

  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the man going to do
A. Have a picnic. B. Go fishing. C. Take a drive.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A The weather. B. Indoor activities. C. The woman’s illness.
3. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. At a bus station. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.
4. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Surf the Internet. B. Conduct an interview. C. Post a job ad online.
5. Why does the man talk to the woman
A. To book a room. B. To confirm his flight. C. To reschedule a meeting.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. When will the hallways be cleaned
A. This afternoon. B. On Wednesday. C. Someday soon.
7. What will the woman do next week
A. Host a dinner. B. Design an agenda. C. Hold a conference.
8. What did the speakers just do
A. They watched a show.
B. They performed in a musical.
C. They practiced dancing together.
9. What was probably the woman
A. An actress. B. A dancer. C. A musician.
10. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The receipt. B. The jacket. C. The credit card.
11. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was bought at a discount.
B. It was unsuitable for the man.
C. It was large for the man’s son.
12. What is the duration of the credit note
A. One month. B. Six months. C. One year.
13. What will the man do next week
A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
14. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a shop.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He got a job as a chef in a restaurant.
15. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Boring but well-paid. B. Difficult but beneficial. C. Enjoyable but demanding.
16 What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Assisting chefs. B. Cooking every day. C. Managing the whole kitchen.
17. What is the key to success in Paui’s view
A. Sticking to old dishes.
B. Using quality food material.
C. Creating less stressful environment.
18. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Artificial intelligence. C. Wild animals.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20 What is the speaker’s attitude towards AI in general
A. Positive. B. Worried. C. Disapproving
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Islands not only have served as the settings for exotic holidays but also act as a dream for directors to use as a canvas for their stories. These are some of the most exciting film and TV locations you can visit today.
Death in Paradise (2011)
Guadeloupe, French Caribbean
The location: Guadeloupe’s landscapes are strikingly varied, ranging from the pearly white sand and deep blue waters of beaches to the volcanic, lunar-like interior.
While you’re there: Explore Deshaies, a town home to several Death in Paradise filming locations.
How to do it: Seven nights at Club Med La Caravelle from 2, 305 per person, all-inclusive, includes flights from Heathrow to Pointe-a-Pitrevia Paris.
Eat, Pray, Love (2010)
Bali, Indonesia
The location: Ubud, a town in the center of Bali, means “medicine” in Balinese, so locals have leng regarded it as a place for healing. That’s what it is most famous for. It impresses audience with stunning jungle scenery and a thriving arts scene.
While you’re there: Dive into Ubud’s rich cultural history on a walking tour enjoying some of the region’s most striking architecture and history.
How to do it: A nine-day tour of Bali-including Ubud, Lombok and Seminyak-costs 5,300 per person. It includes flights, transfers, accommodation and excursions (游览).
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Skellig Michael, County Kerry, Ireland
The location: Eight miles off the Irish coast, Skellig Michael is now better known as the hideout of Luke Skywalker.
While you’re there: Look out for the colony of puffins that nest on the island in the summer. The birds were digitally designed as a cute fictional species called porgs in a later sequel (续集).
How to do it: Tour Radar’s seven-day Hiking & Island Hopping-Cork and Kerry costs from 2,101 per person, which covers accommodation, meals and excursions.
1. Ubud is best noted for __________ according to the passage.
A. its amazing scenery B. its magic medicine
C. its friendly locals D. its spiritual significance
2. Where can you go if you are fond of science fiction films
A. Guadeloupe. B. Deshaies. C. Bali. D. Skellig Michael.
3. What is the purpose of the passage
A. To tell three stories in brief. B. To share three popular movies.
C. To introduce three destinations from the screen. D. To offer some islands only for directors.
Chaudhary quietly weaves together lengths of ropes, binding them with grass collected from the riverbank. She skillfully shapes the materials into a jewelry box. Meanwhile, she’s instructing a group of women to work out the materials. The ropes used were once the lifeline for climbers tackling Nepal’s mountains and were then discarded (扔掉). They are now finding new life, transformed by skilled hands into items to sell.
Acharya, working with the cleaning campaign, owns a waste processing business in Kathmandu, also an advocate for sustainable waste management. “Aluminum and other metal waste go through the recycling process, but we found no way to recycle ropes and gas cans,” she says. It struck her that the non-recyclable waste could be reused, but it wasn’t until she met Maya Rai that a solution emerged. Rai, leading Nepal Knotcraft Centre, helped connect Acharya with Chaudhary’s team of craftswomen in hopes of turning the mountain waste into economic opportunity. “While this seems insignificant compared to waste in the mountains, it’s a start. We aim to connect local expertise, mountain waste and local economy,” says Acharya, proudly displaying a mat made from ropes left on Mt. Qomolangma by climbers. Her goal is to ensure that no waste collected from mountains ends up in a landfill again.
Finished crafts are sold at outlets and exhibitions. The craftswomen are paid according to how many items they make and sell. With flexible hours, the project gives women an opportunity to earn money even as they maintain household responsibilities.
Eventually, Acharya hopes to expand the program to involve more women and process more waste. But progress has been slow. “We still have not found a sustainable business plan to make crafts in large quantities, ”she says. Now, she is searching for cooperators to make a model that serves not only the mountain but the communities. “After all, we are trying to craft a sustainable future.”
Each rope turned into a decorative item is a way to help local women earn a living and keep mountains clean.
4. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Chaudhary in paragraph 1
A. To lead in the topic with her example.
B To spread her environmental consciousness.
C. To show her patient instructions to the women.
D. To speak highly of her outstanding weaving skills.
5. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. A business involving waste processing.
B. A team transforming waste into treasure.
C. A campaign advocating sustainable management.
D. A solution connecting expertise, waste and economy.
6. Which of the following is the most likely reason for craftswomen to join in the project
A. Selling crafts at outlets can earn more money.
B. Removing mountain waste generates a sense of pride.
C. Cooperating with local experts helps promote skills.
D. Work-life balance can be achieved due to flexible hours.
7. What is Acharya’s attitude towards expanding the program
A. Hesitant. B. Positive. C. Suspicious. D. Disapproving.
Huddled in small groups around laptops, 20 Brazilian teenagers are using an app to build a skill that’s vital to the future of their entire community. The teenagers belong to the Guarani indigenous (本地的) people and they are fluent in speaking both Portuguese and their mother tongue, Guarani Mbya. But when it comes to writing, they often use Portuguese as that’s what they were first taught to write in, putting the Guarani Mbya language in its written form at risk of disappearing. But since March of this year, they’ve been using an app to improve their ability to write in Guarani Mbya. The app is part of a project funded by IBM to create AI tools to help preserve and expand the use of indigenous languages in Brazil.
Of the 7,000 or so languages that exist in the world, about a fifth are thought to be endangered, with the United Nations estimating that half of these will be extinct by 2100 — the majority being indigenous languages. The movement to prevent indigenous languages from disappearing has prompted a number of tech-centric language preservation and expansion projects. For example, in New Zealand, an app has been developed to collect oral recordings of indigenous languages across the region to help speakers boost their everyday use of their native language.
But embracing technology and the desire to protect culture and language are often at odds in indigenous communities, as Dr. Burbank has observed. “A minority group that’s fighting to preserve a counterculture (反主流文化) will create walls around the culture to try not to dilute (削弱) it, because the majority culture is automatically going to wipe that culture out,” says Dr. Burbank. While many of the indigenous communities Dr. Burbank works with feel technology could contribute to that dilution, she believes it can benefit indigenous communities.
8. Guarani indigenous teenagers seldom write in Guarani Mbya because __________.
A. they were initially trained to use Portuguese in writing
B. the written Guarani Mbya language is in danger of extinction
C. they intend to break free from their indigenous culture
D. Guarani Mbya makes it hard for them to integrate into the outside world
9. How many languages are estimated to disappear by 2100
A. About 7,000. B. About 3,500. C. About 1,400. D. About 700.
10. What does the underlined phrase “at odds” in the last paragraph mean
A. Confusable. B. Sensational. C. Contradictory. D. Consistent.
11. What is the author’s attitude toward using AI for language preservation
A. Positive. B. Unclear. C. Doubtful. D. Dismissive.
Efforts to restore forests have often focused on trees, but a new study in the journal Philosophical Transactions finds that animals play a key role in the recovery of tree species by carrying a wide variety of seeds into previously deforested areas.
Sergio Estrada-Villegas, a professor at the Yale School of the Environment, led the study with Liza Comita, a professor of tropical forest ecology. The project examines a series of regenerating forests in central Panama spanning 20 to 100 years post-abandonment. “When we talk about forest restoration, people typically think about going out and digging holes and planting seedlings,” Comita says. “That’s actually not a very cost-effective or efficient way to restore natural forests. If you have a nearby preserved intact (完整的) forest, plus you have your animal seed dispersers around, you can get natural regeneration, which is a less costly and labor-intensive approach.”
The research team analyzed a unique, long-term data set from the forest in Panama, to compare what proportion of tree species in forests were spread by animals or other methods, like wind or gravity, and how that changes over time as the forest ages. It proves that in tropical forests, more than 80% of tree species can be spread by animals.
The researchers say the findings can serve as a road map for natural regeneration of forests that preserve biodiversity and capture and store carbon at a time when the UN Decade on Restoration is highlighting the need for land conservation, and the world is working to mitigate climate change stemming from fossil fuel emissions. Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in biomass and soils. Tropical forests, in particular, play an important role in regulating global climate and supporting high plant and animal diversity, the researchers note.
Estrada-Villegas, says the study highlights how crucial animals are to healthy forests. “In these tropical environments, animals are very important to a speedy recovery of forests,” says Estrada-Villegas.
12. What does the study in the journal emphasize according to paragraph 1
A. Soil conservation techniques. B. Animal involvement in spreading seed.
C. Artificial methods of capturing carbon. D. Planting a diverse range of tree species.
13. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about
A. The author’s research methods and tools
B. The frequency of spreading seeds by animals.
C. The long-term data analysis by the research team.
D. The crucial role of animals in tropical forest recovery.
14. What does the underlined word “mitigate” mean in paragraph 4
A. Reduce. B. Increase. C. Complicate. D. Ignore.
15. What’s Estrada-Villegas’s attitude towards using natural regeneration methods
A. Critical. B. Indifferent. C. Supportive. D. Ambiguous.
The easiest way to love yourself is to treat yourself like your own BFF. It might seem like it’s easier to love others than to love yourself, but it’s tough to build healthy relationships if you don’t love yourself first. ___16___
Let go of negative thoughts about yourself. Drill down to the core of those thoughts and tell yourself a different story. Think about what you would say to a friend who said those things about themselves. For example, if you forgot to buy trash bags, instead of blaming yourself, you might as well think, “I’ll just pick some up next time I go out — no big deal.” Don’t try to fight negative thoughts, though — they’re a part of who you are. ____17____ It might feel weird at first, but after a while, it becomes habitual to think that way.
Accept your flaws as part of who you are. Everything you’ve done and everywhere you’ve been is a part of who you are — you! Self-love isn’t about fixing all the “bad” things about yourself. Instead, accept that they’re all parts of the same whole. _____18_____ For example, maybe you have a hard time trusting people. You wish you could be more trusting and open up more, but instead of trying to change, focus on how not immediately trusting people helps keep you safe.
_____19_____ If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you’ll never be pleased with anything you produce. So make it a point to appreciate the work you put into completing a task, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced. Avoid stereotypical ideas and images of perfection, such as models in beauty magazines. Remind yourself that the actual person probably doesn’t look like that in real life!
Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative. It’s human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem. _____20_____ Look for the positive side even when bad things happen to you. For example, if you lose your job, it can be easy to spiral into thinking that you were terrible at your job and no one will ever hire you again. Instead, you might think that now you have the opportunity to find something that’s a better fit for you.
A. Focus on your effort rather than the result to control perfectionism.
B. Challenge those thoughts with logical observations to reframe your conclusion.
C. Instead, you can simply drown them out with more positive, affirmative thoughts.
D. When you love yourself, you love all of you because you wouldn’t have the good without the bad.
E. Here are some strategies that can help you embark on a journey of treating yourself with kindness.
F. Negative thoughts often come from outside people whose opinions we value.
G. When you focus on the negative, try to name some things that you can be grateful for.
第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When I was growing up in Auckland, my relationship with clothing was all about utility (实用). Clothes needed to be _____21_____ and keep me at the right temperature. I had a very clear picture about myself: Someone who didn’t _____22_____ clothes. Naturally, I came to _____23_____ the act of shopping, an activity where _____24_____ were largely unavoidable.
But it all began to _____25_____. My first day out in London was unexpectedly cold. Jetlagged (时差) and overwhelmed (不知所措的), I walked into a department store. That’s when it _____26_____ me; I think: It was the _____27_____ procedure that was important, the weighing up of _____28_____, the imaginative projection of the person you might be in this scarf, versus that one. This was the important bit, far more than the _____29_____ act of choice. And it was not _____30_____ at all.
Over the remaining two years in London I began thinking about what I liked, what my _____31_____ was—whether a style, a fabric, a color. I began to see that shopping didn’t _____32_____ need to involve a purchase. The world opened up. I stopped avoiding my own reflection. I still wear items of clothing that I _____33_____ during my stay in London, 20 years ago now. More than this, I _____34_____ people differently. I try to look with care and _____35_____ at how they present themselves to the world, and the stories and messages these choices send.
21. A. expensive B. traditional C. fashionable D. comfortable
22. A. care about B. take off C. put away D. look for
23. A. enjoy B. allow C. hate D. accept
24. A. rulers B. mirrors C. knives D. scissors
25. A. change B. exist C. appear D. close
26. A. knocked B. beat C. hit D. shook
27. A. wondering B. arguing C. bargaining D. deciding
28. A. numbers B. options C. prices D. colors
29. A. first B. final C. slow D. easy
30. A. funny B. tiring C. amusing D. boring
31. A. interest B. weight C. height D. advantage
32. A. hardly B. just C. rarely D. even
33. A. bought B. found C. sold D. made
34. A. guide B. observe C. remind D. inform
35. A. anger B. sadness C. patience D. courage
Large components of traditional Chinese wooden architecture, _____36_____(include)columns, beams and purlins are often pieced together using sunmao structures. The sun(tenon joint)and the mao(mortise), when interlocked, both support and contain the adjoining parts. This augments stability, and also adds flexibility _____37_____ the architecture. Craftsmen can make and process the _____38_____(component)in advance and assemble them quickly on site, ____39____ is simple and efficient. Stability is the most important characteristic of sunmao. Sunmao is the “joint” of a building that absorbs some of the seismic wave by deforming _____40_____(it), markedly raising earthquake resistance of the entire structure. _____41_____(similar), sunmao plays its “stabilizer” role to the maximum in furniture. The seat part of a chair _____42_____(support)by its four legs as well as the cheng under its surface, a smaller supportive upper stick that transforms part of the weight to the downer legs. In this way, the seat could sit in higher weight _____43_____ the entire chair can work longer. Even though every component of the sunmao structure is thin, they can take massive weight by supporting each other. Sunmao is _____44_____ extremely skillful, delicate, and sophisticated invention. This connection method of components ______45______(make)ancient Chinese wooden architecture a special flexible structure that surpasses contemporary architectural bents, frames or steel frames.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你被你心仪的大学录取了。请你给你在高中期间的外教Mr Potter写一封邮件表达对他的感谢,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last year around Halloween, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday’s Child, an organization that helps children with cancer. I was asked to attend because I’m on a television show; I went because I care. I don’t think that most of the kids recognized me as a celebrity. They just thought of me as a big kid who came to play with them for the day. I think I liked it better that way.
At the carnival they had all kinds of stands. I was drawn to one in particular because of all the children that had gathered there. At this stand, anyone who wanted to could paint a square. Later that square was going to be sewn together with the others, to make a quilt. The quilt would be presented to a man who had dedicated much of his life to this organization and would soon be retiring.
They gave everyone fabric paints in bright beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the quilt beautiful. As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts and bright blue clouds, beautiful orange sunrises and green and purple flowers. The pictures were all bright, positive and uplifting. All except for one.
The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty and lifeless. It lacked the bright brilliant colors that his fellow artists had used.
At first I thought maybe he took the only paint that was left and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that color because not only was he very sick, but his mom was very sick. He said, “There is nothing anyone can do that will help.”
P1: After hearing the boy’s story, I felt a deep sadness.
P2: The boy looked at me with tears in his eyes, but there was also a glimmer of hope.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the man going to do
A. Have a picnic. B. Go fishing. C. Take a drive.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The weather. B. Indoor activities. C. The woman’s illness.
3. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. At a bus station. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.
4. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Surf the Internet. B. Conduct an interview. C. Post a job ad online.
5. Why does the man talk to the woman
A. To book a room. B. To confirm his flight. C. To reschedule a meeting.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. When will the hallways be cleaned
A. This afternoon. B. On Wednesday. C. Someday soon.
7. What will the woman do next week
A. Host a dinner. B. Design an agenda. C. Hold a conference.
8. What did the speakers just do
A. They watched a show.
B. They performed in a musical.
C. They practiced dancing together.
9. What was probably the woman
A An actress. B. A dancer. C. A musician.
10. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The receipt. B. The jacket. C. The credit card.
11. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was bought at a discount.
B. It was unsuitable for the man.
C. It was large for the man’s son.
12. What is the duration of the credit note
A. One month. B. Six months. C. One year.
13. What will the man do next week
A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
14. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a shop.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He got a job as a chef in a restaurant.
15. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Boring but well-paid. B. Difficult but beneficial. C. Enjoyable but demanding.
16. What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Assisting chefs. B. Cooking every day. C. Managing the whole kitchen.
17. What is the key to success in Paui’s view
A. Sticking to old dishes.
B. Using quality food material.
C. Creating less stressful environment.
18. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Artificial intelligence. C. Wild animals.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20. What is the speaker’s attitude towards AI in general
A. Positive. B. Worried. C. Disapproving
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Islands not only have served as the settings for exotic holidays but also act as a dream for directors to use as a canvas for their stories. These are some of the most exciting film and TV locations you can visit today.
Death in Paradise (2011)
Guadeloupe, French Caribbean
The location: Guadeloupe’s landscapes are strikingly varied, ranging from the pearly white sand and deep blue waters of beaches to the volcanic, lunar-like interior.
While you’re there: Explore Deshaies, a town home to several Death in Paradise filming locations.
How to do it: Seven nights at Club Med La Caravelle from 2 305 per person, all-inclusive, includes flights from Heathrow to Pointe-a-Pitrevia Paris.
Eat, Pray, Love (2010)
Bali, Indonesia
The location: Ubud, a town in the center of Bali, means “medicine” in Balinese, so locals have leng regarded it as a place for healing. That’s what it is most famous for. It impresses audience with stunning jungle scenery and a thriving arts scene.
While you’re there: Dive into Ubud’s rich cultural history on a walking tour, enjoying some of the region’s most striking architecture and history.
How to do it: A nine-day tour of Bali-including Ubud, Lombok and Seminyak-costs 5,300 per person. It includes flights, transfers, accommodation and excursions (游览).
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Skellig Michael, County Kerry, Ireland
The location: Eight miles off the Irish coast, Skellig Michael is now better known as the hideout of Luke Skywalker.
While you’re there: Look out for the colony of puffins that nest on the island in the summer. The birds were digitally designed as a cute fictional species called porgs in a later sequel (续集).
How to do it: Tour Radar’s seven-day Hiking & Island Hopping-Cork and Kerry costs from 2,101 per person, which covers accommodation, meals and excursions.
1. Ubud is best noted for __________ according to the passage.
A. its amazing scenery B. its magic medicine
C. its friendly locals D. its spiritual significance
2. Where can you go if you are fond of science fiction films
A. Guadeloupe. B. Deshaies. C. Bali. D. Skellig Michael.
3. What is the purpose of the passage
A. To tell three stories in brief. B. To share three popular movies.
C. To introduce three destinations from the screen. D. To offer some islands only for directors.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据Eat, Pray, Love (2010)部分中“Ubud, a town in the center of Bali, means “medicine” in Balinese, so locals have long regarded it as a place for healing. That’s what it is most famous for.(乌布是巴厘岛中心的一个小镇,在巴厘岛语中是“药”的意思,所以当地人一直把它视为一个治疗的地方。这就是它最出名的地方)”可知,乌布最出名的是可以作为治疗的地方。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The birds were digitally designed as a cute fictional species called porgs in a later sequel (续集).(在后来的续集中,这些鸟被数码设计成一个可爱的虚构物种,叫做porgs)”可知,如果你喜欢科幻电影,你可以去Skellig Michael。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Islands not only have served as the settings for exotic holidays but also act as a dream for directors to use as a canvas for their stories. These are some of the most exciting film and TV locations you can visit today.(岛屿不仅是异国度假的背景,也是导演们的梦想之地,可以作为他们故事的画布。这些是你今天可以参观的最令人兴奋的电影和电视外景地)”可推知,本文是目的是介绍三个来自屏幕上的目的地。故选C。
Chaudhary quietly weaves together lengths of ropes, binding them with grass collected from the riverbank. She skillfully shapes the materials into a jewelry box. Meanwhile, she’s instructing a group of women to work out the materials. The ropes used were once the lifeline for climbers tackling Nepal’s mountains and were then discarded (扔掉). They are now finding new life, transformed by skilled hands into items to sell.
Acharya, working with the cleaning campaign, owns a waste processing business in Kathmandu, also an advocate for sustainable waste management. “Aluminum and other metal waste go through the recycling process, but we found no way to recycle ropes and gas cans,” she says. It struck her that the non-recyclable waste could be reused, but it wasn’t until she met Maya Rai that a solution emerged. Rai, leading Nepal Knotcraft Centre, helped connect Acharya with Chaudhary’s team of craftswomen in hopes of turning the mountain waste into economic opportunity. “While this seems insignificant compared to waste in the mountains, it’s a start. We aim to connect local expertise, mountain waste and local economy,” says Acharya, proudly displaying a mat made from ropes left on Mt. Qomolangma by climbers. Her goal is to ensure that no waste collected from mountains ends up in a landfill again.
Finished crafts are sold at outlets and exhibitions. The craftswomen are paid according to how many items they make and sell. With flexible hours, the project gives women an opportunity to earn money even as they maintain household responsibilities.
Eventually, Acharya hopes to expand the program to involve more women and process more waste. But progress has been slow. “We still have not found a sustainable business plan to make crafts in large quantities, ”she says. Now, she is searching for cooperators to make a model that serves not only the mountain but the communities. “After all, we are trying to craft a sustainable future.”
Each rope turned into a decorative item is a way to help local women earn a living and keep mountains clean.
4. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Chaudhary in paragraph 1
A. To lead in the topic with her example.
B. To spread her environmental consciousness.
C. To show her patient instructions to the women.
D. To speak highly of her outstanding weaving skills.
5. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. A business involving waste processing.
B. A team transforming waste into treasure.
C. A campaign advocating sustainable management.
D. A solution connecting expertise, waste and economy.
6. Which of the following is the most likely reason for craftswomen to join in the project
A. Selling crafts at outlets can earn more money.
B. Removing mountain waste generates a sense of pride.
C. Cooperating with local experts helps promote skills.
D. Work-life balance can be achieved due to flexible hours.
7. What is Acharya’s attitude towards expanding the program
A. Hesitant. B. Positive. C. Suspicious. D. Disapproving.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Chaudhary quietly weaves together lengths of ropes, binding them with grass collected from the riverbank. She skillfully shapes the materials into a jewelry box. Meanwhile, she’s instructing a group of women to work out the materials. The ropes used were once the lifeline for climbers tackling Nepal’s mountains and were then discarded (扔掉). They are now finding new life, transformed by skilled hands into items to sell.( Chaudhary悄悄地把绳子编织在一起,用从河岸收集的草把绳子绑在一起。她熟练地把材料做成首饰盒。与此同时,她正在指导一群妇女制作材料。使用的绳索曾经是登山者攀登尼泊尔山脉的生命线,后来被丢弃了。如今,它们在熟练的工匠手中获得了新的生命,变成了可供出售的商品。)”可知,在本段中,作者通过描述Chaudhary如何利用废弃的绳索制作珠宝盒,并教导其他妇女进行同样的工作,来引入整篇文章的主题——废物再利用和可持续发展。通过Chaudhary的例子,读者可以直观地理解这一主题。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“It struck her that the non-recyclable waste could be reused, but it wasn’t until she met Maya Rai that a solution emerged. Rai, leading Nepal Knotcraft Centre, helped connect Acharya with Chaudhary’s team of craftswomen in hopes of turning the mountain waste into economic opportunity. “While this seems insignificant compared to waste in the mountains, it’s a start. We aim to connect local expertise, mountain waste and local economy,” says Acharya, proudly displaying a mat made from ropes left on Mt. Qomolangma by climbers. Her goal is to ensure that no waste collected from mountains ends up in a landfill again.(她突然想到,这些不可回收的垃圾可以再利用,但直到她遇到Maya Rai,解决方案才出现。Rai是尼泊尔手工艺中心的负责人,她帮助Acharya与Chaudhary的女工匠团队建立了联系,希望将山上的垃圾转化为经济机会。“虽然与山区的浪费相比,这似乎微不足道,但这是一个开始。我们的目标是将当地的专业知识、山区废弃物和当地经济联系起来,” Acharya自豪地展示着用登山者留在珠峰上的绳索制成的垫子。她的目标是确保从山上收集的废物不会再次进入垃圾填埋场。)”可知,本段讲述的是Acharya和Maya Rai一起找到了一个解决方案,将登山者留下的非回收性废物(如绳索和汽油罐)转化为经济机会,同时连接了本地专业知识和经济。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Finished crafts are sold at outlets and exhibitions. The craftswomen are paid according to how many items they make and sell. With flexible hours, the project gives women an opportunity to earn money even as they maintain household responsibilities.(成品工艺品在商店和展览会上出售。女工匠的报酬是根据她们制造和销售的物品的数量而定的。由于工作时间灵活,该项目让女性在承担家庭责任的同时也有机会赚钱。)”可知,该项目为妇女提供了灵活的工作时间,使她们能够在维持家庭责任的同时赚取收入。这种工作与生活的平衡是一个重要的吸引力,特别是对于需要照顾家庭和孩子的妇女来说。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Eventually, Acharya hopes to expand the program to involve more women and process more waste. But progress has been slow. “We still have not found a sustainable business plan to make crafts in large quantities, ”she says. Now, she is searching for cooperators to make a model that serves not only the mountain but the communities. “After all, we are trying to craft a sustainable future.””(最终,Acharya希望扩大这个项目,让更多的女性参与进来,处理更多的废物。但进展缓慢。她说:“我们仍然没有找到一个可持续的商业计划来大量生产工艺品。现在,她正在寻找合作伙伴,制作一个不仅为山区服务,也为社区服务的模型。毕竟,我们正在努力打造一个可持续发展的未来。”)”可判断,Acharya希望扩大这个项目,让更多的女性参与进来,处理更多的废物。这直接表明她对扩大这个项目持积极的态度。故选B。
Huddled in small groups around laptops, 20 Brazilian teenagers are using an app to build a skill that’s vital to the future of their entire community. The teenagers belong to the Guarani indigenous (本地的) people and they are fluent in speaking both Portuguese and their mother tongue, Guarani Mbya. But when it comes to writing, they often use Portuguese as that’s what they were first taught to write in, putting the Guarani Mbya language in its written form at risk of disappearing. But since March of this year, they’ve been using an app to improve their ability to write in Guarani Mbya. The app is part of a project funded by IBM to create AI tools to help preserve and expand the use of indigenous languages in Brazil.
Of the 7,000 or so languages that exist in the world, about a fifth are thought to be endangered, with the United Nations estimating that half of these will be extinct by 2100 — the majority being indigenous languages. The movement to prevent indigenous languages from disappearing has prompted a number of tech-centric language preservation and expansion projects. For example, in New Zealand, an app has been developed to collect oral recordings of indigenous languages across the region to help speakers boost their everyday use of their native language.
But embracing technology and the desire to protect culture and language are often at odds in indigenous communities, as Dr. Burbank has observed. “A minority group that’s fighting to preserve a counterculture (反主流文化) will create walls around the culture to try not to dilute (削弱) it, because the majority culture is automatically going to wipe that culture out,” says Dr. Burbank. While many of the indigenous communities Dr. Burbank works with feel technology could contribute to that dilution, she believes it can benefit indigenous communities.
8. Guarani indigenous teenagers seldom write in Guarani Mbya because __________.
A. they were initially trained to use Portuguese in writing
B. the written Guarani Mbya language is in danger of extinction
C. they intend to break free from their indigenous culture
D. Guarani Mbya makes it hard for them to integrate into the outside world
9. How many languages are estimated to disappear by 2100
A. About 7,000. B. About 3,500. C. About 1,400. D. About 700.
10. What does the underlined phrase “at odds” in the last paragraph mean
A. Confusable. B. Sensational. C. Contradictory. D. Consistent.
11. What is the author’s attitude toward using AI for language preservation
A. Positive. B. Unclear. C. Doubtful. D. Dismissive.
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“But when it comes to writing, they often use Portuguese as that’s what they were first taught to write in, putting the Guarani Mbya language in its written form at risk of disappearing.(但在写作方面,他们通常使用葡萄牙语,因为这是他们最初学习的语言,这使得瓜拉尼姆比亚语的书面形式面临消失的危险)”可知,瓜拉尼土著青少年很少用瓜拉尼语写作,因为他们最初被训练使用葡萄牙语写作。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Of the 7,000 or so languages that exist in the world, about a fifth are thought to be endangered, with the United Nations estimating that half of these will be extinct by 2100 — the majority being indigenous languages.(世界上现存的大约7000种语言中,大约有五分之一被认为濒临灭绝,联合国估计其中一半将在2100年前灭绝——其中大多数是土著语言)”可知,到2100年,估计有7000÷2=3500种语言会消失。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文““A minority group that’s fighting to preserve a counterculture (反主流文化) will create walls around the culture to try not to dilute (削弱) it, because the majority culture is automatically going to wipe that culture out,” says Dr. Burbank.(伯班克博士说:“为保护一种反主流文化而斗争的少数群体会在这种文化周围筑起高墙,尽量不去稀释它,因为多数文化会自动消灭这种文化。”)”可知,为保护一种反主流文化而斗争的少数群体会在这种文化周围筑起高墙,尽量不去稀释它,因为多数文化会自动消灭这种文化。即在土著社区,拥抱技术与保护文化和语言的愿望往往是矛盾的。故划线词意思是“矛盾的”。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“The app is part of a project funded by IBM to create AI tools to help preserve and expand the use of indigenous languages in Brazil.(该应用程序是IBM资助的一个项目的一部分,该项目旨在创建人工智能工具,以帮助保护和扩大巴西本土语言的使用)”以及第二段“For example, in New Zealand, an app has been developed to collect oral recordings of indigenous languages across the region to help speakers boost their everyday use of their native language.(例如,在新西兰,开发了一款应用程序,用于收集该地区土著语言的口语录音,以帮助使用者提高他们日常使用母语的能力)”可推知,作者对使用人工智能来保存语言持积极态度。故选A。
Efforts to restore forests have often focused on trees, but a new study in the journal Philosophical Transactions finds that animals play a key role in the recovery of tree species by carrying a wide variety of seeds into previously deforested areas.
Sergio Estrada-Villegas, a professor at the Yale School of the Environment, led the study with Liza Comita, a professor of tropical forest ecology. The project examines a series of regenerating forests in central Panama spanning 20 to 100 years post-abandonment. “When we talk about forest restoration, people typically think about going out and digging holes and planting seedlings,” Comita says. “That’s actually not a very cost-effective or efficient way to restore natural forests. If you have a nearby preserved intact (完整的) forest, plus you have your animal seed dispersers around, you can get natural regeneration, which is a less costly and labor-intensive approach.”
The research team analyzed a unique, long-term data set from the forest in Panama, to compare what proportion of tree species in forests were spread by animals or other methods, like wind or gravity, and how that changes over time as the forest ages. It proves that in tropical forests, more than 80% of tree species can be spread by animals.
The researchers say the findings can serve as a road map for natural regeneration of forests that preserve biodiversity and capture and store carbon at a time when the UN Decade on Restoration is highlighting the need for land conservation, and the world is working to mitigate climate change stemming from fossil fuel emissions. Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in biomass and soils. Tropical forests, in particular, play an important role in regulating global climate and supporting high plant and animal diversity, the researchers note.
Estrada-Villegas, says the study highlights how crucial animals are to healthy forests. “In these tropical environments, animals are very important to a speedy recovery of forests,” says Estrada-Villegas.
12. What does the study in the journal emphasize according to paragraph 1
A. Soil conservation techniques. B. Animal involvement in spreading seed.
C. Artificial methods of capturing carbon. D. Planting a diverse range of tree species.
13. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about
A. The author’s research methods and tools
B. The frequency of spreading seeds by animals.
C. The long-term data analysis by the research team.
D. The crucial role of animals in tropical forest recovery.
14. What does the underlined word “mitigate” mean in paragraph 4
A. Reduce. B. Increase. C. Complicate. D. Ignore.
15. What’s Estrada-Villegas’s attitude towards using natural regeneration methods
A. Critical. B. Indifferent. C. Supportive. D. Ambiguous.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“Efforts to restore forests have often focused on trees, but a new study in the journal Philosophical Transactions finds that animals play a key role in the recovery of tree species by carrying a wide variety of seeds into previously deforested areas.(恢复森林的努力通常集中在树木上,但发表在《哲学汇刊》杂志上的一项新研究发现,动物在恢复树种方面发挥着关键作用,它们把各种各样的种子带到以前被砍伐的地区)”可知,期刊上的研究强调了动物参与播撒种子。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“The research team analyzed a unique, long-term data set from the forest in Panama, to compare what proportion of tree species in forests were spread by animals or other methods, like wind or gravity, and how that changes over time as the forest ages. It proves that in tropical forests, more than 80% of tree species can be spread by animals.(研究小组分析了来自巴拿马森林的一组独特的长期数据,比较了森林中由动物或其他方式(如风或重力)传播的树种的比例,以及随着森林年龄的增长,这种比例是如何变化的。事实证明,在热带森林中,超过80%的树种可以通过动物传播)”可知,第三段主要讲了研究团队的长期数据分析。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“preserve biodiversity and capture and store carbon(保护生物多样性、捕获和储存碳)”以及下文“climate change stemming from fossil fuel emissions”可知,要保护生物多样性、捕获和储存碳,世界正在努力减少化石燃料排放造成的气候变化,故划线词意思是“减少”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Estrada-Villegas, says the study highlights how crucial animals are to healthy forests. “In these tropical environments, animals are very important to a speedy recovery of forests,” says Estrada-Villegas.(埃斯特拉达-维勒加斯说,这项研究强调了动物对健康森林的重要性。“在这些热带环境中,动物对森林的快速恢复非常重要,”埃斯特拉达-维勒加斯说)”可腿知,埃斯特拉达-维勒加斯对使用自然再生方法的态度是支持的。故选C。
The easiest way to love yourself is to treat yourself like your own BFF. It might seem like it’s easier to love others than to love yourself, but it’s tough to build healthy relationships if you don’t love yourself first. ___16___
Let go of negative thoughts about yourself. Drill down to the core of those thoughts and tell yourself a different story. Think about what you would say to a friend who said those things about themselves. For example, if you forgot to buy trash bags, instead of blaming yourself, you might as well think, “I’ll just pick some up next time I go out — no big deal.” Don’t try to fight negative thoughts, though — they’re a part of who you are. ____17____ It might feel weird at first, but after a while, it becomes habitual to think that way.
Accept your flaws as part of who you are. Everything you’ve done and everywhere you’ve been is a part of who you are — you! Self-love isn’t about fixing all the “bad” things about yourself. Instead, accept that they’re all parts of the same whole. _____18_____ For example, maybe you have a hard time trusting people. You wish you could be more trusting and open up more, but instead of trying to change, focus on how not immediately trusting people helps keep you safe.
_____19_____ If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you’ll never be pleased with anything you produce. So make it a point to appreciate the work you put into completing a task, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced. Avoid stereotypical ideas and images of perfection, such as models in beauty magazines. Remind yourself that the actual person probably doesn’t look like that in real life!
Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative. It’s human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem. _____20_____ Look for the positive side even when bad things happen to you. For example, if you lose your job, it can be easy to spiral into thinking that you were terrible at your job and no one will ever hire you again. Instead, you might think that now you have the opportunity to find something that’s a better fit for you.
A. Focus on your effort rather than the result to control perfectionism.
B. Challenge those thoughts with logical observations to reframe your conclusion.
C. Instead, you can simply drown them out with more positive, affirmative thoughts.
D. When you love yourself, you love all of you because you wouldn’t have the good without the bad.
E. Here are some strategies that can help you embark on a journey of treating yourself with kindness.
F. Negative thoughts often come from outside people whose opinions we value.
G. When you focus on the negative, try to name some things that you can be grateful for.
【答案】16. E 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. G
本空前面“It might seem like it’s easier to love others than to love yourself, but it’s tough to build healthy relationships if you don’t love yourself first.(爱别人似乎比爱自己容易,但如果你不先爱自己,就很难建立健康的人际关系)”提到要善待自己,后面从第二段到最后一段则是分述善待自己的具体方法,所以此空应起到承上启下的作用。选项E“这里有一些策略可以帮助你踏上善待自己的旅程”符合语境,选项中的“some strategies”引出具体的做法,故选E。
根据本段首句“Let go of negative thoughts about yourself.(放下对自己的消极想法)”可知,本段主要谈论如何处理对自己的消极看法,总的建议是要摒弃这些看法。空格前“Don’t try to fight negative thoughts, though — they’re a part of who you are.(不要试图对抗消极的想法,它们是你的一部分)”提到,不要试图对抗消极想法,因为它们是你的一部分。所以空格处应该从正面回答如何摒弃消极想法,也就是说,虽然消极想法无法避免,但同时也可以从更积极、肯定的角度看待问题,C项“相反,你可以简单地用更积极、肯定的想法淹没它们”符合语境,故选C。
根据本段首句“Accept your flaws as part of who you are.(接受你的缺点作为你自己的一部分)”可知,本段主要是讲如何对待自己的缺点——要把它们当作自己的一部分。空格前面的句子“Instead, accept that they’re all parts of the same whole.(相反,接受它们都是同一个整体的一部分)”提到,你要接受它们(缺点)都是同一个整体的一部分。选项D指出,当你爱自己的时候,你会爱你的全部,因为没有缺点就不会有好的一面。该选项解释了要接受缺点的原因,故选D。
该段主要谈论要如何看待付出与结果,不要追求完美。空格后面两句“If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you’ll never be pleased with anything you produce. So make it a point to appreciate the work you put into completing at ask, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced.(如果你总是期望自己是完美的,你永远不会对你所做的任何事情感到满意。所以,在被要求完成工作的时候,你要对自己付出的努力心存感激,而不是在工作中寻找缺陷)”分别指出了过分追求完美结果的危害与重视付出的必要性。选项A“关注你的努力而不是结果来控制完美主义”建议你要更加关注努力而不是结果来抑制完美主义,故选A。
该段首句“Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative.(学会感恩美好的事物,而不是专注于消极的事情)”提到要学会感恩美好的事物,而不是专注于消极的事情。空格前面“It’s human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem.(把消极的事情看得比积极的事情更大、更重要是人类的天性,但这也会对你的自尊造成巨大的伤害)”提到专注消极事情会损害自尊。结合各选项可知,G项“当你把注意力集中在消极方面时,试着说出一些你可以感激的事情”提到可以通过感恩美好来转移对消极事物的注意力,与段首的主题句内容吻合,故选G。
第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When I was growing up in Auckland, my relationship with clothing was all about utility (实用). Clothes needed to be _____21_____ and keep me at the right temperature. I had a very clear picture about myself: Someone who didn’t _____22_____ clothes. Naturally, I came to _____23_____ the act of shopping, an activity where _____24_____ were largely unavoidable.
But it all began to _____25_____. My first day out in London was unexpectedly cold. Jetlagged (时差) and overwhelmed (不知所措的), I walked into a department store. That’s when it _____26_____ me; I think: It was the _____27_____ procedure that was important, the weighing up of _____28_____, the imaginative projection of the person you might be in this scarf, versus that one. This was the important bit, far more than the _____29_____ act of choice. And it was not _____30_____ at all.
Over the remaining two years in London I began thinking about what I liked, what my _____31_____ was—whether a style, a fabric, a color. I began to see that shopping didn’t _____32_____ need to involve a purchase. The world opened up. I stopped avoiding my own reflection. I still wear items of clothing that I _____33_____ during my stay in London, 20 years ago now. More than this, I _____34_____ people differently. I try to look with care and _____35_____ at how they present themselves to the world, and the stories and messages these choices send.
21. A. expensive B. traditional C. fashionable D. comfortable
22. A. care about B. take off C. put away D. look for
23. A. enjoy B. allow C. hate D. accept
24. A. rulers B. mirrors C. knives D. scissors
25. A. change B. exist C. appear D. close
26. A. knocked B. beat C. hit D. shook
27. A. wondering B. arguing C. bargaining D. deciding
28. A. numbers B. options C. prices D. colors
29. A. first B. final C. slow D. easy
30. A. funny B. tiring C. amusing D. boring
31. A. interest B. weight C. height D. advantage
32. A. hardly B. just C. rarely D. even
33. A. bought B. found C. sold D. made
34. A. guide B. observe C. remind D. inform
35. A. anger B. sadness C. patience D. courage
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:衣服需要舒适,让我保持在合适的温度。A. expensive昂贵的;B. traditional传统的;C. fashionable时尚的;D. comfortable舒服的。根据后文“and keep me at the right temperature”可知,衣服让作者保持在合适的温度,即舒适。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我对自己有一个非常清晰的印象:一个不在乎衣服的人。A. care about关心;B. take off起飞;C. put away放好;D. look for寻找。根据上文“When I was growing up in Auckland, my relationship with clothing was all about utility.(当我在奥克兰长大的时候,我和衣服的关系都是关于实用性的)”可知,作者是个不怎么在乎衣服的人,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:自然地,我开始讨厌购物的行为,在这种活动中,镜子基本上是不可避免的。A. enjoy享受;B. allow允许;C. hate讨厌;D. accept接受。根据上文可知,作者不在乎衣服,衣服主要是实用,所以作者开始讨厌购物的行为,故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:自然地,我开始讨厌购物的行为,在这种活动中,镜子基本上是不可避免的。A. rulers规则;B. mirrors镜子;C. knives刀子;D. scissors剪刀。根据上文“the act of shopping, an activity where”可知,购物的时候镜子不可避免。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但一切都开始改变。A. change改变;B. exist存在;C. appear出现;D. close关闭。根据后文作者对购物的态度开始发生改变,可知一切有了改变。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我突然意识到;我认为:重要的是讨价还价的过程,对颜色的权衡,对这条围巾和那条围巾的想象投射。A. knocked敲击;B. beat打败;C. hit使想起;D. shook摇晃。根据后文“me; I think”此处为句型it hit sb.表示“某人突然想到”。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我突然意识到;我认为:重要的是讨价还价的过程,对颜色的权衡,对这条围巾和那条围巾的想象投射。A. wondering想知道;B. arguing争论;C. bargaining讨价还价;D. deciding决定。后文“procedure that was important, the weighing up of”主要列举了购物的过程,结合选项可知购物需要讨价还价。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我突然意识到;我认为:重要的是讨价还价的过程,对颜色的权衡,对这条围巾和那条围巾的想象投射。A. numbers数字;B. options选择;C. prices价格;D. colors颜色。根据后文“whether a style, a fabric, a color”可知,购物需要权衡颜色。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是最重要的一点,比最后的选择要重要得多。A. first第一的;B. final最后的;C. slow缓慢的;D. easy容易得。根据后文“act of choice”以及上文作者认识到购物的过程很重要,比最后的选择更加重要。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而且一点也不无聊。A. funny有趣的;B. tiring累人的;C. amusing有趣的;D. boring无聊的。上文“It was the bargaining procedure that was important, the weighing up of colors, the imaginative projection of the person you might be in this scarf, versus that one.(重要的是讨价还价的过程,权衡颜色,想象你可能是这条围巾上的人,而不是那条)”提到了购物丰富有趣的细节,说明一点也不无聊。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在伦敦剩下的两年里,我开始思考我喜欢什么,我的兴趣是什么——无论是一种风格,一种面料,还是一种颜色。A. interest兴趣;B. weight重量;C. height身高;D. advantage优势。根据上文“I began thinking about what I liked”可知,作者开始思考喜欢什么,兴趣是什么。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始意识到,购物并不仅仅需要买东西。A. hardly几乎不;B. just只是;C. rarely很少;D. even甚至。根据后文“The world opened up. I stopped avoiding my own reflection.(世界打开了。我不再回避自己的倒影)”可知,作者认识到购物并不仅仅需要买东西。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我现在还穿着20年前在伦敦时买的衣服。A. bought购买;B. found找到;C. sold出售;D. made制作。根据上文“I still wear items of clothing that I”指还穿着20年前在伦敦时买的衣服。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:不仅如此,我观察人的方式也不同。A. guide指导;B. observe观察;C. remind提醒;D. inform通知。根据后文“I try to look with care and”可知,作者开始观察人,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我试着细心和耐心地观察他们如何向世界展示自己,以及这些选择所传递的故事和信息。A. anger愤怒;B. sadness悲伤;C. patience耐心;D. courage勇气。根据上文“I try to look with care and”可知,作者耐心细心地观察人。故选C。
Large components of traditional Chinese wooden architecture, _____36_____(include)columns, beams and purlins are often pieced together using sunmao structures. The sun(tenon joint)and the mao(mortise), when interlocked, both support and contain the adjoining parts. This augments stability, and also adds flexibility _____37_____ the architecture. Craftsmen can make and process the _____38_____(component)in advance and assemble them quickly on site, ____39____ is simple and efficient. Stability is the most important characteristic of sunmao. Sunmao is the “joint” of a building that absorbs some of the seismic wave by deforming _____40_____(it), markedly raising earthquake resistance of the entire structure. _____41_____(similar), sunmao plays its “stabilizer” role to the maximum in furniture. The seat part of a chair _____42_____(support)by its four legs as well as the cheng under its surface, a smaller supportive upper stick that transforms part of the weight to the downer legs. In this way, the seat could sit in higher weight _____43_____ the entire chair can work longer. Even though every component of the sunmao structure is thin, they can take massive weight by supporting each other. Sunmao is _____44_____ extremely skillful, delicate, and sophisticated invention. This connection method of components ______45______(make)ancient Chinese wooden architecture a special flexible structure that surpasses contemporary architectural bents, frames or steel frames.
【答案】36. including
37. to ponents
39. which 40. itself
41. Similarly
42. is supported
43. and 44. an
45. makes
考查非谓语动词。句意:传统中国木结构建筑的大型构件,包括柱、梁和檩条,通常使用榫卯结构拼装在一起。所给词include为动词,根据其后的名词columns, beams and purlins可知,其派生介词including意为“包含,包括”解释主语components, 符合语境。 故填including。
考查介词。句意:这增加了稳定性,也增加了体系结构的灵活性。固定搭配add something to something意为“把…添加到…”符合语境。故填to。
考查时态语态及主谓一致。句意:椅子的座位部分由它的四条腿和它表面下的支架支撑,那是将部分重量转移到下腿上的一个较小的支撑。该空所给动词support在句中作谓语,椅子面是被椅子腿支撑,应该是被动语态,叙述事实应使用一般现在时,主语The seat part of a chair为单数形式。故填is supported。
考查连词。句意:这样,座椅可以承受更高的重量,整个椅子可以工作更长时间。空前the seat could sit in higher weight和空后the entire chair can work longer.为两个并列分句,应使用并列连词and。故填and。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你被你心仪的大学录取了。请你给你在高中期间的外教Mr Potter写一封邮件表达对他的感谢,内容包括:
【答案】Dear Mr Potter,
I’m glad to write to share with you my happiness of being admitted to college, which I have been dreaming of. Firstly, I’d like to express my gratitude for your excellent teaching and your care as well as love for me! It’s you who cheered me up. Never will I forget what you said — doors open to the very man with full confidence and instant action. Without your help, I could never have enjoyed such a joyful harvest. And I really appreciate your instructions.
I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges. Wish you all the best!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,你被你心仪的大学录取了。请你给你在高中期间的外教Mr Potter写一封邮件表达对他的感谢。
原句:Without your help, I could never have enjoyed such a joyful harvest. And I really appreciate your instructions.
拓展句:I really appreciate your instructions because without your help, I could never have enjoyed such a joyful harvest.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I’m glad to write to share with you my happiness of being admitted to college, which I have been dreaming of. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Never will I forget what you said — doors open to the very man with full confidence and instant action. (运用了否定词Never置于句首引起的部分倒装以及what引导的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Last year around Halloween, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday’s Child, an organization that helps children with cancer. I was asked to attend because I’m on a television show; I went because I care. I don’t think that most of the kids recognized me as a celebrity. They just thought of me as a big kid who came to play with them for the day. I think I liked it better that way.
At the carnival they had all kinds of stands. I was drawn to one in particular because of all the children that had gathered there. At this stand, anyone who wanted to could paint a square. Later that square was going to be sewn together with the others, to make a quilt. The quilt would be presented to a man who had dedicated much of his life to this organization and would soon be retiring.
They gave everyone fabric paints in bright beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the quilt beautiful. As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts and bright blue clouds, beautiful orange sunrises and green and purple flowers. The pictures were all bright, positive and uplifting. All except for one.
The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty and lifeless. It lacked the bright brilliant colors that his fellow artists had used.
At first I thought maybe he took the only paint that was left and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that color because not only was he very sick, but his mom was very sick. He said, “There is nothing anyone can do that will help.”
P1: After hearing the boy’s story, I felt a deep sadness.
P2: The boy looked at me with tears in his eyes, but there was also a glimmer of hope.
【答案】P1: After hearing the boy’s story, I felt a deep sadness. I couldn’t imagine the pain he and his mother were enduring. But I knew I had to do something to brighten his heart, even if just for a moment. I took out my fabric paints and showed him how to mix the colors together to create a rainbow. I told him that rainbows symbolize hope and happiness, and that even in the darkest times, there is always a rainbow waiting for us. Slowly, the boy’s face lit up as he started to paint his heart in bright, vibrant colors.
P2: The boy looked at me with tears in his eyes, but there was also a glimmer of hope. He thanked me for helping him see that even in the midst of difficulty, there is still beauty and joy to be found. As we finished painting, I realized that this experience had not only brightened the boy’s heart, but mine as well. I left the carnival with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep appreciation for the resilience and spirit of the children I had come to know that day.
①象征:symbolize/stand for
②照亮:brighten/light up
③意识到:realize/be aware of
【点睛】[高分句型1] I told him that rainbows symbolize hope and happiness, and that even in the darkest times, there is always a rainbow waiting for us. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] As we finished painting, I realized that this experience had not only brightened the boy’s heart, but mine as well. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)


