Don’t call it a comeback, by Blowin | Surf Forums | Swellnet

Don’t call it a comeback

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Monday, 9 Dec 2019 at 3:17pm

Surfers are athletes.

Chiselled gods with preternatural levels of fitness , effortless ability and aesthetic beauty. Refined instruments of aquatic grace to a man or woman.

Everyone knows this to be incontrovertibly true.

So why are my boardies so tight ?

Unfortunately, the image of the stereotypical surfer fails to address the slightly grotesque reality of those wave riders who’ve regrettably misplaced their abdominal muscles under an unsightly layer of pudge. Of course there’s never an acceptable excuse for letting your physique and therefore your health deteriorate, but mitigating factors aren’t too far away for many crew.

Excessive work responsibilities , familial obligations, injury , location, failing motivation , depression and illness are amongst the varied reasons why you’d wake up one day and find the stomach verandah is extending over the tool shed below the belt.

Then there’s the other reasons for losing condition , many of which I’ve explored of food or drink , laziness, apathy amongst them. Some crew are all about hedonism and indulgence - admirable traits in moderation- but when you start to realise that your spirit animal is neither the dynamic dolphin nor the potent puma , but is actually more likely to be the golden labrador fixatedly staring at the kitchen from its spot on the lounge , or that your patron is Saint Occhilupo of the Rubbery Girth then you’d best keep an eye on your waistline.

My lifestyle, body type and inclinations find me constantly yo-yoing in weight and fitness. Sometimes I’m lean , strong and capable . Other times I’m chubby , weak and slack. The ceaseless cycle of peak and trough , top and bottom which seems to be my lot in this world.

Right now I’m on the resurgence. A dedicated program to ascend to the lofty heights of my personal mediocrity. As usual I had to bottom out before the turnaround......such is life. As I’ve embarked on this project of renewal I’ve had reason to realise that I’m in no way on my own in this situation and that some crew may not know how to halt their decent into dicreptitude , may not truly realise the pitfalls of not arresting the decline or may just need a bit of inspiration to get up off the floor and rediscover the ability to own their destiny.

So here it is ....Blowin’s guide to exiting the world of the fat bastard.

Your health is the most valuable asset you possess. Being fat or out of shape has repercussions ranging far beyond looking bad in a wetsuit *. Without your health and physicality you are hugely diminished. You cant enjoy activities with your loved ones .You can’t earn a living. You DIE ....which is bad. Being sick or infirm can be hugely expensive.

Surfing is a gift for getting fit. The key to getting stronger is in your hands.

And the best way to get fit in my eyes is to treat it like you would any other issue of overwhelming priority. Do it properly Treat the act like an investment in yourself .

Step 1/ Find a location with a good , consistent wave within easy access from accomodation and go there immediately. It doesn’t have to be the best wave in the world , just somewhere that you can basically surf everyday and for all day if possible. Somewhere you can amass a high wave count and expend a lot of energy day after day , irrespective of time , tide or wind conditions. Sound impossible? It’s not at all when you start looking.

Step 2/ Go there on your own. Sounds boring / sad / lonely , right ? Who gives a fuck .... you’re here to get fit , not go on a bucks party or to laze around gossiping whilst getting back rubs.

Solo means focus and no distractions . It means you aren’t likely to find a beer shoved in your hand at lunch and you won’t be waking up the next day hungover, having to again start from scratch after you’ve decided to reward yourselves following a taxing surf. You want single , bloody-minded purpose. This ain’t meant to be fun , it’s meant to be a second chance before you fall over the edge into the void of the perpetual fatfuck.

And a bit of silence and time for contemplation never hurt anyone.

Step 3/ Make it fun ! Yeah , yeah , I know what I just said , but If you’ve chosen your destination correctly, you’ll be surfing better within days. Weight falls off quickly with the right diet and regular exercise and your resurgent strength, agility and range of motion will increase your surfing ability and therefore your enjoyment of the act. Watch surf movies between sessions. Take this moment to immerse yourself completely in surfing . Do it for your loved ones ....the fitter you are , the healthier you’ll be and your time together will be maximised .

Step 4/ Eat clean . The eating part is hard if you aren’t clued up in healthy eating. Research good eating habits , but it’s basically lots of fruit , veggies , quality protein and as much unprocessed foods as possible. Completely unprocessed is best.

Choice of destination will be influenced by availability of good , fresh , healthy food. Some places have a diet which is inherently healthier.

Step 5/ Don’t drink. Full stop. Alcohol distorts your body well out of proportion of it’s excessive and unnecessary calorific value .It bloats , poisons and ruins for much longer than just the time it takes to piss out of your body. There is a condition known colloquially as Pub Face whereby the cheeks bloat , the jowls sag , the eyes dull and bag whilst the chin seems to breed multiples of itself.

You don’t want to have Pub Face.

Step 5/ Don’t stop moving. Move your body as much as possible. Wake early after a good nights sleep and just .....GO ! Walk to check the surf. Surf . Walk somewhere else . Surf . Climb a hill . Do push-ups . Surf . Walk somewhere else . Do yoga . Run get it ?

From waking to sleeping, just keep moving. Doesn’t have to be flat out all the time , just don’t stop.

Surfs small or shit ? Go out anyway for a paddle . Or swim the lineup. Just keep moving....

Step 6/ Rest and get good sleep. Don’t stress. This surf trip is as much for your loved ones as it is for yourself. You aren’t much good to them fat, broken or unhappy.

Step 7/ Appreciate your opportunity to do this. Appreciation is the key to happiness and happiness is the key to a good life.

A solo surf trip may seem to be too indulgent or expensive to justify to yourself or your family.

Think again. The alternative is to muddle along as you are now , never being able to make headway or gain traction in your good intentions to get fit and strong. This can drag on interminably without conclusion until one day you realise that your vigor is so long gone you wouldn’t even recognise it anymore.

The alternative is much greater medical bills or possible health failure. You think that a couple of weeks living and eating cheap whilst you literally surf your guts out is expensive ? Compare it with the price of a minor surgical process or ( God forbid ) a major , life altering circumstance arising from your poor physical state.

This isn’t an unfair comparison. If you don’t arrest your decline sooner rather than later , you WILL pay the price. Diabetes and heart disease aren’t just things that other people experience.

You probably pay the price of a surf trip each year in private health insurance. Well , here’s a truism : An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

And really, if you’re not putting a monetary value on your health, then you’re looking at a rude awakening down the track to find that it is the most expensive and valuable thing you’ll ever own. Look after it !

Step 8 / Get happy. Whilst it’s true that getting fat is fun , it’s also true that being fat is not fun. Being fit doesn’t just increase your physical health, it also increases your mental health and a strong mind is just as important as a strong body. When you are increasing fitness your moods and self esteem will elevate . You’ll enjoy life more and will probably become a better person for it. Who wants to be around a sad , self-pitying fat fuck ? Your opinion of yourself informs others about how they should treat you. Respect yourself and others are more likely to respect you. This all starts with the basics of health, fitness and vitality.

Ok, that’s enough sermonising . Good luck and get out there. Get fit , get strong , get some good waves and become the man that you picture in your mind instead of a shambling mound .

* Don’t kid yourself. Sucking your stomach in whilst wearing a wetsuit is a fool’s errand which only accentuates your rotundness. No one thinks that the manufacture of a slight void between your pigeon chest and your gunt is anything more than simultaneously sad and hilarious. Just don’t. Relax , let it hang and own it . Best for all involved.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:12pm

Thanks Alfred i have a freezer full of steam fresh veggies that i never eat...maybe that's part of my problem, too much meat. I love avocados but they aren't very good in WA compared to over east.(too hard)
I cut sugar right out of my diet which i thought would help but hasn't seemed to have made a difference.
I will look into eating more fruits and veggies in future.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:18pm

The Future is tomoro A.M.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:29pm
goofyfoot wrote:

Anyone familiar with this guy?

Love to hear your thoughts on his carnivore diet.

@goofy , I tried carnivore before it was a thing about 15-16 years ago . Nothing but red meat and fish ( don’t really like kidneys, liver and such ) I only lasted 2 weeks then couldn’t stand the smell when I cooked meat up , body was telling me no more I think . I went on keto when I blew my weight right out and I dropped heaps and felt really good . I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation a few years ago and keto is not the best diet for this condition so now I stick to a Mediterranean diet. I think individuals need to find what works best for them . I have read plenty of people championing the carnivore diet so it probably works for some . I’ve read testimony’s of people that have been on it for 15 years and swear by it . Eating protein does make me feel full and I don’t feel hungry for hours. Intermittent fasting has helped me with weight loss and watching calories in calories out . The free Cronometer is a good app .I’ve read your blood type has a bearing on what type of food you should eat but haven’t really explored that theory .

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:29pm
udo wrote:

Yeh top advice Alfie...
Dont skimp on cheap Honey...research it Groundy a lot of it is just shit.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:38pm

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:37pm
lostdoggy wrote:

200grams of biltong is 4000+mg of sodium which takes up 2 whole days of your max recommended daily intake for the week (no more than 2000mg per day)

I didn't know that, i usually finish off 200 grams within two days. I will stop buying it and buy more veggies.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:48pm

Udo. You are spot on mate. 99% of honey in supermarkets is just shit. Most claim it’s from this variety of gum tree or tea tree when a matter of fact it’s just a melting pot of the cheapest, easiest they could buy. A European relative of mine purchased when last in OZ so called genuine, you beaut Manuka, only to have it tested upon returning home to find it was made from 8 different honey varieties and no Manuka at all. The best honey I purchase is from here in Victoria, certified.
You need to purchase Cold Extracted, Cold Bottled, looks creamy in the jar. An upside of using this honey is that I can knock a head or throat cold dead by drinking, lemon, in hot water within honey and grated ginger, well worth trying.
Digressing here, but when you think about a beehive and all of its hexagonal compartmentalised ‘hospital beds’ where the young ones are being produced and nurtured, they are purely drowning in the shit, it’s their elixir of life and can contribute to ours as well. It’s so important that we look after bees, cos at the moment globally, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is rife and it’s mainly human induced.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 12:56pm
Supafreak wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:

Anyone familiar with this guy?

Love to hear your thoughts on his carnivore diet.

@goofy , I tried carnivore before it was a thing about 15-16 years ago . Nothing but red meat and fish ( don’t really like kidneys, liver and such ) I only lasted 2 weeks then couldn’t stand the smell when I cooked meat up , body was telling me no more I think . I went on keto when I blew my weight right out and I dropped heaps and felt really good . I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation a few years ago and keto is not the best diet for this condition so now I stick to a Mediterranean diet. I think individuals need to find what works best for them . I have read plenty of people championing the carnivore diet so it probably works for some . I’ve read testimony’s of people that have been on it for 15 years and swear by it . Eating protein does make me feel full and I don’t feel hungry for hours. Intermittent fasting has helped me with weight loss and watching calories in calories out . The free Cronometer is a good app .I’ve read your blood type has a bearing on what type of food you should eat but haven’t really explored that theory .

Interesting supa.

His theory is organs, raw meat, honey, fruit and raw dairy. Most nutrient rich source of foods available apparently.

No veggies.

I don’t agree with the no veggies part btw

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 1:10pm

Kalbarri Eco Honey
West Coast Honey- GinGin in Bulk from this mob save some $

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 1:10pm
groundswell wrote:

Thanks Alfred i have a freezer full of steam fresh veggies that i never eat...maybe that's part of my problem, too much meat. I love avocados but they aren't very good in WA compared to over east.(too hard)
I cut sugar right out of my diet which i thought would help but hasn't seemed to have made a difference.
I will look into eating more fruits and veggies in future.

Cmon mate , get real the avocado in west oz is as good as any avo in the whole world!
Try ripen it more and they will soften.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 1:38pm

Udo. Nailed it fella. Plenty of diverse species of floriferous vegetation in your region including Julimar State Forest, Moore River etc. Bees would be going off. I used to live in Albany, we had access to amazing honey because of its diverse flora. Get it into ya Groundswell.

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 2:02pm

My friend Bretty Barrel makes honey as a living, it might be good honey im not sure but everyone seems to love it its called Kalbarri Honey but im not sure if he still does it. Ill look into those other companies Udo and Alfred.
Yeah Caml i haven't really given WA avos a chance, checked them a few times and they were much harder than what i was used to over east..I like to spread the avo over a piece of toast for lunch or brekky and didnt have to wait for them to soften. Ill get into them again.
By the way Caml Lumo says gday.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 3:05pm
groundswell wrote:

My friend Bretty Barrel makes honey as a living, it might be good honey im not sure but everyone seems to love it its called Kalbarri Honey but im not sure if he still does it. Ill look into those other companies Udo and Alfred.
Yeah Caml i haven't really given WA avos a chance, checked them a few times and they were much harder than what i was used to over east..I like to spread the avo over a piece of toast for lunch or brekky and didnt have to wait for them to soften. Ill get into them again.
By the way Caml Lumo says gday.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 3:09pm

Good one mate. An apple, a tablespoon of olive oil and honey per day will run your heart like a well maintained V8. Look at all those Mediterranean folk, eating olives and it’s oil, great apples and Ligurian honey, living longer than most people on the planet.
Lumo, now there’s another name I remember from that boozy day in that inn at Kalbarri in 1984. Time fly’s

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 3:14pm

Groundy you would benifit greatly from a 24 hr Fast [ 48 be better]
Deplete the liver of Glycogen...Autophagy would have kicked in to a small Degree giving a
Cellular cleanup and then start a fresh with your new Diet ...

caml's picture
caml's picture
caml Friday, 15 Apr 2022 at 3:36pm

Thanks groundy , good avos from souwest wa . As good as anywhere else. Hi to lumo, and Brett barrell while we're at it. cheers mate

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 24 Apr 2022 at 7:25pm

Groundswell....its Keto time for you...
And anyone else that want to Trim up and Piss Off the Dad Bod.....indo d ?

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 24 Apr 2022 at 7:39pm


udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 24 Apr 2022 at 7:45pm

He He ..amazing what just dropping the Booze does for DaD Bods - Keep same Diet but Try 6 weeks Nil Beer...

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 24 Apr 2022 at 7:47pm

Nice one Udo...'ears another healthy diet...
Mike Tyson Comeback Tour (Crew got that right...this won't be pretty & can't end well!)
Mike heads the Pro cannabis Tour with his Edible Mike Bites.
Yep! You can now chew on Edible Cannabis Ears...(You heard Right!)
Chilled out Mike then repeatedly punches the shit outta some Dick Brain on a Plane.
Cannot make this stuff up...all gonna need a new brain after viewing this report!

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 1 Jun 2022 at 10:10am


Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 5:35pm

Almost two years, so I reckon this thread needs a comeback.

How is everybody? Anima sana in corpore sano?

Tore my hamstring a year ago, and while I've been walking, surfing, exercising, it's only now that my arse doesn't hurt when driving. Wasn't a full Mick Fanning, but what a shitter of an injury.

Have really figured out what makes me gain weight, and have been good to myself the last month; have gone from 82 to 78kg. Feel almost ecstatically good.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 10:35pm

Hi IB, did the Supra Spinatus with a tear in Feb, first real surfing muscle/tendon bone injury in 33 years of almost always surfing. Been out since then and it's cathartic: not knowing how bad it would be, hearing from others the symptoms could be a 'that's it' moment, realising it will repair in time - then taking that time. It's been a full time this not-surfing thing. Got life in order (more to go), getting teeth into the house, got creative, meditated, healed, rested (I was exhausted after pushing to keep up for the last 2 years) stretched, taught the body how to move and function with the opposite hand, began rebuilding the body. There's a lot to do when you don't surf! And then, just lay on the beach that night watching the solar storm, fuck that was incredible. We're really small in the scheme of things.

Anyway I'm back in the water with baby steps, just sliding around and it's beautiful. Gotta approach it gently so as not to jar. It'll get easier with time. But I think I needed the time away.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 10:43pm

Nice one, vj. Sounds like you made the most of a bad situation.

Heal well, mate.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 11:21am

I have been surfing a lot , 4 me , in the last 4 months making a Comeback ( from the near dead ) .

At 64 , 2 or 3 surfs a year 4 5 years , meant I was in Quick Sand , at first and got some help 4 motivation .

Just completed a two week surf trip and body just handled it ( 3.5 injury days from 2 injuries ) , but now wants more ( a few days rest ) .

My Right Shoulder is stuffed and started PRP Treatment yesterday .

Whatever it takes , try and keep surfing .

There is nothing else like it !

Then , when it’s your time to go , U go ( with confidence :) !

dandandan's picture
dandandan's picture
dandandan Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 11:33am
Island Bay wrote:

Have really figured out what makes me gain weight, and have been good to myself the last month; have gone from 82 to 78kg. Feel almost ecstatically good.

What was the secret IB? I've been carrying around an extra 8kg since I worked the last election, going to give a proper crack of getting rid of it this season.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 11:37am
dandandan][quote=Island Bay wrote:

Have really figured out what makes me gain weight, and have been good to myself the last month; have gone from 82 to 78kg. Feel almost ecstatically good.

What was the secret IB? I've been carrying around an extra 8kg since I worked the last election, going to give a proper crack of getting rid of it this season.[/quote

Burning more calories than what you’re taking in?

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 12:35pm

Caloric balance obviously a part of the issue, gf, but it's much more what I eat. Calorie restriction alone does not do it for me.

- very low carb
- zero sugar apart from odd piece of dark chocolate
- no snacking
- lots of protein
- plenty of meat and fat
- veg and pulses
- first meal after 9am, dinner at ~6.30
- hardly any beer

- Friday and Saturday more freestyle, especially before dinner.

I love good bread, but have found this diet gets rid of bloat, farting, lethargy. Never ravenously hungry, but keen at mealtime. Have dropped 4kg in 5 weeks and am full of energy and sleep better. Sweet tooth barely noticeable.

I think this is how I work, although parts are obviously universal. Not pretending to have discovered some magic formula, just what works for me in my daily life.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 1:13pm

great tips and thread, IB

Pop Down wrote:

I have been surfing a lot , 4 me , in the last 4 months making a Comeback ( from the near dead ) .

At 64 , 2 or 3 surfs a year 4 5 years , meant I was in Quick Sand , at first and got some help 4 motivation

Just completed a two week surf trip and body just handled it ( 3.5 injury days from 2 injuries ) , but now wants more ( a few days rest ) .

My Right Shoulder is stuffed and started PRP Treatment yesterday .

Whatever it takes , try and keep surfing .

There is nothing else like it !

Then , when it’s your time to go , U go ( with confidence :) !

kenoath, PoppaD, welcome back, hope the warm waters haven't spoiled it for you back here.
I'm getting to the age where this time of year, I'll look at average surf from the car, have a sip from my thermos, then go home and light the fire. The best thing I've done recently is buy 3 handplanes from Ecto (one metal, one wood and one foam) that I keep in the car.
If the breaks aren't much good, I make myself jump a shallow beachy, and at least get wet and get the juices flowing. Allows you to have a play on shallow rock or reef ledges you wouldn't risk a board on too.
(Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, classic, @JF ; )

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 1:46pm
Island Bay wrote:

Caloric balance obviously a part of the issue, gf, but it's much more what I eat. Calorie restriction alone does not do it for me.

- very low carb
- zero sugar apart from odd piece of dark chocolate
- no snacking
- lots of protein
- plenty of meat and fat
- veg and pulses
- first meal after 9am, dinner at ~6.30
- hardly any beer

- Friday and Saturday more freestyle, especially before dinner.

I love good bread, but have found this diet gets rid of bloat, farting, lethargy. Never ravenously hungry, but keen at mealtime. Have dropped 4kg in 5 weeks and am full of energy and sleep better. Sweet tooth barely noticeable.

I think this is how I work, although parts are obviously universal. Not pretending to have discovered some magic formula, just what works for me in my daily life.

Yeah sorry IB that was a simplistic dumb arse comment from me.
Sounds pretty good to me what you’re doing.
I’m not one of those people who can just go right - no beers, no chocolate, no treats whatsoever.
It’s like I’ve got these two opposing voices on each shoulder going “cut out all that stuff, you know you want to!” and then “you only live once, enjoy life and those things but in moderation!” on the other.

Guess which one always wins haha.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 2:00pm

Nah, it was a good point! And zero offense taken.

I've tried eating a normal 'balanced diet' and just cutting back, but it does not work for me. Of course when you control what WHAT you eat, you also end up eating less. But by being careful about carbs, and not having beer during the week, I can eat big meals and feel good and not like I'm whipping myself. Letting my hair down (what's left of it) during the weekend, makes it even easier.

Plan is to ease off soon, as I don't want to end up skin and old bones, but stick with the main plan.

For an example of different folks, different strokes, missus IB and i were in Europe for 4 weeks recently, mostly skiing (and eating) in Italy. Same meals, same exercise level, all eating and drinking done together. My wife lost weight, and I piled it on.

Now at least I know what to do to curb it, and that I can drop it again by being disciplined for a month.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 5:36pm

"not having beer during the week" - that works for me too, a couple of stubborn kilos shift pretty quickly.

Liney's picture
Liney's picture
Liney Friday, 17 May 2024 at 5:57am
velocityjohnno wrote:

Hi IB, did the Supra Spinatus with a tear in Feb, first real surfing muscle/tendon bone injury in 33 years of almost always surfing. Been out since then and it's cathartic: not knowing how bad it would be, hearing from others the symptoms could be a 'that's it' moment, realising it will repair in time - then taking that time. It's been a full time this not-surfing thing. Got life in order (more to go), getting teeth into the house, got creative, meditated, healed, rested (I was exhausted after pushing to keep up for the last 2 years) stretched, taught the body how to move and function with the opposite hand, began rebuilding the body. There's a lot to do when you don't surf! And then, just lay on the beach that night watching the solar storm, fuck that was incredible. We're really small in the scheme of things.

Anyway I'm back in the water with baby steps, just sliding around and it's beautiful. Gotta approach it gently so as not to jar. It'll get easier with time. But I think I needed the time away.

Liney's picture
Liney's picture
Liney Friday, 17 May 2024 at 6:05am

Hi VJ,I had a supra reattached to bone 2006,all good till 2 years ago,more tears in shoulder,talked to surgeon but decided against further surgery due to long recovery time ,had injections but no joy.I’m Surfcoast also,who did you see regarding re hab etc for your shoulder?

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 17 May 2024 at 6:11am
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 17 May 2024 at 8:22am


Peter Lewis is treating me with PRP and some Growth Stuff .

He told me he has been doing it for 14 years but it’s only taken off in the last 12 months , due to AI , in his opinion .

The treatment really helped my left shoulder two years ago .

My right shoulder has a bit of Everything that is stuffed . If PRP helps my right shoulder , it’s a miracle and I am very hopeful !

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 17 May 2024 at 10:59am
Liney wrote:

Hi VJ,I had a supra reattached to bone 2006,all good till 2 years ago,more tears in shoulder,talked to surgeon but decided against further surgery due to long recovery time ,had injections but no joy.I’m Surfcoast also,who did you see regarding re hab etc for your shoulder?

Hiya Liney, BeWell in Grovedale are excellent, try Dr D he's great. In my case it was a tear rather than off the bone, 9mm x 15mm. I think I may have initially been misdiagnosed by someone else, far out the forced movement hurt when we thought it was just a bursitis. I had been pitched on a 4ft wave landing upside down and getting right arm wrenched backward, then toughly (stupidly) gone back out and tried to catch a couple more because tough. And stupid. Further stupidity before correct ID was trying to do yoga to boost the 'healing' flexibility. I will get a cortisone shot as both osteo and doc think in my case it's OK to do this. Have you had a scan to work out exactly what/where is the injury? This was recommended by mates and all medical practitioners.

Now I'm on a set of exercises/weights and getting better, it's one step forward one step back some days but overall range of pain free motion is increasing. I've lost all the strength in my big shoulders, feel weak as compared to before. But that's OK, I'll rebuild them. I've had the cup treatment which sure felt better and looked hilarious, have yet to do the acupuncture but might psych up to it. I'm thinking of going for uplift style full body rebuild instructions to set the next couple of decades up as surfing ones.

I have about 6 new boards I want to shape, just letting the blanks age for now as the planer up on the shoulder is probably a bit early. I should learn it all left handed but am not as precise.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 17 May 2024 at 10:57am
Island Bay wrote:

Caloric balance obviously a part of the issue, gf, but it's much more what I eat. Calorie restriction alone does not do it for me.

- very low carb
- zero sugar apart from odd piece of dark chocolate
- no snacking
- lots of protein
- plenty of meat and fat
- veg and pulses
- first meal after 9am, dinner at ~6.30
- hardly any beer

- Friday and Saturday more freestyle, especially before dinner.

I love good bread, but have found this diet gets rid of bloat, farting, lethargy. Never ravenously hungry, but keen at mealtime. Have dropped 4kg in 5 weeks and am full of energy and sleep better. Sweet tooth barely noticeable.

I think this is how I work, although parts are obviously universal. Not pretending to have discovered some magic formula, just what works for me in my daily life.

IB this is the stuff, agree with the choice of diet. Came out of summer doing this in similar good condition. I'll try to keep it up over winter but that's harder with the colder weather, the yummy carby dishes and the body's demand to add fat to be a healthy walrus in the cold water.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 17 May 2024 at 11:20am

One further tip, I reckon my young one did a similar shoulder injury last year, on top of a very injury prone year... his shoulder was a big snowboard jump, hit ice on the landing and fell flattish with the shoulder forced backward. He's back in the water now and injury does not hurt, I got to watch his recovery. Early surfs just hurt him so he backed off for a number of months. He would get pain on fast movements (sometimes reflex or inadvertant) - can relate to this. When he started surfing again he reckoned he had no strength, would float around and get caught inside for much of the session but he was also trying to surf a very hi-po board with less paddle, so being forced into being pitched for the takeoffs more. Now on a bigger board with more foam under the chest he's getting in with 1-2 strokes, easily, no pain, and back into it as he rebuilds his paddle fitness around work. He still does the strengthening exercises from time to time as he feels they are an insurance to avoid pain at work or in the surf. I'll probably be following a similar path.

I came across quite a few people I know going through the shoulder tear process, this was a bit of a revelation. To see them on the path to recovery helped me ("about 90%" my yoga teacher said), I had no idea they were hurt at all; and to see mates get back into the surf after being sore or just unable for a long time is great.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 17 May 2024 at 12:03pm

Pop down.... yes i was one of if not his first patient........hes a black belt too if ya didnt know so its quite common to see sports stars walk thru the door for prp or stem cells.....Also if the prp doesn't fix your shoulder stem cells will.....well they did on mine anyway...

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Friday, 17 May 2024 at 12:15pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

One further tip, I reckon my young one did a similar shoulder injury last year, on top of a very injury prone year... his shoulder was a big snowboard jump, hit ice on the landing and fell flattish with the shoulder forced backward. He's back in the water now and injury does not hurt, I got to watch his recovery. Early surfs just hurt him so he backed off for a number of months. He would get pain on fast movements (sometimes reflex or inadvertant) - can relate to this. When he started surfing again he reckoned he had no strength, would float around and get caught inside for much of the session but he was also trying to surf a very hi-po board with less paddle, so being forced into being pitched for the takeoffs more. Now on a bigger board with more foam under the chest he's getting in with 1-2 strokes, easily, no pain, and back into it as he rebuilds his paddle fitness around work. He still does the strengthening exercises from time to time as he feels they are an insurance to avoid pain at work or in the surf. I'll probably be following a similar path.

I came across quite a few people I know going through the shoulder tear process, this was a bit of a revelation. To see them on the path to recovery helped me ("about 90%" my yoga teacher said), I had no idea they were hurt at all; and to see mates get back into the surf after being sore or just unable for a long time is great.

You have to do strength exercises regularly. Especially as you’re getting older.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 17 May 2024 at 2:48pm

Great feedback Simba !

Peter is a little bloke but he does seem tough .

Really enjoyed talking to him and he really told me off for smoking 2 , a teenager response he termed it :)

I told him I appreciated the Therapy session as well .

He had an Extra Growth stuff , which he recommended ( $60) which I went 4 and perhaps is Stem Cells ?

The PRP was very Natural Stuff and I believe Peter is a Leader in healing Longterm Issues .

An option I will fully investigate before surgery .

Liney's picture
Liney's picture
Liney Friday, 17 May 2024 at 4:52pm

Thanks for the advice VJ,will follow up starting with Grovedale.