Mark Zuckerberg's net worth has soared over the last decade

How Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth has soared over the last decade as he turns 40

A rich man with a rich heart
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth has skyrocketed over the last decade
  • He started programming by creating simple games and communication tools
  • Mark created Facebook with his friends in 2004

Published on May 16, 2024 at 12:05PM (UTC+4)

Last updated on May 16, 2024 at 12:09PM (UTC+4)

Édité par Tom Wood

Mark Zuckerberg – the brains behind Facebook – is celebrating his 40th birthday with an impressive fortune behind him.

Over the last decade, his net worth has skyrocketed, reflecting both his visionary leadership and the social media giant’s growth.

The journey from a college dropout to one of the richest people on Earth was not an easy one.

So, let’s take a closer look at how Zuckerberg’s wealth has evolved and what factors have contributed to this incredible rise.

READ MORE: Mark Zuckerberg tests Apple Vision Pro and shares unfiltered reaction

It all began when Mark, still in middle school, started programming by creating simple games and communication tools.

He later developed Synapse Media Player using machine learning and created a communication program for his father’s dental office.

Then the day came when Facebook was born.

In 2004, Mark, along with his friends, created Facebook – although at that time it was named ‘The Facebook’.

Facebook was initially created to target the students of Harvard so they could stay connected after graduation.

But little did Mark Zuckerberg know that his simple creation to keep college friends connected would one day connect the whole world and make him a billionaire.

The story continued as Facebook expanded from Harvard to other colleges, eventually going global.

At the age of 25, Mark’s net worth was a whopping $900 million.

At 30, it soared to $26 billion; at 35, it reached $75 billion; and currently, at 40, Mark Zuckerberg stands at a net worth of around $167.1 billion.

That’s what we call success!

For some, the most impressive thing about Mark is not his staggering wealth, but the simple living and high thinking he maintains.

Of course, he has a great car collection and a top-secret Hawaii compound, but it’s hard to find someone so successful who remains so humble and down-to-earth.

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