her own room. Still an occasional overnight wake (like 2-3 times a month) and we just give her a bottle of water and she goes back to sleep. We still hold and feed her to sleep every time

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My son is 3 year 6 months old. He started sleeping through the nights by 15 months old. I let him lead the way.

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Hey girl!

This is my fourth baby. I didn’t really sleep train any of them.  But NONE of my littles slept through the night until I was done BF them (2years, 15 months, 18 months).  We did ALL the “bad” things, we coslept, nursed/rocked to sleep, and did no sleep training.  My older ones (now 9,6,3.5) all sleep through the night, every single night (unless they’re sick of course).  You WILL get there and it’s totally possible ❤️

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my daughter just turned 14 months and started to sleep through the night independently a few nights a week for the past few weeks. She’s been sick a lot since she started daycare at 10 months so that’s honestly been our biggest barrier. We didn’t really do anything different. She just started doing it a few times a week.

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Never sleep trained. I honestly think just every kid is different. I nurse to sleep most nights at this point. She started sleeping through the night most nights about a month ago but only had one wake up most nights prior since around 8 months. She wakes and I leave her if she isn’t crying and she can herself back to sleep. I don’t let her cry unless I know she’s just been fed and she doesn’t seem super upset. The. At most most most I’ll give 1-2 min before going in to settle.

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