Director, writer, producer... is there anything John Hughes couldn't do? Having applied his talents to numerous iconic movies across the 80s and 90s, from Pretty in Pink to Home Alone, Hughes has rightfully earned himself a place amongst the greats in the annals of cinema history. With a legacy that will live forever, Hughes was honored by the Academy after his untimely passing in 2009.

However, Hughes only ever directed eight movies, a remarkable feat considering his large footprint in modern pop culture. More famed for his producing and writing work, with the latter his greatest export, it can come as a surprise to learn that his directing ventures were low in quantity but certainly not low in quality. All 8 movies directed by John Hughes are seminal entries into the very fabric of the 1980s, and while some are stronger than others, they all contributed a great deal to American cinema.

8 'She's Having a Baby' (1988)

Starring: Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth McGovern, Alec Baldwin

Kristy smiles while Jake looks scared in their wedding photo in She's Having a Baby
Image via Paramount Pictures

A cameo in Planes, Trains and Automobiles wasn't enough for the iconic Kevin Bacon and Hughes, with the Golden Globe winner starring in She's Having a Baby just one year later. It follows Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern as the newly married couple Jake and Kristy Briggs. Soon, the realities of marital life come crashing down at full speed, with the pressures of living up to their parents, friends, and expectations proving a lot to handle.

By this point in his career, Hughes was a household name not just for his style but his ability to portray the realities of many people's lives. Although married life may seem like a breeze from the outside, no journey is without its obstacles, and She's Having a Baby explores those obstacles in Hughes' typical comedic fashion. Bacon and McGovern are believable in the lead roles, finding the nuance between a pair that love each other and sometimes find it difficult to be in the same room. As far as Hughes's movies go, this isn't going to win any awards, but it still stands as 106 minutes of fun.

She's Having a Baby
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Not available

Release Date
February 5, 1988
Kevin Bacon , Elizabeth McGovern , Alec Baldwin , Holland Taylor
106 minutes
John Hughes

7 'Curly Sue' (1991)

Starring: Jim Belushi, Kelly Lynch, Alisan Porter

Bill and Curly Sue eating corn in Curly Sue
Image via Warner Bros.

Steve Carell makes his acting debut (credited as Steven Carell) as Tesio in Curly Sue, a story about a homeless pair that simply seeks enough to eat. Bill Dancer (Jim Belusci) and his young companion, the titular Curly Sue (Alisan Porter), don't want to scam anyone out of their life savings, instead wishing to make just enough money to survive. However, their lives change when a simple scam captures the heart of Grey Ellison (Kelly Lynch), with the trio forming an unlikely bond born from both deception and love.

The ensemble in Curly Sue is the stand out, with young Porter impressing so much that she won the Best Young Actress award at the 1993 Young Artists Awards. By bringing representation to a homeless population often overlooked, especially by proving that circumstance doesn't change a person's morals, Curly Sue becomes a more socially conscious film than many may expect from Hughes, although his typical sprinkle of comedic stardust is clear throughout each scene.

Curly Sue
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Not available

Release Date
October 24, 1991
James Belushi , Kelly Lynch , Alisan Porter , John Getz , Fred Dalton Thompson , Cameron Thor
101 minutes
John Hughes

6 'Uncle Buck' (1989)

Starring: John Candy, Amy Madigan, Laurie Metcalf, Macaulay Culkin

Uncle Buck smiling while holding a drill in Uncle Buck
Image via Universal Pictures

When John Candy was let loose, there was no funnier man on the planet. Uncle Buck stars the comedian in the titular role of the man tasked with babysitting his brother's kids, with his laidback nature suggesting he may not be up to the challenge. However, throughout their time together, a bond forms, with Buck's true soft nature and the kids' kind hearts becoming clearer, leading to a dynamic once thought impossible.

The epitome of a heartwarming movie, Uncle Buck features some of the era's best comedic actors, from Candy to Macaulay Culkin. From the wacky set pieces to the slow breaking of the rebellious shell of Tia (Jean Louisa Kelly), many factors point towards Uncle Buck's success, but it is simply Candy's charming and unleashed lead performance that places this as one of both his and Hughes' most enjoyable movies.

Uncle Buck Movie Poster-1
Uncle Buck
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Release Date
August 16, 1989
John Candy , Jean Louisa Kelly , Gaby Hoffmann , Macaulay Culkin , Amy Madigan , Elaine Bromka
100 minutes
John Hughes

5 'Weird Science' (1985)

Starring: Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, Kelly LeBrock

Lisa posing with her hand on her waist in Weird Science
Image via Universal Pictures

One of Hughes's most enigmatic films, Weird Science follows the teenage pair of Gary Wallace (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt Donnelly (Ilan Mitchell-Smith), who are unpopular at school. Looking for any way to get noticed, they decide to create a woman on their computer. They succeed, and Lisa (Kelly LeBrock) thrusts them into the world of adulthood with a range of challenges ready to turn them into "men."

Although some of the film's theming may have aged poorly, Weird Science still stands as an almighty jumble of fun, with both Hall and Mitchell-Smith's energetic lead performances bursting through the screen. Weird Science feels like a movie bathed in the decade it was made in, with everything from the color and the soundtrack to the dialogue and the costume a wonderful slice of a decade that many fondly remember as Hughes' wackiest and most shameless efforts.

weird sciene poster
Weird Science
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Not available

Release Date
August 1, 1985
Anthony Michael Hall , Kelly LeBrock , Ilan Mitchell-Smith , Bill Paxton , Suzanne Snyder , Judie Aronson
John Hughes

4 'Sixteen Candles' (1984)

Starring: Molly Ringwald, Paul Dooley, Justin Henry, Anthony Michael Hall

Sam and Jake about to kiss above a lit cake in Sixteen Candles
Image via Universal Pictures

The partnership of Molly Ringwald and Hughes is one of cinema's best, with Sixteen Candles perhaps their greatest collaboration. With her birthday forgotten by her friends and family and the love of her life not even recognizing her, 16-year-old Samantha (Ringwald) feels like her luck is out. With her venture into adulthood on the horizon, Samantha must battle awkward parents, broken friendships, and a feeling of invisibility to come of age and become the woman she had always dreamed of.

One of the quintessential teen movies of the 1980s that is now over forty years old, the dreamy Sixteen Candles set the standard for many similar films that came after it. It beautifully summarizes the anxieties and chaos of this time in a young person's life, ebbing and flowing between tender and hilarious. Ringwald, in particular, delivers her finest performance to date, crafting a unique and effortlessly endearing heroine that somehow captures every universal feeling of doubt and insecurity that one experiences in high school.

Sixteen Candles
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Release Date
May 4, 1984
Molly Ringwald , Justin Henry , Michael Schoeffling , Haviland Morris , Gedde Watanabe , Anthony Michael Hall
John Hughes

3 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' (1987)

Starring: Steve Martin, John Candy, Laila Robins

Neal Page and Del Griffin sit next to each other on a freezing cold morning.
Image via Paramount Pictures

When two comedic legends collide, genius ensues. Steve Martin and Candy star in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, a road trip movie where Martin's Neal Page, a marketing executive from Chicago, cannot catch his flight due to bad weather. Along with shower-curtain-ring salesman Del (Candy), Neal must find other often absurd ways of getting back for Thanksgiving.

The charisma and chemistry of Martin and Candy are the shoulders upon which this movie rises, with their hilarious bickering and genius comedic timing making for an unforgettable cinematic experience. Like the legendary comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, the irreverent Martin and Candy seamlessly work together, creating iconic moments that have long lived in the minds of the movie's fans. Planes, Trains and Automobiles isn't just a retrospective success, but it also smashed the global box office during its first run, more than tripling its $15 million budget. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is a bonafide Thanksgiving classic and one of Hughes' most enjoyable efforts, a comedy that keeps on giving.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Release Date
November 26, 1987
Steve Martin , John Candy , Laila Robins , Michael McKean , Kevin Bacon , Dylan Baker
John Hughes

2 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' (1986)

Starring: Matthew Broderick, Mia Sara, Alan Ruck

Ferris Bueller laying back and smiling in 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off.'
Image via Paramount Pictures

The movie that inspired a generation of truants, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is exactly what it says on the tin, with Matthew Broderick's titular Ferris going to extraordinary lengths to pull off his day off school. As somewhat of a legend at his school, Bueller inspires those around him to join in, pulling along best friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) and his girlfriend, Sloane (Mia Sara), along for the ride.

Hughes' understanding of the angst and dreams of high school students was unmatched, with this iconic tale providing the perfect escapism for the teenagers of 1986. Broderick became the spokesman for an entire generation, embodying the carefree, effortlessly charming behavior many wished they could pull off. From the ever-quotable one-liners to the unforgettable fourth-wall break, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is brimming with moments that have stood the test of time, with even the most 1980s-infused scenes still feeling gorgeously relatable to this day.

Ferris Buellers Day Off Film Poster
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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Release Date
June 11, 1986
Matthew Broderick , Alan Ruck , Mia Sara , Jeffrey Jones , Jennifer Grey , Cindy Pickett
103 minutes
John Hughes

1 'The Breakfast Club' (1985)

Starring: Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy

The main cast of The Breakfast Club’ sitting on a bannister side by side.
Image via Universal Pictures

The Breakfast Club follows a group of five high school students, each fitting a distinctive stereotype, who are collected by Richard Vernon (Paul Gleason) and placed into Saturday detention. There, the students are bemused by the frustrating differences of those they must spend their day with. However, as time passes, stereotypes are unpacked and common ground is found as the five become unlikely friends and even share their darkest secrets.

A movie that touches the hearts of all who watch it, The Breakfast Club is a champion of friendship despite identity. Each central character is judged by not just each other but the audience themselves, leading to a journey of discovery for the protagonists that mirrors the audience's experience with the film. Whether they're the criminal, the brain, the jock, or something else entirely, The Breakfast Club encourages its audience to burst out of the confinement of their label and become, simply, a friend. Hughes' script contains some of the most tender and relatable lines of dialogue ever given to a teenager on the brink of young adulthood. One of the all-time best coming-of-age movies, The Breakfast Club's success is highlighted by its inclusion as number 38 in Empire magazine's 2014 list of the 300 Greatest Movies of All Time.

The Breakfast Club Film Poster
The Breakfast Club
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Release Date
February 15, 1985
Emilio Estevez , Judd Nelson , Molly Ringwald , Ally Sheedy , Paul Gleason , Anthony Michael Hall
97 minutes
John Hughes

NEXT: The 10 Biggest Jerks in John Hughes Movies, Ranked