Actress Chen Xiuhuan’s mother receives thank-you note from SM Lee for her pumpkin cake | The Straits Times

Actress Chen Xiuhuan’s mother receives thank-you note from SM Lee for her pumpkin cake

Local actress Chen Xiuhuan's mother, Madam Lim Geok Kee (left), received a thank-you note from Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. PHOTO: CHENXIUHUAN/FACEBOOK

SINGAPORE – Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong might not have tasted her homemade cake, but the elderly woman’s thoughtful gesture was not forgotten.

Singaporean actress Chen Xiuhuan’s mother, Madam Lim Geok Kee, 85, had made a pumpkin cake for SM Lee on May 10, thinking she was going to meet the outgoing prime minister in person at AMK Hub.

But a miscommunication between Madam Lim and the Residents’ Committee (RC) saw her efforts go to waste when she was unable to present SM Lee with her gift. She learnt there was never a meet-and-greet session. Instead, the RC was seeking an interview with Madam Lim to share her thoughts on him stepping down from his post.

However, a thank-you card from the Prime Minister’s Office arrived at Chen’s home on May 14.

“I had a pleasant surprise when a card, personally written by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, arrived last night,” Chen wrote on Instagram on May 15, sharing photographs of the handwritten note in Chinese.

SM Lee wrote that he learnt about Madam Lim’s intention to give him her homemade pumpkin cake and thanked her for her thoughtful gesture. He also wished her good health.

Chen said: “It is his last day as Prime Minister of Singapore today. He must have been busy with the proceedings, yet he took the time to write the card. I felt moved.”

The 58-year-old television star shared that she had received a text message on May 13 from SM Lee’s press secretary, informing her that he had read media reports about how Madam Lim missed passing the cake to him. 

“He wanted to write a card to thank my mother, and asked for Mummy’s full name,” wrote Chen.

She added that her mother was in disbelief, and was “pinching herself to make sure it was not just a dream”. 

“She was so happy. She wondered how the PM could have taken the time to write to her – an ordinary Singaporean.” 

Chen concluded with well-wishes for SM Lee: “Thank you for your leadership and contribution to Singapore, and your diligence and love for the people. Here’s to a future filled with good health and wishing you the very best.”

Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong was sworn in as the Republic’s fourth prime minister on May 15 at 8pm.

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