Render Token to Be Listed on BTC Markets on May 21st — TradingView News

Render Token to Be Listed on BTC Markets on May 21st


BTC Markets will list Render Token under the RNDR/AUD trading pair on May 21st.

Refer to the official tweet by RNDR:

BTC Markets

📢Render RRNDR is coming to BTC Markets! @rendernetwork

As of Tuesday, May 21st, RNDR/AUD trading pair will be available.

Read more about Render RRNDR on our blog: #BTCMarkets #cryptocurrency #trading #crypto

May 14, 2024


Render Token, also known as RNDR, is a project aiming to democratize the process of rendering 3D content. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, the platform enables anyone in the world to use their computational resources to assist in rendering processes and be rewarded for their work in the form of RNDR tokens.

Typically, rendering 3D content can be a highly resource-intensive process, requiring significant processor time and energy. For many individuals and organizations, especially those working in industries where 3D rendering is important (like gaming, film, virtual and augmented reality), this can pose a significant challenge.

The Render Token platform addresses this issue by providing a path to a decentralized rendering network, where anyone with suitable hardware can participate. Users can “rent out” their computational resources to assist in rendering 3D content, and be rewarded for it in RNDR tokens. This creates a more democratized and efficient system, which can enhance the accessibility and speed of 3D content rendering.

Moreover, Render Token is working on innovating new uses of blockchain in the realm of digital art and graphics, including the creation and distribution of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and other forms of digital content.