What Are They Hiding Under the Silver Lake?

By Melissa Dykes

Mel here. I decided to record some thoughts on how I perceive this film and what I think the director has buried underneath all those codes and ciphers and pop culture references (oh my!)… deep below the surface… under the Silver Lake.

Personally, I think a lot of what viewers are being confronted with in this film regards Hollywood’s attempt to program its audience… much like dogs… Beware the dog killer… May just seem like a film review, but actually I think it’s an important message that everyone needs to hear right now.

(P.S. – Here is the link to the Matrix I/IV vid)

Source: Truthstream Media

Co-founder of Truthstream Media, I’m an investigative journalist who digs into mainstream narratives and hidden history to uncover and bring to light the real story we haven’t been told about the world around us.

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