英会話スクール・英会話教室☕Marshalおすすめのレストラン⑦ Shamaim (part 2)☕






Marshal おすすめレストラン⑦
☕️ Shamaim (part 2)
🚃 江古田駅徒歩2分

part 1をまだご覧になってない方は👉こちらから

After the wonderful main dish came dessert. For dessert, we both ordered traditional malabi. This is a light fruity milk pudding with grenadine, peanuts, and coconut crumble on top. The flavor was light and sweet, without having too much sugar in it. Along with dessert, we were lucky to have mint tea and coffee with cardamom. The coffee was quite interesting. It was similar to Turkish coffee in size and in that the coffee was ground extremely fine, and there were still some dregs left in the cup. It was slightly bitter, and the flavor was quite intense, but the aroma of cardamom made it taste sweeter. I really love this kind of coffee, and its quite rare to see it outside of these types of restaurants, so I’m really happy I got to try it. The mint tea as well was the perfect drink after such a large meal, as it was really relaxing and refreshing. Truth be told, we’ve been trying to go to this restaurant for over a year, but we weren’t able to for one reason or another. I’m glad we were finally able to check this place out. The staff was incredibly kind and welcoming as well, so this place is an easy recommendation from me.


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NOVA 川崎校
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🌼 NOVA川崎校:044-244-4711
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