When is Mother's Day? How it started and where it's celebrated

When is Mother's Day? Why we celebrate it in May

Jordan Green
Memphis Commercial Appeal

It is almost time for Mother's Day, and before you know it, Father's Day will be creeping up too.

These two holidays include celebrations, gifts and quality time with your loved ones, so it is best to plan ahead. For both fathers and mothers, it is a time to be spoiled and also spoil your parents in return.

Here are the dates for these two holidays along with a little history about the two holidays.

When is Mother's Day?

This year, Mother's Day falls on Sunday, May 12.

Depending where you are in the world, Mother's day may be on a different day than it is in the United States.

In the United Kingdom, Mother's Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent which is also known as "Mothering Sunday." Thailand celebrates Mother's Day on August 12 as it is the birthday of former Queen Sirikit.

Countries like Japan, Italy and Brazil all celebrate Mother's Day like the U.S. on the second Sunday of May.

When is Father's Day?

This year, Father's Day falls on Sunday, June 16.

Father's Day, like Mother's Day, varies depending on the country.

In Italy, the holiday is celebrated on Mar. 19 along with the feast day of St. Joseph. South Korea celebrates both holidays on May 8 which is known as Parents' Day.

Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as the U.S. in France, Canada and Ireland.

When was the first Mother's Day?

Mother's Day has an ancient history dating back to the Greeks and Romans, according to the History Channel. There were even early Christian celebrations with a festival called "Mothering Sunday."

The modern Mother's Day came about in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson established the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. A large part of this established date came from the work of Anna Jarvis. Jarvis was the daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis who created the Mother's Day Work Clubs.

According to the History Channel, when her mother died in 1905, Jarvis sought to create a holiday that honored the "sacrifices mothers made for their children." Three years later, in May 1908, Jarvis organized the first official Mother's Day celebration at a church in West Virginia.

When was the first Father's Day?

Father's Day was largely inspired by its other half, Mother's Day. Originally, the two holidays were on the same day per President Wilson's designation.

According to the History Channel, Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington wished to create a similar holiday that celebrated fathers. This led her to have the first celebration of Father's Day on June 19, 1910. Despite its early celebrations, it took a while before it was made an official, permanent holiday.

In 1916, President Wilson recognized the holiday. It was in 1966 that President Lyndon B. Johnson made the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers. President Johnson was the one who designated the day to be on the third Sunday in June. President Richard Nixon would eventually be the one to sign the holiday into law in 1972.