I love that fangirling has not changed. Here's Adrienne from Brooklyn declaring her love for Paul McCartney in 1964, much like my mom did for Luis Miguel in the 80's, my sister for the Jonas Brothers in the 00's and i did for One Direction in the 10's. - INBELLA
pop culture

I love that fangirling has not changed. Here’s Adrienne from Brooklyn declaring her love for Paul McCartney in 1964, much like my mom did for Luis Miguel in the 80’s, my sister for the Jonas Brothers in the 00’s and i did for One Direction in the 10’s.

I love that fangirling has not changed. Here’s Adrienne from Brooklyn declaring her love for Paul McCartney in 1964, much like my mom did for Luis Miguel in the 80’s, my sister for the Jonas Brothers in the 00’s and i did for One Direction in the 10’s.

I love that fangirling has not changed. Here’s Adrienne from Brooklyn declaring her love for Paul McCartney in 1964, much like my mom did for Luis Miguel in the 80’s, my sister for the Jonas Brothers in the 00’s and i did for One Direction in the 10’s.
byu/Rude_Lifeguard inpopculturechat

by Rude_Lifeguard


  1. Cold_Breadfruit_9794

    Lol I love that she’s declaring her love for Paul and ends by saying she’s open to Ringo too 😂😭

  2. It’s sad because her kids have come out and said that she passed away. It would’ve been cool to see her reaction to hearing him talk to her!

  3. VicTheWallpaperMan

    It’s kind of sad how society has become so homogonized that we’ve mostly lost all these cool regional accents.

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