Single Release: The Waverley Pickers, “#croptopnroll”

The Waverley Pickers, “#croptopnroll”

“Lace up your boots / Let’s skate into a wonderland / Where sparrows fly, and stars are free to shine / The world is so divine / If you slip out of your mind.” 

With the constant stream of new music releases hitting our email inbox, having the right combination of buzzwords in your subject line or opening statement is the key to separating yourself from the pack. When the words “cosmic country sisterhood” flashed up on my screen, well, talk about burrowing myself down a rabbit hole from which I’ve yet to resurface… 

Hailing from the absurdly isolated Rural Municipality of Waverley No. 44 in Southern Saskatchewan (pop. 422), and fronted by Kacy Lee Anderson (Kacy & Clayton), this cosmic country sisterhood are ready to rock the world of all the country music purists out there. Joined by childhood schoolmates Brenna Lynn Kuffner and Callie McCrea (along with Kacy’s song-fellow ‘Trixie’ and contributions from bandmate/second cousin Clayton Linthicum), The Waverley Pickers self-identify as “Pioneers of the Polka Protest Movement,” and shall appeal instantly to those with a feel for steel and a thang for twang. As a card-carrying member of this demographic, the release of their debut single “#croptopnroll” today finds this GDW member in a very happy place right now. 

Kacy’s distinct vocals burst from the speakers the moment you hit play, as soft and as haunting as ever, and loaded with a ton of wrought emotion. “If the weather’s kind / Would you like to make a day of it? / We could ride to the water / Let the dust roll off the tires / If Callie’s home, could she meet us on the highway? / I know a spot where the sun falls off the hill.” Now add in the rollicking keys of some ragtime-era piano, the plucky guitar notes and twang, and of course, the smooth-as-silk pedal steel, and my senses are encountering nostalgic cosmic country overload of epic proportions. Who needs a caffeine fix or sugar high today when you have music like this? 

The Waverley Pickers

Per the band’s press release: “[Their] otherworldly sound brims over with notes of principle and promise, carried on a discerning wind as it sweeps over the faraway lands in Southern Saskatchewan from which they hail” – I couldn’t have said it better myself. If you are a sucker for that old vintage charm of classic country music, The Waverley Pickers are raring to take you on a journey down those dusty dirt roads where the genre’s timeless themes of love, joy, pain, and sorrow can all be found. Hungry for more? Fear not, the band’s highly anticipated debut album, “Early Hits,” is coming soon. 

Several years ago, I proudly declared the province of Saskatchewan to be the Nashville of the North, and upon hearing this amazing tune here today, I refuse to step down anytime soon from my soapbox. Following Kacy’s final lines, “This world is so divine / If you slip out of your mind,” the simple singular piano note and pair of guitar strums bring this one to a rapid close, and likely guarantees a future abusive relationship with your repeat button. As a long-time devotee to Kacy’s music, this latest project taps into something both magical and mystical – but don’t just take my word for it – The Waverley Pickers are already receiving plenty of praise and endorsements from some major players within the music community. Check out these quotes below, and then go spin this one some more…you deserve it.  

I would be in the band !!Travis Good (The Sadies) 

Anywhere The Waverley Pickers are – now that’s what I want to be. They’ve got something to say, and I’m listening.” Greg Keelor (Blue Rodeo) 

For a band to have so much collective personality is really rare.” Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) 

Photo credit: Artist website

The British guy that crossed the ocean and crash landed in central Pennsylvania (to quote Greg Keelor, “And I wonder what am I doing here?”). As the youngest of four siblings, exposure to music from a very early age nurtured my passion and appreciation for many musical genres. Continuing to discover some amazingly diverse and talented musicians based in Canada, I gravitate to live music experiences and remain devoted to spreading the word about such a vibrant music scene.

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