Poet Dev Suchin Reflects on Love and Mortality Amid Father's Illness

Poet Dev Suchin Reflects on Love and Mortality Amid Father's Illness

Poet Dev Suchin writes a heartfelt poem about her ailing 84-year-old father Bernie, who has faced numerous health challenges. The poem explores themes of love, recognition, and mortality, capturing their intricate bond.

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Poet Dev Suchin Reflects on Love and Mortality Amid Father's Illness

Poet Dev Suchin Reflects on Love and Mortality Amid Father's Illness

On May 18, 2024, poet Dev Suchin penned a heartfelt poem reflecting on her complex emotions towards her ailing father, Bernie, who was hospitalized on the same day. The poem explores themes of love, recognition, and mortality, capturing the intricate bond between a daughter and her father in the face of life's inevitable end.

Bernie, 84, has faced numerous health challenges over the years, including eight major surgeries and multiple hospitalizations between 2006 and 2021. His resilience and strength have been a source of inspiration for Dev, who has been by his side through it all. The poet's mother, Rita, passed away in 2008 at the age of 66 due to COPD, leaving Bernie reliant on Dev and her husband for support.

Why this matters: This story highlights the importance of cherishing relationships and making the most of time with loved ones, especially in the face of mortality. It also underscores the significance of intergenerational connections and the lessons that can be learned from our elders.

In her poem, Dev reflects on the lessons she has learned from her father, particularly his favorite phrase, 'carpe diem' (seize the day). She recalls how he emphasized the importance of not putting off important things because 'you might not get another chance.' This lesson has profoundly impacted Dev, shaping her approach to life and her responsibilities.

The poem serves as a tribute to the beautiful moments Dev shared with her father, moments that will stay in her heart forever. She writes, 'I wrote this poem, as I remembered all the beautiful, warm, shining moments we created and shared with each other. Moments that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life.'

Dev's writing is a form of catharsis, allowing her to process her emotions and find strength within herself and the natural world. She acknowledges the difficulty of life's cycles, writing, 'Life is a continual process of change. Of love and pain, growth and decay, joy and grief. These emotions are hard, these cycles of life are hard.'

As Dev reflects on her father's illness and the impending loss, she also expresses a wish for his well-being. 'May you be well. May you find rest and respite even in the midst of suffering, overwhelm, and exhaustion. May you find pockets of peace, community, friendship, and love to nurture and feel supported by,' she writes, hoping for moments of peace for Bernie despite his struggles.

The poem not only captures the poet's grief but also her gratitude for the lessons imparted by her father. His emphasis on 'carpe diem' and taking responsibility has left an indelible mark on her life. As she navigates this challenging time, Dev's reflections serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and the importance of seizing the day.

Key Takeaways

  • Poet Dev Suchin writes a heartfelt poem about her ailing father Bernie, 84.
  • Bernie's health challenges inspire Dev to cherish relationships and seize the day.
  • Dev's poem reflects on lessons learned from her father, including "carpe diem" and taking responsibility.
  • The poem serves as a tribute to their beautiful moments and a form of catharsis for Dev.
  • Dev hopes for her father's well-being and peace despite his struggles.