BoJack Horseman is genuinely one of the most gut-wrenching and cleverly written shows of all time. The show got darker and more intense throughout its six seasons, as BoJack Horseman (Will Arnett) struggled with his inherent self-hatred and poor choices. Some of its most praised episodes are Season 5, Episode 6, "Free Churro," where the entire episode was BoJack's eulogy at his mother's funeral. Another was Season 6, Episode 15, "The View From Halfway Down," where BoJack attends a dinner party for the dead in an unconscious state.

The episodes of BoJack Horseman that tend to get the most attention are the ones that were more experimental in style and format, and the ones that moved the plot along, as well as ones that were more devastating. However, there are many overlooked episodes that were also incredible, either because they were sad, or funny, or inventive. These are the 10 most underrated episodes of BoJack Horseman.

BoJack Horseman Netflix Poster
BoJack Horseman

Release Date
August 22, 2014
Raphael Bob-Waksberg
Will Arnett , Aaron Paul , Alison Brie , Amy Sedaris , Paul F. Tompkins
Main Genre

10 "Underground"

Season 4, Episode 7

Bojack Horseman, Mr. Peanutbutter, Diane Nguyen, Princess Carolyn, and Todd Chavez in 'Underground' in Bojack Horseman
Image via Netflix

Season 4, Episode 7, "Underground" was one of the weirdest episodes of BoJack Horseman. After Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins) had spent a chunk of the season fracking on his and Diane's house in his run for mayor. The house fell into the ground while he was hosting a fundraiser. This led to a truly disturbing turn of events as the trapped individuals slowly started to play out a version of Lord of the Flies. Jessica Biel became a cannibal cult leader who led everyone in killing and eating Zach Braff. Woodchuck Couldchuck Berkowitz lost his hands. Mr. Peanutbutter was tied up. It was anarchy.

Meanwhile, BoJack and Diane end up in the bedroom, where they had a heart-to-heart about how he disappeared from her for a year after Sarah Lynn's death. Todd and Princess Carolyn helped some bees with negotiations. This episode was one that would only have ever worked on BoJack Horseman. It was very odd and bizarre, but it worked because of the balance that the show had between celebrity satire, outlandish comedy, and serious darkness. There was also a great moment at the end, where all five main characters were on-screen together, which was very rare for BoJack Horseman.

9 "Let's Find Out"

Season 2, Episode 8

Bojack Horseman and Mr. Peanutbutter talking on 'HSACWDTKDTKTLFO' led by Daniel Radcliffe on Bojack Horseman
Image via Netflix

In Season 2, J.D. Salinger fulfilled his longtime dream with the reality game show, Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out! Mr. Peanutbutter was the host of this show, and it aired for the first time in Season 2, Episode 8, "Let's Find Out!" BoJack competed as a favor to his girlfriend Wanda, and he played against Daniel Radcliffe. This was one of the ridiculous and silly Hollywood satire concepts that only really worked in the BoJack Horseman universe, and it really paid off. It was so much fun to watch this absurd and goofy game show.

Additionally, "Let's Find Out" was a really great episode for character development. BoJack kept losing, which led to a lot of frustration for him, particularly towards Mr. Peanutbutter, as it made BoJack feel insecure. Bojack was even more frustrated when he was upstaged by Daniel Radcliffe, who did not remember meeting him. BoJack intentionally threw a Secretariat question because Wanda asked him to let Daniel win. However, Mr. Peanutbutter took it too far by bringing up Diane, so then BoJack really took things too far, leading Mr. Peanutbutter to reveal that he knew about BoJack kissing Diane in Season 1. This led to an extremely honest conversation between BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter that was really meaningful, and then a strange kiss between BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter. Then BoJack sabotaged winning money for charity just to stick it to Daniel Radcliffe.

8 "Love and/or Marriage"

Season 3, Episode 5

Todd Chavez and Emily in Bojack Horseman Todd and Emily getting cake from a buffet
Image via Netflix

In Season 3, Episode 5, "Love and/or Marriage," Secretariat premiered in theaters, and it was a hit. Initially, BoJack was really excited, and he coasted off the success with major arrogance. BoJack and Todd Chavez (Aaron Paul) end up at a hotel where a rehearsal dinner was, and Todd reunited with his ex-girlfriend from high school, Emily. BoJack insisted on crashing the party. At the rehearsal dinner, BoJack accidentally gets one of the brides to call off the wedding. In order to get her to change her mind, he was incredibly honest. "One day, you're going to look around, and you're going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you--and that is the loneliest feeling in the world."

Judah misunderstood Princess Carolyn's request, and he set her up on three dates in one night, where she met Ralph Stilton. Diane Nguyen (Alison Brie) went to a party with Alexi Brosefino and the Snatch Batch. She thought he wanted to go there for work, but really, he invited her by accident. However, Diane got high on a drug called Gush at the party, and it was absolutely hilarious to see Diane high. She was very silly and endearing, and she expressed her love for Mr. Peanutbutter and even tried to carry him. BoJack regretfully slept with Emily, which had huge consequences in later episodes.

7 "Best Thing that Ever Happened"

Season 3, Episode 9

Princess Carolyn and Bojack in the freezer of Elefante in Bojack Horseman
Image via Netflix

Season 3 saw BoJack slowly pushing away everybody who was closest to him. After Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris) ruined BoJack's chance to star in Kelsey's latest film, he was furious with her, and he decided to fire her. Princess Carolyn knew this when they met for dinner in Season 3, Episode 9, "Best Thing That Ever Happened." Thus, she spent the dinner continuously trying to stall BoJack and change his mind, until BoJack accidentally fired the head chef, Sandro, and then intentionally fired him.

Princess Carolyn picked a physical fight with BoJack in the middle of the restaurant after he was all too disrespectful, then they talked in the freezer. They had a very honest conversation where she asked if he ever loved him, and he said he did not take love. Then the chef was on fire. Princess Carolyn tried to leave to the tune of a very funny and specific song, but she could not let herself leave. In spite of BoJack firing her, Princess Carolyn stuck around anyway to help with the restaurant, because there was a food critic asking for mushroom risotto. After Princess Carolyn helped BoJack (and they got a negative Tumblr review anyway), she asked him to give her six months, but he said no.

6 "Still Broken"

Season 2, Episode 3

Bojack, Henry Winkler, Sarah Lynn, Joelle, Bradley, and Tina in Bojack Horseman at Herb's funeral
Image via Netflix

In Season 2, Episode 3, "Still Broken," everybody gathers for the funeral of Herb Kazzazz, including his close friend, Henry Winkler. This was the first time BoJack had seen Charlotte in 30 years, and it reunited the two of them. Charlotte gave BoJack her card and said to ever let her know if he was in New Mexico, which came back later on in "Escape from L.A." in a huge pay-off. BoJack was haunted by Herb's last words to him. It brought BoJack back with all his TV children, showing how all of their lives had changed for the worse since then. Sarah Lynn (Kristen Schaal) said they would not all see each other again since the next funeral, which was an ominous foreshadowing of her death in the next season.

BoJack tried to lead the kids on a scavenger hunt for Herb's gold in order to make up for his guilt. A variety of flashbacks of the kids with Herb showed him expressing kindness to them over and over again and making them feel good about themselves, even though they kept missing the point of those memories. BoJack also became suspicious that Henry Winkler might have murdered Herb, in order to distract himself from the guilt with a purpose. "There is no shame in dying for nothing. That's why most people die." BoJack admitted to Henry Winkler that he just wanted to fix things. Todd temporarily became Toad Chavay, until BoJack ruined it for him. There was also that devastating last flashback where BoJack asked if Herb was scared fame would change him, and Herb said the future was bright, pointing to a painted billboard.

5 "What Time is it Right Now"

Season 4, Episode 12

In the Season 4 finale, "What Time Is It Right Now," BoJack was still reeling from Beatrice drugging Hollyhock, and Hollyhock having to leave. He ended up doing some investigative work into her parents, and found out that Hollyhock was his father's child with Henrietta Platchkey. He was able to get the information from Hollyhock. Additionally, Princess Carolyn was afraid because she forged BoJack's signature for Philbert. However, he agreed to do it because of everything she had done for him. This was a really emotional episode and, in some ways, was a lot more uplifting than many of the other episodes. This was BoJack at his best, being selfless and kind.

This was also an important episode for the other characters. A recurring joke throughout the season had been that Todd accidentally walked on a runway, and his typical attire became the trendy thing that everyone was wearing. This joke paid off in the most touching way: when Yolanda asked Todd out, he told her that he was asexual, and then she revealed that she was too. The scene then zoomed away from Todd to reveal dozens of people around him and on the billboard, all dressed like him, to show that Todd was not alone. Meanwhile, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter tries to avoid their problems with a new house and an impulsive trip. When Mr. Peanutbutter recreated Diane's secret dream of a "Belle Room" from Beauty and the Beast, Diane was really upset. She compared their marriage to a Magic Eye poster, then burst into tears and said "But I'm so tired of squinting." This scene was the catalyst for their divorce.

4 "Stop the Presses"

Season 3, Episode 7

Ana, Bojack, Princess Carolyn, Lenny, and Diane's backs, as they stand facing a giant mirror bulletin board that reads "YOU ARE SECRETARIAT" on Bojack Horseman
Image via Netflix

In Season 3, Episode 7, "Stop the Presses," BoJack Horseman parodied newspaper subscriptions that are notoriously impossible to cancel. After Todd stopped working on his paper maché Todd head, Bojack tried to cancel his subscription to the LA Gazette, so they had him speak with The Closer. The entire episode was told through the structure of BoJack describing incidents in The Closer. The episode went through the founding of Cabracadabra, BoJack's guilt over sleeping with Emily, The Closer tried to get deep with BoJack, by asking about his fear of intimacy. This was a hilarious and clever structure for the episode.

BoJack's team tried to pick a "For Your Consideration" poster, and BoJack picked the mirror. It ended up being hilarious, because nobody else could relate to it beyond BoJack, and the giant mirror became dangerous, and eventually it led to the great pasta disaster in the season finale. Bojack struggled with his guilt about Emily, and then he hilariously found out that Margo Martinale was living in his boat while on the run from the law. Margo's story of her disappearance after the Yorba Linda incident was absolutely hilarious, as was her, "I disappeared into the role, BoJack. It's called acting? Try it sometime." BoJack tried to get to know Ana better, but he was dismayed when he followed her home and saw her as she was. Emily said that she wanted to stop working at the house, to get away from BoJack.

3 "It's You"

Season 3, Episode 10

Todd Chavez yelling at Bojack in Bojack Horseman "It's You"
Image via Netflix

In Season 3, Episode 10, "It's You," the Oscar nominations were finally announced, and Bojack was initially led to believe that he was nominated. Upon hearing it, BoJack started to spiral about still not being happy, but Ana Spanakopita (Angela Bassett) convinced him that he was special and told him a sad story about learning to stop and breathe. BoJack then went all out with a huge party and even drove the free Tesla into the pool. However, he got into a big fight with Diane. Then it was revealed that Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd replaced the nominees themselves after losing the envelope, and he was not nominated.

This is a phenomenal episode. It tends to get overshadowed by the episode after, "That's Too Much, Man!" but "It's You" is also very emotionally devastating, although not to the same extent. BoJack and Diane made it clear how well they knew each other, but they could not stop hurting each other, or get out of their own heads. Bojack was still miserable in spite of the false nomination. Todd finally stood up to BoJack upon learning the truth about him sleeping with Emily, and their friendship was forever damaged. "You are all the things that are wrong with you... It's you." Additionally, the party scene foreshadowed BoJack's eventual near-death experience in Season 6. BoJack ultimately did not cancel his subscription.

2 "The Face of Depression"

Season 6, Episode 7

For an episode called "The Face of Depression," Season 6, Episode 7 was maybe the most uplifting episode of the series. It was almost like the show giving viewers one last heartwarming and lovely episode before they ripped everything apart and made BoJack face the consequences of his actions. The episode started with BoJack returning to his house for the first time since going to rehab, but he was haunted by memories of his past, especially because Sharona was in his A.A. meeting. Diane was dealing with depression, but she was hesitant to take her prescribed medication. Princess Carolyn and Lenny wrapped up the negotiations with Judah over the Assistants' Strike. Todd was struggling to meet people because there was no one else on his asexual dating app, "All About That Ace." BoJack decided to travel around visiting people, and it ended up making for a really beautiful and moving episode.

BoJack flew to Chicago to visit Diane, where he thanked her, and then cleaned her apartment for her, before quietly leaving and expecting nothing in return. He then flew to Connecticut to visit Hollyhock. He then went back to Los Angeles to visit Princess Carolyn and ask for her help in getting the Drama Professor job at Wesleyan. BoJack encouraged Princess Carolyn to get help, so she rehired Judah, this time as COO. BoJack made amends with Sharona, and she helped him to style his hair naturally with the gray showing. BoJack recommended Todd's app to Maude, and the two later matched. Mr. Peanutbutter took BoJack to the Smithsonian, where a display of Mr. Peanutbutter's House set was there, and BoJack finally gave Mr. Peanutbutter his crossover episode. Diane got on meds. Finally, BoJack went to Old Town Horseberg, and he attended a reenactment.

1 "The Shot"

Season 2, Episode 9

Bojack Horseman and Kelsey Jannings filming the Nixon scene for Secretariat in Bojack Horseman "The Shot"
Image via Netflix

"This is the moment that Secretariat stops running. Because this is the moment you realize something inside you is broken, and it can never be fixed." In Season 2, Episode 9, "The Shot," BoJack was upset to learn that the Nixon scene was cut from Secretariat. BoJack decided to gather a group consisting of Kelsey, Mr. Peanutbutter, Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Margo Martindale, plus a cable worker named Alan, break into the Nixon Library to film the scene. This episode did a great balance of goofy heist business, with more serious character development.

Princess Carolyn thought that she wanted things to slow down, but after living out a fantasy in a painting, she realized that she preferred a faster pace. Diane, in Cordovia, realized that her boss, Sebastian, was a fraud, and she quit her job. Margo became a true criminal mastermind and fugitive from the law only shortly after getting released from prison. BoJack had always been unable to cry in front of other people. He could not cry for the scene, but he still gave a great performance. Kelsey acknowledged BoJack's talent, and then BoJack burst into tears outside by himself.

BoJack Horseman is available to stream on Netflix.

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