10 forgotten romances in WWE

10 forgotten romances in WWE

WWE: There are some popular pairings in the company that were tried to get the attention from the fans. While some of them were known, others have been forgotten.

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A male and a female wrestler are often paired up to give a limelight to both wrestlers. While some of them have unique purposes, others do not have a major purpose. Most of them end in breakup for obvious reasons. Some of the romance stories have helped the individuals to elevate them by a notch. On the other hand, some of the romance stories were not well received by the fans.

In the PG Era, such instances have been lesser. However, in the Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era, such things saw a massive success. Some such stories elevated the careers of both the wrestlers. In some cases, there were multiple wrestlers in love with each other. While some of them are popular among the fans due to the execution, others are not remembered by the fans due to low impact.

Here are some of the WWE romances that are forgotten by fans -

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Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim

Daniel Bryan

Thw story between Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim was rather comedic. It was to show that an 'average' person like Bryan could be liked by millions of Divas. Nikki and Brie Bella were already rejected by Bryan. The story of Kim and Daniel did not do any good either. It came out as a forgettable experience for the fans. However, Bryan got the much needed breakthrough after the story due to his story with AJ Lee.

Kane and Terri Runnels


Kane had a brief storyline with Terri Runnels in 2002. It was demonstrated to show that apart from wreaking havoc, Kane could also be a romantic person. The story ended during Kane's feud with Triple H. 'The Game' put on a promo where the demise of Katie Wick was shown. Much like other stories, this was not liked by the fans either. Triple H won the feud due to the mental strategy over the physical strategy.

John Cena and Maria

John Cena and Maria

John Cena and Maria had a story that is not remembered by the fans for obvious reasons. After John Cena came out of the story against Edge and Lita, Umaga attacked him with Eric Bischoff to his aid. As a support to Cena, in came Maria and had a brief relationship. The duo did kiss each other which would have probably pleased Vince. But there was no purpose of the story whatsoever. 

Derrick Bateman and Kaitilyn and Johnny Curtis and Maxine

Derrick Bateman

It was a storyline from NXT TakeOver Redemption. Most of its stories were rather written by the wrestlers themselves with the creative team showing no interest whatsoever. Derrick Bateman and Kaitilyn were the faces while Johnny Curtis and Maxine were the heel pairs. Together, they had a story of a tag romance partners. As Triple H was to take over the creative, the story had to end abruptly.

Sunny and Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn

Sunny and Billy Gunn were in a story in 1996. It was a period when tag team division was not cared at all. To give limelight to the division, Billy Gunn was projected to be interested in Sunny. Though the latter did not seem to be too interested, sue to the tag title he had, she accepted the proposal. After he lost the title, Sunny moved away from him. Sunny later on became popular and the story wasn't revisited.

Viscera and Lillian Garcia


Viscera and Lillian Garcia were involved in a storyline during 2005. It was inspired by a Vince Russo type storyline. The story did not turn out to be that good as the payoff was not liked by the fans. Neither did it do any good to the individuals themselves. It was set to elevate the character of 'Big Daddy V' aka Viscera. Unfortunately, the wrestler-announcer story was a flop.

Carlito and Trish Stratus


Carlito and Trish Stratus were paired up to elevate the former. Trish was already ab established star and Carlito being the mid-carder needed a push. The story was rather one of those rare useful ones, as it did elevate Carlito. He got a title shot at Randy Orton, which he eventually lost. Stratus left the company after being the world champion. Carlito was never pushed again.

Ted Dibiase and Maryse

Ted Dibiase

Ted Dibiase was labeled as a great talent by the fans. However, he did not get enough push from the creative team. To give him an attention from the fans, Maryse was paired up to show he can be useful. It was yet another flopped plan as Ted could not be related by the fans. Maryse was a charm but overdid her character. Not many remember this storyline from 2010.

John Cena and Mickie James 


John Cena and Mickie James were allegedly in a relationship before their stint in WWE. Vince used it as a perfect opportunity to pair them up in a story. The story had its moments and the fans did like it for a brief stint. But with it turning out to be a same old sh*t, WWE moved out. Rumors are that Mickie was drafted to Smackdown due to the past relationship she had that was not bearable.

Randy Orton and Kelly Kelly

Randy Orton

The story between Randy Orton and Kelly Kelly showed why the women's division did not mean anything before the actual revolution in the mid 2010s. Kelly was reduced of a one night stand material. The story happened for a brief period in 2008. Randy openly claimed that he uses her for a night and felt it was not good. He texted her saying that there is no room for their relationship anymore. Absolutely meaningless!

WWE Randy Orton John Cena Daniel Bryan