Dogs, Cats, Rodents, Birds, Horses, Fish and Turtles / SuperGifts all over the Web with € 80 and € 120 / Chondroprotectors at the best price / Cheap Antiparasitics Scalibor, Advantix

Super OFFERS (see all)

Malucchi Bulldozzer Smooth Collar 65 cm
Flamingo Harness Step and Go Syb for Dogs
Royal Canin Cat Urinary Care
Oster Clippers Medium & Small Breeds Dogs & Cats
KONG Dog Plush Duck

only left 1


What do our Customers think of

Sandra Chirlaque (2024-04-23)

Respuesta rápida y clara, gracias

Carlos Borraz Tarrago (2024-05-01)

Rapidez en la entrega

Zoraida Cerezo Martin (2024-04-25)

Ya he realizado varios pedidos y siempre bien

Paqui Güell (2024-05-22)

Silvia Clavero (2024-05-21)

Nazaret Cazorla (2024-05-23)

Envío rapidísimo, Realicé la compra un miércoles por la noche y el viernes ya estaba el paquete. muy bien envuelto.

Raquel Furio (2024-04-15)

Angeles Guijarro López (2024-04-15)

Son rápidos en el trámite y recepción de los pedidos y normalmente tienen los productos que necesitan mis mascotas.

José Luis De La Rocha Duarte (2024-04-15)

DOG +Sold


KONG Ballistic Triangle Dog Toy M
Rodent Drinker
HS Sprenger Hard Rubber Ball with Rope
Malucchi Extra Strong Bulldozer Calf Leather Strap
HKM Hand Wraps White

only left 1

Schwernkel White Riding Gloves

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At Huella Canina we have one goal: every day we strive to be the best online pet products store from Spain. We want to become a reference in the online pet products store at a national level in Spain so that you can buy all the best quality pet products at the best price and receive them at home in record time. Since we began our professional career more than 30 years ago, with our physical store in Castellón de la Plana, we have specialized in advising and selling pet products store products, knowing how to adapt to at all times both to the needs of our customers and to the new times, trying to satisfy the online purchases of customers who trust us in the best possible way.

Cheap Online Pet Products Store

At Huella Canina we have a wide and complete catalog of products made up of more than 30,000 products for pets online with a continuous assortment, without stock problems and with the incorporation of new products of animals. You will find the latest news in pet products store, the latest models and technical innovations here, at Huella Canina, your trusted online pet store. All areas of the pets are covered in the Huella Canina hand. We offer you the best products for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, horses, fish and turtles.

At Huella Canina we offer you a close and professional treatment. We are passionate about the world of animals and we have an expert team in it, so we will also be happy to advise you so that you can choose the products that best suit the needs of your pets following our endorsed professional criteria. thanks to our experience of more than 10 years in the animal sector. Our online animal products website is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including holidays with all the customer service you need. The complete online Canine Footprint catalog

The complete online Canine Footprint catalog

The product catalog for your dogs and cats we have the most complete on the internet at Huella Canina. Discover our categories, Food, Antiparasitics, Hygiene and Care, Accessories...

Dogs :

Cats :

Rodents :

Birds :

Horses :

Fish :

Tortugas y Reptiles :

Outlet :

As you can see, in Huella Canina, you can find an extensive catalog of products for pets and other related products, both for users and professionals. With our products you will meet all the needs of your animals. We advise you! As we want to be the best pet products store, we offer delivery times in 24/48 hours with very low shipping costs. Every day we add new products to our catalog.

We work with more than 300 brands, only the best manufacturers are available in Huella Canina.

At Huella Canina you will only find the most prestigious brands, since quality is one of our fundamental pillars. We know that our customers need the confidence that the best brands of pet products provide them, which is why we refuse to offer low-quality products in our online store and only offer you products with the highest standards. of quality manufactured by the best brands in the world.

At Huella Canina, quality goes hand in hand with a good price, so that all of you, individuals or companies, can obtain the products you are looking for, your favorite brands, at the best prices and being able to carry out your projects for less money than you would pay in other online stores.

We invest a lot of time and resources in having a catalogue of products for animals that includes the best brands on the market so that our customers are always satisfied and find what they need in our online store, for us it is important that you find what you need every time you visit us.

Advantages of buying at Huella Canina

The Internet has become today one of the most useful tools we have. Its comfort, its ease of use and its great utility have made this infinite universe integrate very effectively into the routine of the vast majority of people. The world of animals has not been left behind in this technological advance and there are already pet stores in the virtual space such as Huella Canina, which offers its users endless advantages that make life a little more easy.

Among the main advantages of buying Huella Canina products, the following stand out:

Huella Canina has become a very interesting alternative, the easiest way to make all the purchases you need, whatever the time and whatever the day, without leaving home, without stress, without rushing and without extra expenses. Always finding what you need has never been easier Huella Canina, always at your disposal.

Goal of Huella Canina: Revolutionize the Purchase of Pet Products Online

One of our main goals is to humanize online shopping.

It is a challenge for us to make our customers feel the same close and human treatment that we can give them from our physical store but through our online pet store.

For this, our team of professionals at Huella Canina offers the following advantages for clients who choose us:

We have an exclusive telephone number so that you can call us, talk to us, present us with your doubts and/or questions so that our professionals can help you clarify them and give you the closest deal possible.

Is Huella Canina a pet store near my location?

In Huella Canina we serve our products with the cheapest transport prices to all cities in Spain, near you in 24/48 hours.

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