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To the girl I was best friends with in elementary school…

EDIT: since i messed up my age quite a bit! my family was only in that state for about two years in my early childhood. I was in the fourth grade when this all happened. It all hit the fan in fifth grade, us moving back in the middle of the year. I guess that would make me younger than I remembered to be. I guess the whole situation feeling so serious and adult that I just thought I was older when it happened. Sorry for the confusion! I guess more accurately, I’m 22 currently. I did go and check my moms facebook to confirm that we were in that new state in 2012 though! Sorry any confusion!

When I was in the third grade, my family and I moved out of state for my dad’s job. I started at a new elementary school and made fast friends with a girl I’ll call Maria. The two of us were inseparable but her…hobbies were something I wasn’t used to. This was about 2012, and a big thing she loved was gore. No just any scary movie movie gore, but MLP gore. Really introduced me to a very dark side of the internet for an 11 year old girl. She kept a binder full of these gorey images and often showed them to me on the bus. First red flag.

Second red flag. The boyfriend. Being a literal child at the time, I didn’t understand the sudden interest of dating for my peers. But Maria had a boyfriend. It was your typical elementary school relationship, giggling at just holding hands. And it was as short lived as any elementary school relationship, with him breaking up with her without a care in the world. But she, oh she did NOT take this well. She gathered our little crew in the playground, me her right hand man. She laid out the plan, we were to chase the boyfriend (or ex boyfriend I guess), catch him, hold him down, and she would…beat him up I guess? We all didn’t want to do this obviously, but she zeroed in on me. I was her best friend. I was supposed to do this for her. I being the stupid 11 year old I was, told her she was acting insane and I was gonna play with the boys.

From that point on we weren’t best friends. She was my bully. She harrassed me endlessly, little texts constantly popping up on my flip phone, calling me names on the bus, telling authority figures that I had started it. Eventually this cumulated into a sit down with the principal were we both were scolded and told to play nice. For a bit, everything was calm. Then, the art room scissors started going missing.

Red flag number three. I had been chatting with a friend on the bus, when Maria had put a pair of scissors very close to my neck. She laughed it off, and I stayed quiet, just wanting to keep some sort of peace at school. I knew she had stolen them. Never understood why I never said anything. Things were quiet for awhile again.

But one day, a day that still haunts me. A day that has put up barriers in me that I shouldn’t have had at a young age. I was taking my usual bus route, arriving early and taking a seat near the back. Maria arrives, sitting by herself on the opposite side nearer to the front. We took off and began the ride to school. As we were nearing the elementary school, mine and Maria’s eyes locked. I’ll never forget that smile.

She proceeded to pull a kitchen knife from her bag, one of the big ones from a knife block. She flashed it me before zipping the bag as the bus came to a stop. I remember sitting in my seat as everyone piled off the bus. I don’t remember much after that. I remember freaking out in front of the school. I remember sitting in the office all day. I remember talking to men in uniforms. I remember reading something I probably shouldn’t have. She was planning to hurt me. And the boy who broke up with her. She was suspended for the rest of the year. I moved before she came back, and I never saw her again.

So to that girl I was best friends in elementary school, let’s not meet again.

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Why were you 11 and in third grade? Did I misunderstand something?

I’m thinking this girl, a fifth grader on the bus, made a friend with a third grader (OP). Could be the older girl was able to be friends with the young girl because she was, well, young and impressionable.

sorry, should’ve been more clear, I moved after the third grade. i was in the fourth grade when I met Maria, and we were friends all that year. Fifth grade was when everything went down. I have an early spring birthday so I believe I had just turned 12 when everything happened and I was 11 during during our actual friendship!

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Shouldn't you have been in 5th or 6th grade if you were 11? Or were you really 8?

For clarification, I moved states AFTER the third grade, making this happen fourth grade-first half of fifth! I have an earlier spring birthday so I believe I had just turned 12 when it happened! Sorry for the confusion, I made sure to edit the post!

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u/Kangaroo-Pack-3727 avatar

Oh my goodness that is horrifying yet I am glad you are okay. I am so sorry for your younger self who went through this and it was and is never your fault. OP it does not surprise me if she has some kind of undiagnosed mental or behavioural issue. My goodness she was/is serial abuser material 

u/horsecalledwar avatar

I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It would be scary for an adult but even more terrifying for a kid.

u/whendonow avatar

Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. Try not to let it define the way you approach the world too much though. Would be interesting to know where that girl is now, I hope she got over the gore stuff, I never ever understood that sort of thing.

This is absolutely terrifying!! Especially given the fact you were in 3rd grade!! I hope you're doing all right after having to deal with that...

This is so terrifying! I’m glad you’re ok though, what a terrible experience

That is incredible disturbing and reminds me of Mary Bell the child killer. Did Maria hurt animals because she sounds like a killer in the making. This feels like a prologue to a crime podcast.

Curious why you didn't tell your parents about these going ons? Don't need to reply if it's difficult.


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u/Slevin_Kedavra avatar

Well, working at an elementary school I can say stuff like this does in fact happen. No clue regarding this specific story obviously, but the particulars aren't too far out there.

u/Winter-Ad8945 avatar

I was in 2nd grade, a good student and a teacher’s pet. Another girl in my class was also a good student, a teacher’s pet, and she decided she didn’t like me/the competition. While on the playground I looked up, watched her smirk at me, and then purposely drop a rock so that it would land on my head. I told my teacher but she didn’t believe me and said I must have been mistaken or it was an accident because the other girl “was such a good girl and would never do something like that”. Your comment reminded me of this memory

u/bittersweetful avatar

These comments are so boring. We get it, you think you're smarter because you're "hard to convince", but 9/10 times when these comments are left, it is under perfectly plausible stories for those who know the world in which they take place.

I know of 2 separate incidents years apart when children this age have brought kitchen knives into school, and I had my own hair cut by an older kid at school with school scissors when I was about 5 without my knowledge/consent, so I fully believe the plausibility of this story. Just because you don't, doesn't mean it is made up, or even sounds made up.

i remember getting threatened by some girl she would cut my throat open with scissors. i snitched on the bitch. then a couple years later i stood up to one of my bullies by throwing scissors at him. kids are crazy man. they don’t really know there are concequences until they happen